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Windows 8: Will Microsoft's Latest Big Bet Pay Off?

Latest Article When Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer officially launched Windows 8 on October 25, he touted a "re-imagined Windows" with touch-screen capability, a new user interface and elimination of the traditional Start menu. However, declining PC sales worldwide and uncertainty surrounding Microsoft's ability to woo consumers to its new operating system -- which differs significantly from previous Windows versions -- have some experts wondering what will happen to Microsoft if Windows 8 doesn't take off.
Knowledge@Wharton Dec 19 - Jan 01

The Promise -- and Perils -- of Personalized Medicine

thumbnail Personalized medicine -- the ability to tailor therapies to patients' individual genetic characteristics -- has long been the holy grail of the life sciences industry. The effort has produced a string of recent successes, including European approval of the world's first gene therapy treatment. While exciting for patients, such advances raise a host of ethical, legal and financial challenges that people working in the field will need to address before personalized medicine can become a thriving business.

When Values Collide, Consumers Speak with Their Wallets

thumbnail The leaders of several different organizations -- including Chick-fil-A, the Salvation Army and Susan G. Komen for the Cure -- have been in the news this year for actions or statements that appeared to go against the groups' stated missions. But is the fallout from such controversy different for nonprofits like Komen and the Salvation Army than it is for for-profit businesses like Chick-fil-A? Experts from Wharton and the University of Pennsylvania say yes, noting that the stakes are higher when consumers are spending on a donation that reflects their beliefs.

Carol Bartz on Bad Bosses, Picking Your Fights and Saying 'I Don't Know'

thumbnail Carol Bartz is widely-known in Silicon Valley for two things: being a high-profile executive at some of the best-known technology companies, and being a pull-no-punches speaker who says whatever is on her mind. Both traits were in evidence at a recent talk on Wharton's San Francisco campus during which she discussed how bad bosses can be as instructive as good ones, how important it is to pick your fights and why she is not a fan of mentoring, among other topics.

Real Estate with a Cause: Identifying Investments that Serve a Triple Bottom Line

thumbnail Real estate is already a complex industry, and it grows even more so when the investment is intended to satisfy the triple bottom line of being profitable, hospitable for those who work or live in the structure, and socially responsible. During a discussion at the recent Wharton Social Impact Conference, panelists from the industry discussed the challenges of crafting initiatives that serve all three masters without cutting corners.

Why Anxiety Makes You a Sucker for Bad Advice

thumbnail Individuals are regularly faced with weighty, anxiety-wrought decisions, and most will seek at least one person's advice before deciding what to do. But, according to recent research by Wharton professor Maurice Schweitzer, anxiety -- and the hit to an individual's self-confidence that accompanies it -- can make a person more likely to take advantage of outside help and less equipped to discern between useful tips and poor guidance.

Joseph Perella and Peter Weinberg: Secrets to a Successful Partnership

thumbnail Joseph Perella and Peter A. Weinberg were both enjoying successful careers at two of Wall Street's major players, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, respectively. But in 2005, they were feeling the itch to try something new. A year later, they formed a partnership. Today, Perella Weinberg manages about $9 billion in assets. At a recent Wharton Leadership Lecture, the two discussed the intricacies involved in making such a business work.

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