How to Link Directly to an Individual Tweet

Did you know you can link to a Tweet just like you do to a webpage? Every Tweet has its own URL that you can bookmark or share with friends.

How to find a Tweet's URL:

  1. Locate the Tweet anywhere on
  2. Click on the Tweet (you can click anywhere in the Tweet). The Tweet will expand to a slightly larger size and will have more information on the bottom about when that Tweet was posted.
  3. Click on Details next to the Tweet's timestamp. (This link does not expire, except if the Tweet is deleted.)
  4. Copy the URL that shows up in your browser's address bar.
  5. Paste the URL in a message to anyone with whom you want to share the Tweet.

Whenever you view a Tweet's permanent link, you can see:

  • The exact time and date the Tweet was posted.
  • The number of favorites and retweets the Tweet received.

Having trouble?

Read our Tweet & DM Troubleshooting section for solutions to common problems.