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Lindsey Graham speaks to NBC on July 20, 2014.

Lindsey Graham: White men in ‘male-only clubs’ will do great if I’m president

“I’ve tried to help you with your tax status,” Graham can be heard saying. “I’m sorry the government’s so f—ed up. If I get to be president, white men in male-only clubs are going to do great in my presidency.”
Nikko Jenkins after a court hearing in Omaha, Nebraska on Nov. 25, 2013. [KETV-TV]

Convicted killer ‘endorses’ Nebraska Republican who used him in campaign ad

“Vote Lee Terry guys, greatest Republican ever,” 26-year-old Nikko Jenkins said after a competency hearing. “Vote for Lee Terry. He’s a great guy.”
Eighth grade students Mea Thompson and Zaria Daniel (WMAQ)

Illinois teacher calls Jamaican students ‘n*gger’ after they object to ‘African-American’

The students said that the teacher continued to use the N-word throughout the 80-minute class period. They said that she also referred to them as slaves. One student reportedly left the room crying.
McCleish 'Mac' Christmas Benham (screen capture)

Dallas airport gay-basher had prior police record for theft and animal abuse

"The subject continued to be belligerent as Officer Mister and I assisted him to his feet. As the subject was talking, I noticed his speech was slurred. I also noticed that he had glossy, blood shot eyes."
Catherine Butler

‘Zombie’ charged with drunken driving twice in three hours

Police said Butler, who was dressed in a zombie costume for Halloween, registered a blood-alcohol level of 0.11 during the first arrest and 0.09 the second time.
Union County Republican Party Chairman Billy Joe Turnage (Facebook)

Georgia GOP county chair accused of attempted rape after crime is broadcast live on Skype

Osborn said that investigators from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation conducted two days of interviews before bringing criminal attempt to commit rape charges against Turnage.
Donald Trump

Phony Trump University delivered ‘neither Donald Trump nor a university,’ suit claims

The suit claims Trump spent up to $6 million a year to promote Trump University by falsely representing that it was an actual university taught by professors selected by the real estate investor.
Police man (Shutterstock)

Former Texas cop accused of raping teen girl while other officers watched

The girl’s family has filed a lawsuit against the city, its police department and police chief, and the 25-year-old Mata – who was fired after an internal investigation found evidence of misconduct with the victim.
Clayton County investigator David Daniel (WSB-TV)

Georgia investigator: Lazy and violent ‘black culture’ to blame for 1-year-old boy’s shooting death

The Clayton County district attorney suspended Daniel, and informed him in a disciplinary notice that she intended to have him fired. Keith Martin, who is Daniel’s attorney, insisted on Tuesday that his client would resign instead of being fired.