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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Today's Feature
The Globalist's Top Books of 2012

From the legacy of British colonialism and the possibility of Hitler's assassination to Turkey's role in the Arab Middle East and Afghanistan's cotton fields, The Globalist Bookshelf crisscrossed the world and spanned centuries of history in 2012. As a year-end special, we present ten of the best books featured on The Globalist this year (along with five others for good measure).

Also: America's Boulevard of Stolen Dreams


























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Globalist Bookshelf

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Today in History
On December 25, 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev resigned as presidet of the Soviet Union.

Fact of the Day
About 75 million of the world's young people are unemployed and twice that number are underemployed. (The Economist)

Monday, December 24, 2012
Best of The Globalist Quiz 2012
We present some of our favorite selections of The Globalist Quiz for 2012.
By The Globalist
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Meeting the Global Challenge of Children With Disabilities
Addressing the needs of children with disabilities is a sign of a compassionate and intelligent society.
By César Chelala
Friday, December 21, 2012
Guns and Taxes: America's Double Cliff
Is the U.S. becoming fundamentally incapable of agreeing on the most basic issues of fairness and decency?
By Stephan Richter
Thursday, December 20, 2012
The American Boulevard of Stolen Dreams: Part II — 1990s-2012
How has the American middle class fared under Presidents Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and Obama?
By Hedrick Smith
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
The American Boulevard of Stolen Dreams: Part I — 1945-1980s
Why has the American Dream slipped out of the reach of more and more of the middle class?
By Hedrick Smith

The Globalist in the Media

Global Tobacco King
Marketplace Morning Report
Why Afghanistan Is Like the Spanish Netherlands
NRC Handelsblad
The Cost of War
Marketplace Morning Report
Asian Tigers
Marketplace Morning Report
Nobel BRICs
Marketplace Morning Report
Zapatero's Schröder Moment
El Pais
    Book of the Week
The American Boulevard of Stolen Dreams: Part II — 1990s-2012
By Hedrick Smith
CD of the Week
Elikeh: Music From Togo to D.C.
Adje! Adje! explores the personal odysseys of Africans abroad.
By Justin Kavanagh

The Globalist Research Center

  Globalist Paper
Limbaugh, Lipitor and the Incivility of American Political Life (Part I)
Is the widespread use of statins such as Lipitor responsible for America's politics of anger?

Limbaugh, Lipitor and the Incivility of American Political Life (Part II)
The Capital Paradox


Features by New Contributors

The American Boulevard of Stolen Dreams: Part I — 1945-1980s
By Hedrick Smith
The History of the World Is the History of Energy
By Daniel B. Poneman
Sovereign Debt Difficulties: Had Enough Yet?
By Barry Herman
The Obama Economic Team's Manly Approach
By Sheila Bair
Connect with The Globalist

Listen to the Marketplace Globalist Quiz on public radio...

The Record for Peace in Europe
The United States in Afghanistan
Asian Tigers Since 1960
America's Oil Reserves
For previous quizzes, see our media page.

In conversations with Marketplace Morning Report hosts Jeremy Hobson and Steve Chiotakis, Stephan Richter explores intriguing angles on the global economy.

The Richter Scale
Stephan Richter
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of The Globalist
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The Globalist provides a daily account of the key issues before the global community.

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