Albany County man imprisoned for 11th DWUI conviction

2014-10-28T13:30:00Z 2014-10-28T19:31:11Z Albany County man imprisoned for 11th DWUI convictionThe Associated Press The Associated Press
October 28, 2014 1:30 pm  • 

LARAMIE — An Albany County man has been sentenced to up to 7 years in prison after his 11th conviction for driving while under the influence of alcohol.

Jose Romero expressed regret for his decisions on Thursday and told the judge he'd had a lifelong struggle with alcoholism.

District Court Judge Jeffrey Donnell told Romero he didn't question Romero's good intentions. However, he pointed to the man's 15 pages of criminal history relating to alcohol, including 10 previous DWUI convictions.

The charges stem from an incident in June when Romero ran his pickup into his neighbor's parked vehicle after drinking.

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(2) Comments

  1. HarlyD
    Report Abuse
    HarlyD - 22 hours ago
    11 times he got busted, I'm sure there were hundreds of times he didn't get caught.
  2. VOR
    Report Abuse
    VOR - October 28, 2014 3:55 pm
    Eleventh?!? Eleven opportunities to have injured or killed somebody.
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