Thomas Sowell

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Thomas Sowell
New Social Economics
Born June 30, 1930 (1930-06-30) (age 81)
Gastonia, North Carolina
Nationality American
Institution Hoover Institution (1980–present)
UCLA (1970–1972, 1974–1980)
Urban Institute (1972–1974)
Brandeis University (1969–1970)
Cornell University (1965–1969)
Field Economics, Education, Politics, History, Race relations, Child development
Influences Milton Friedman, George Stigler, F. A. Hayek
Influenced Clarence Thomas, Milton Friedman, Steven Pinker
Awards Military Service: United States Marine Corps, Corporal, Francis Boyer Award, National Humanities Medal, Bradley Prize, getAbstract International Book Award

Thomas Sowell (born June 30, 1930) is an American economist, social theorist, political philosopher, and author. A National Humanities Medal winner, he advocates laissez-faire economics and writes from a conservative and libertarian perspective. He is currently a Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

Sowell was born in North Carolina, but grew up in Harlem, New York. He dropped out of high school, and served in the United States Marine Corps during the Korean War. He had received a bachelor's degree from Harvard University in 1958 and a master's degree from Columbia University in 1959. In 1968, he earned his doctorate degree in economics from the University of Chicago.

Sowell has served on the faculties of several universities, including Cornell and University of California, Los Angeles, and worked for think tanks such as the Urban Institute. Since 1980 he has worked at the Hoover Institution. He is the author of more than 30 books.

[edit] Biography

An African-American, Sowell was born in Gastonia, North Carolina. His father died shortly before he was born, and his mother, a house maid, already had four children. A great-aunt and her two grown daughters adopted Sowell and raised him.[1] In his autobiography, A Personal Odyssey, he said his childhood encounters with white people were so limited that he did not believe blond was really a hair color.[2] When Sowell was nine, his family moved from Charlotte, North Carolina to Harlem, New York City. He attended Stuyvesant High School, the first in his family to study beyond the sixth grade. However, he was forced to drop out at age 17 because of financial difficulties and problems in his home.[1] He worked at a number of jobs, including at a machine shop and as a delivery man for Western Union,[3] and tried out for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1948.[4] Sowell was drafted in 1951, during the Korean War, and was assigned to the Marine Corps. Because of his experience in photography, he was assigned as a photographer, but he also trained Marines in .45 caliber pistol proficiency.[1]

After his discharge, Sowell worked a civil service job in Washington, D.C. and attended night classes at Howard University, admitted on the basis of his General Education certificate. His high scores on the College Board exams and recommendations by two professors helped him gain admission to Harvard University, where he graduated magna cum laude in 1958 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics.[1][5] He received a Master of Arts from Columbia University the following year, and a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago in 1968.[5]

Sowell had initially chosen Columbia University to study under George Stigler (who would later receive the Nobel Prize in Economics). When he learned that Stigler had moved to the University of Chicago, he followed him there.[6]

Sowell has taught economics at Howard University, Rutgers, Cornell, Brandeis University, Amherst College, and UCLA. Since 1980 he has been a Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he holds a fellowship named after Rose and Milton Friedman, his mentor.[5][7]

In 1987, Sowell testified in favor of federal appeals court judge Robert Bork during the hearings for Bork's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. In his testimony, Sowell said that Bork was "the most highly qualified nominee of this generation" and that judicial activism, a concept that Bork opposed, "has not been beneficial to minorities."[8]

Sowell has stated that he was a Marxist “during the decade of my 20s"; one of his earliest professional publications was a sympathetic examination of Marxist thought vs. Marxist-Leninist practice.[9] His experience working as a federal government intern during the summer of 1960 caused him to reject Marxian economics in favor of free market economic theory. During his work, Sowell discovered a correlation between the rise of mandated minimum wages for workers in the sugar industry of Puerto Rico and the rise of unemployment in that industry. Studying the patterns led Sowell to theorize that the government employees who administered the minimum wage law cared more about their own jobs than the plight of the poor.[10]

[edit] Writings

Sowell is both a syndicated columnist and an academic economist.

Besides scholarly writing, Sowell has written books, articles, and syndicated columns for a general audience in such publications as Forbes Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, and major newspapers. He is a regular contributor to GOPUSA, a conservative web and email newsletter run by Endeavor Media Group, LLC. He primarily writes on economic subjects, generally advocating a free market approach to capitalism. Sowell, whose autobiography describes his serious study of Brady McGarry, opposes Marxism, providing a critique in his book Marxism: Philosophy and Economics.

