Looking at history

The Dead Sea Scrolls are now available online. You can search by language, by content, by site the scroll was found… how freaking cool is that?

I love technology. I love the internet.

THIS is why the internet was born. Go ahead, amateur Torah students. Read a Torah scroll from 2,300 years ago.

About 230 manuscripts are referred to as “biblical Scrolls”. These are copies of works that are now part of the Hebrew Bible. They already held a special status in the Second Temple period, and were considered to be vessels of divine communication. Evidence suggests that the Scrolls’ contemporary communities did not have a unified conception of an authoritative collection of scriptural works. The idea of a closed biblical “canon” only emerged later in the history of these sacred writings.

Among the Scrolls are partial or complete copies of every book in the Hebrew Bible (except the book of Esther). About a dozen copies of some of these holy books were written in ancient paleo-Hebrew (the script of the First Temple era, not the standard script of the time).

Many biblical manuscripts closely resemble the Masoretic Text, the accepted text of the Hebrew Bible from the second half of the first millennium ce until today. This similarity is quite remarkable, considering that the Qumran Scrolls are over a thousand years older than previously identified biblical manuscripts.

By the way, these are the scrolls that the Palestinians are trying to claim are their heritage–because they were found in a cave in the West Bank. Right. Their heritage. Because the Palestinians are Jews that follow Jewish law. Oh. Wait. No, that would be Israelis. Yeah, go ahead and sue Israel in the ICC for them. That and a dollar….

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Wednesday briefs

The timeline of evil: Read this story to see how a Palestinian became a terrorist in a matter of hours.

What the UN recognition of the faux mini-statelet of East Palestine has wrought: The PA forces have stopped cooperating with the IDF in the West Bank. Why?

According to a Palestinian source, the UN’s upgrade of the Palestinian Authority’s status has prompted the change: “The reality after November 29 is not the same as before. After (the vote) any Israeli soldier inside the 1967 lines is a conqueror on occupied land.”

Of course. And the agreements that were signed prior to the recognition, allowing the IDF to pursue terrorists? Just words.

Effing nutjobs: Iran says the Connecticut school shooting was an Israeli conspiracy, and brings out an American nutjob to elucidate. This is the reason I have an Israel Derangement Syndrome category. Latest entry: Sudan captured an Israeli spy vulture. Yes, really.

Nobody cares, because it’s not Israel: Turkey has been named the world’s biggest prison for journalists by Reporters Without Borders. Don’t worry, this won’t get screaming headlines around the world. Because it isn’t Israel. In fact, I’ll bet you right now that this story will fade away with little notice.

Just an FYI: For those of you out there holding up Israel as a nation awash with guns but little gun violence, the picture of that teacher with the rifle that is circulating is probably inaccurate. She’s probably a reservist in the IDF. Because Israel has very strict gun control laws. You can’t compare their situation with ours. We don’t have a mandatory two- and three-year draft of all citizens when they reach 18. And it doesn’t make a difference to the criminals.

“The problem is that the law makes it very difficult for the good people to get guns. The number of legal guns in recent years has gone to around 170,000, but there are a half a million illegal guns floating around the Arab sector, no one knows how many. There’s no reason someone who was a fighter pilot shouldn’t be able to get a license to carry a gun.”

Posted in Gaza, Iran, Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome, Israeli Double Standard Time, Turkey | Leave a comment

Israeli Double Standard Time, redux

Syrian armed forces are now attacking Palestinian refugee camps. Even Ban Ki-Moon has come out frowning about it. The UN itself? Well, the General Assembly passed nine resolutions today–concerning Israel.

The U.N. General Assembly today adopted nine resolutions on Palestinian rights and the Golan, sharply criticizing Israel yet making no mention of Sunday’s massacre of Palestinians by Syrian warplanes firing missiles into a mosque in a Palestinian refugee camp near Damascus. Nor did the texts mention the tens of thousands of Palestinians who continue to flee the camp.

By the end of this week, the current 2012 UNGA session will have adopted 22 country-specific resolutions on Israel – and only four on the rest of the world combined, one each for Syria, Iran, North Korea and Burma, noted UN Watch.

Israeli Double Standard Time is always in effect at the UN, where they ignore Palestinian art depicting of all of Israel as “Palestine”.

But don’t worry. When it comes to the rest of the world, it’s only in effect on days that end with a “y”.

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics, Syria, United Nations | Leave a comment

One more podcast for me

I contributed to Doug Payton’s “Consider This”, the successor to Shire Network News. You can listen here.

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Monday briefs

Israel Double Standard Time is in effect: Did you know the Syrians bombed a Palestinian refugee camp yesterday, killing children and women? Of course you didn’t, because Palestinian deaths don’t count unless they are killed by Israelis. The LA Times won’t even say it definitely happened. But don’t worry. The UN is on the case. Ban Ki-Moon “firmly condemns” the bombing.

An intellectual study of anti-Semitism: Here’s a book you won’t see quoted by anti-Israel intellectuals, I’m sure. Because you have idiotic Jews like this one insisting that BDS is not anti-Semitic.

Not sittin’ in a tree: Mad Mahmoud Ahmadinejad canceled a trip to Turkey over Turkey’s stance on Syria. Turkey is going to host American troops and Patriot missile batteries to stop Syrian incursions into Turkey. Woot! We love it when Israel’s enemies start hating on each other!

And in lighter news: I saw The Hobbit over the weekend and loved it. Some people really, really didn’t. It broke the December box office record. I don’t agree with the critic above. Tolkien was clear that many of the Dwarves had been in the Dwarf and Goblin wars that gave Thorin Oakenshield his name, but then, my inner Tolkien geek would rather see the movies made, even off the books as they are, than not made at all. Sticking exactly to the book would make for a boring movie. Especially the Tom Bombadil scenes.

Posted in Iran, Israel, Media Bias, Movies, Turkey, United Nations | Leave a comment

Ninth light

And last, but not least, a picture of the ninth night of Hanukkah.

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Eighth Light

Eighth light

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Seventh Light

Seventh light

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There are few words to say about the horror of what happened in Connecticut today. I despise all people who harm children. If I believed in hell, I’d hope there was a special place there for child murderers.

May God help the parents and families of the victims.

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More AP whitewash of Hamas terror

Really, I should just get someone to write me a script, since the AP makes me repeat and repeat and repeat myself.

This is a four-paragraph story sent out over the wires. Most newspapers carry one, two, or three paragraphs for each World News item in the World News section. Look what the AP chose to but in the fourth paragraph–knowing full well it will be cut by nearly every newspaper on the list.

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Hamas has staged new rallies in the West Bank, one day after thousands of its activists turned out for the first marches there by the militant group there in five years.

Friday’s marches in several cities appeared larger than Thursday’s demonstrations, the first in the Palestinian territory since the 2007 split in which Hamas seized Gaza and the secular-leaning Fatah was left in control of the West Bank.

The rivals have been making overtures toward each other since last month, when Hamas fought an eight-day conflict with Israel and the West Bank’s Western-backed president Mahmoud Abbas won U.N. recognition of a de facto Palestinian state.

Marchers chanted for Hamas to bomb Israel. Hamas’ leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, addressed crowds by phone — an unusual concession by Fatah.

The AP: You can always count on them to carry water for the bad guys. They did the same thing in their longer story on the previous day’s Hamas terror march. Here’s paragraph four:

Marchers chanted, “Hamas — you are the guns; we are the bullets,” and, “Hamas, fire more rockets on Tel Aviv.” Some women held models of the rockets Gaza militants fired at Israeli cities in last month’s fighting.

Funny how that stuff never makes it into the lead.

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