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Prices of energy commodities down 24.2 percent since November 2014 

December 17, 2015
Over the 12 months ending November 2015, the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.5 percent (not seasonally adjusted). Prices of energy commodities, which includes gasoline, propane, and kerosene, decreased 24.2 percent; these commodities made up about 3.7 percent of consumer spending. Full Text »
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Monthly Labor Review

A century of the Monthly Labor Review: projections and prognostications  
John C. Roach


Beyond the Numbers

Consumer expenditures vary by age

This article uses 2013 CE data to examine the relationship between age and consumer expenditures. This relationship is important because the aging of the baby-boom generation will influence the overall level and composition of consumer spending in the years to come.
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  1. In 2014, North Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota were the states with the highest employment–population ratios, all above __________.

    • 72 percent
    • 70 percent
    • 68 percent
    • 66 percent

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