Sowell also writes on racial topics and is a critic of affirmative action and race based quotas.[11][12] While often described as a black conservative, he prefers not to be labeled, and considers himself more libertarian than conservative.[13]

In another departure from economics, Sowell wrote The Einstein Syndrome: Bright Children Who Talk Late, a follow-up to his Late-Talking Children. This book investigates the phenomenon of late-talking children, frequently misdiagnosed with autism or pervasive developmental disorder. He includes the research of—among others—Professor Stephen Camarata, Ph.D., of Vanderbilt University and Professor Steven Pinker, Ph.D., of Harvard University in this overview of a poorly understood developmental trait. It is a trait which he says affected many historical figures. He includes famous late-talkers such as physicists Albert Einstein, Edward Teller and Richard Feynman; mathematician Julia Robinson; and musicians Arthur Rubenstein and Clara Schumann. The book and its contributing researchers make a case for the theory that some children develop unevenly (asynchronous development) for a period in childhood due to rapid and extraordinary development in the analytical functions of the brain. This may temporarily “rob resources” from neighboring functions such as language development. The book contradicts Simon Baron-Cohen’s speculation that Einstein may have had Asperger syndrome (see also people speculated to have been autistic).

Themes of Sowell’s writing range from social policy on race, ethnic groups, education and decision-making, to classical and Marxist economics, to the problems of children perceived as having disabilities.

In Intelligence and Ethnicity, Sowell argues that IQ gaps are hardly startling or unusual between, or within, ethnic groups. He notes that the roughly 15-point gap in contemporary black–white IQ scores is similar to that between the national average and the scores of particular ethnic white groups in years past.

Sowell has also written a trilogy of books on ideologies and political positions, including A Conflict of Visions where he speaks about the origins of political strife, The Vision of the Anointed, where he compares the conservative/libertarian and liberal/progressive worldviews,The Quest for Cosmic Justice, where, like in many of his other writings, he outlines the his thesis of the need for intellectuals, politicians and leaders to fix and perfect the world in utopian, and ultimately he posits, disastrous fashions. Separate from the trilogy, but also in discussion of the subject,he wrote Intellectuals and Society, where he discusses what he argues to be the blind hubris and follies of intellectuals in a variety of areas, building on his earlier work.

Sowell takes strong issue with the notion of government as a helper or savior of minorities, arguing that the historical record shows quite the opposite.

Sowell also challenges the notion that black progress is due to progressive government programs or policies, in The Economics and Politics of Race, (1983), Ethnic America (1981), Affirmative Action (2004), and other books. He claims that many problems identified with blacks in modern society are hardly unique in terms of American ethnic groups, nor in terms of a rural proletariat swept by disruption as it became urbanized, discussed in his book, Black Rednecks and White Liberals.

In Affirmative Action Around the World[14] Sowell holds that affirmative action covers most of the American population, particularly women, and has long since ceased to be directed towards blacks.

[edit] Columns

Sowell has a nationally syndicated column distributed by Creators Syndicate that appears in various newspapers, as well as online on websites such as Townhall, WorldNetDaily, OneNewsNow and the Jewish World Review.[15]

Sowell comments on issues he considers to be problematic in modern-day society, which include liberal media bias;[16] judicial activism (while staunchly defending originalism);[17][18][19][20][21] partial birth abortion;[22] the minimum wage; socializing health care; government undermining of familial autonomy; affirmative action; government [23] bureaucracy; militancy in U.S. foreign policy; the U.S. war on drugs, and multiculturalism.[24]

Sowell supports free market and pro-growth economics. In one column he criticized as socialism for the rich certain policies which he describes as benefiting the wealthy at the expense of the poor.[25]

Sowell in a Townhall editorial, "The Bush Legacy," assessed President George W. Bush, deeming him "a mixed bag," but "an honorable man."[26]

Sowell also favors decriminalization of all drugs.[27]

In November, 2011, a column fiercely critical of "Obama's America" and falsely attributed to Sowell was circulated on the Internet.[28]

[edit] Critical reception

[edit] Awards

In 1990, he won the Francis Boyer Award, presented by the American Enterprise Institute. In 1998 he received the Sydney Hook Award from the National Association of Scholars.[29] In 2002, Sowell was awarded the National Humanities Medal for prolific scholarship melding history, economics, and political science. In 2003, he was awarded the Bradley Prize for intellectual achievement.[30] In 2004 he was given a Lysander Spooner Award for his book Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One.[31] In 2008, getAbstract awarded his book Economic Facts and Fallacies with its International Book Award.

[edit] Political views

Sowell has been criticized for various remarks such as a comparison he made between President Barack Obama and Adolf Hitler in an editorial for Investor's Business Daily[32] after the creation of a relief fund for the BP oil spill. This has been criticized by liberal groups such as Media Matters[33] and the Democratic National Committee.[34] However, Republicans such as Sarah Palin[34] and Representative Louie Gohmert[35] have endorsed Sowell's comparison. Sowell was also criticized for an editorial in which he stated that the Democratic Party played the Race card, instigating ethnic divisions and separatism, and argued that a similar situation occurred between the Tutsis and the Hutus in Rwanda.[36][37]

[edit] Economics

The Economist magazine praised Sowell's books Affirmative Action Around the World as "terse, well argued and utterly convincing" and "crammed with striking anecdotes and statistics"[38] and Economic Facts and Fallacies: "Mr Sowell marshals his arguments with admirable clarity and authority. There is not a chapter in which he does not produce a statistic that both surprises and overturns received wisdom."[39]

The Nobel Prize winning economist Amartya Sen reached conclusions inconsistent with Sowell's research of price gouging.[40]

Reviewing Sowell's 1984 book Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality?, University of Chicago sociologist William Julius Wilson said that Sowell did not explore "reasonable alternative explanations and hypotheses" in his critiques of affirmative action. For instance, regarding Sowell's theory that women are underrepresented in fields like law and engineering because of the heavy responsibilities of marriage such as childrearing and other household work: "A plausible alternative to Mr. Sowell's hypothesis on women's pay differentials and occupational segregation is that women are virtually excluded from many desirable positions and therefore crowd into obtainable occupations."[41] Sowell since then has written on affirmative action in an international context to address such criticisms in two books (Preferential Policies, Affirmative Action Around the World) and has written about pay differentials and occupational segregation in Economic Facts and Fallacies.

[edit] Career highlights

[edit] Books by Sowell

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d Graglia, Nino A. (Winter 2001). "Profile in courage". Hoover Institution Newsletter. Hoover Institution. Archived from the original on September 9, 2005. 
  2. ^ Sowell, A Personal Odyssey, p. 6.
  3. ^ Sowell, A Personal Odyssey, pp. 47, 58, 59, 62.
  4. ^ Nordlinger, Jay. "Brains and Nerve". National Review. Retrieved 2011-02-03. 
  5. ^ a b c Sowell, Thomas. "Curriculum vita". Retrieved January 6, 2011. 
  6. ^ "Charlie Rose - September 15, 1995". Retrieved 2010-04-06. 
  7. ^ "Thomas Sowell". Hoover Institution. Retrieved January 6, 2011. 
  8. ^ Greenhouse, Linda (September 26, 1987). "Legal Establishment Divided Over Bork Nomination". The New York Times. Retrieved November 18, 2011.  Video of Sowell's testimony at C-SPAN
  9. ^ Sowell, Thomas (1963). “Karl Marx and the Freedom of the Individual,” Ethics 73:2, p 120.
  10. ^ Elizabeth, Mary (1999-11-10). "Black and right". Retrieved 2010-04-06. 
  11. ^ "''''". Retrieved 2010-04-06. 
  12. ^ "''''". Retrieved 2010-04-06. 
  13. ^ Sawhill R. (1999) “Black and right: Thomas Sowell talks about the arrogance of liberal elites and the loneliness of the black conservative.” Accessed May 6, 2007.
  14. ^ Sowell, Thomas (2004-10-30). "Affirmative Action around the World | Hoover Institution". Retrieved 2011-01-30. 
  15. ^ "Thomas Sowell". 2009-11-06. Retrieved 2011-05-30. 
  16. ^ "Thomas Sowell, Conservative, Political News". Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  17. ^ "Judicial Activism Reconsidered". Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  18. ^ "Thomas Sowell, Conservative, Political News". Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  19. ^ "Thomas Sowell, Conservative, Political News". Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  20. ^ "Conservative Columnists and Political Commentary". Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  21. ^ "Thomas Sowell, Conservative, Political News". Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  22. ^ Sowell, Thomas. "Thomas Sowell : 'Partial truth' abortion". Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  23. ^ "getAbstract International Book Award". getAbstract. Retrieved July 22, 2011. 
  24. ^
  25. ^ "Thomas Sowell". Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  26. ^ Thomas Sowell (16 January 2009), The Bush Legacy,, 
  27. ^ Sowell, Thomas (1987); Compassion versus guilt, and other essays; ISBN 0688071147.
  28. ^
  29. ^ Jim Nelson Black (2004). "Freefall of the American university". Nashville WND Books.
  30. ^ Thomas Sowell. "Hoover Institution - Fellows - Thomas Sowell". Retrieved 2010-03-12. 
  31. ^ "Hoover Fellow Thomas Sowell Receives Lysander Spooner Award for Applied Economics".
  32. ^ Is U.S. Now On Slippery Slope To Tyranny? Investor Business Daily.
  33. ^ Sowell falsely claims Obama essentially "confiscated" $20 billion from BP and compares Obama to Hitler"
  34. ^ a b "Sarah Palin praises column linking Obama, Hitler", Politico
  35. ^ "Gohmert Endorses Sowell's Hitler Comparison", The Washington Monthly
  36. ^ Race and Politics,
  37. ^ Media Matters
  38. ^ "Advantages for the advantaged", The Economist 371 (8380): p. 83, June 19, 2004, 
  39. ^ "A black and white case". The Economist. January 3, 2008. Retrieved July 22, 2011. 
  40. ^ Amartya Sen Poverty and Famines. An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation (Oxford) 1981
  41. ^ Wilson, William Julius (June 24, 1984). "Hurting the Disadvantaged". The New York Times. Retrieved January 5, 2011. 

[edit] External links

[edit] Articles and interviews

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