
Fred Smoot Apologizes to Lavar Arrington: ‘Sensitive Thugs Need a Hug’

by Chris Lingebach
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Former Redskins corner Fred Smoot has another message for former teammate Lavar Arrington: I'm sorry.  (Photo by Joe Murphy/Getty Images)

Former Redskins corner Fred Smoot has another message for former teammate Lavar Arrington: I’m sorry. (Photo by Joe Murphy/Getty Images)

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WASHINGTON (CBSDC) – Former Redskins Lavar Arrington and Fred Smoot keep trading barbs on the radio, originally over a dispute about how comparable Arrington’s playing career numbers are to current Redskins linebacker Brian Orakpo’s.

This radio feud first originated, as far as I know, one week ago, when Arrington pooh-poohed the notion that somehow Orakpo’s six years and Washington have been in any way as impactful as his own six seasons as a Redskin.

“I was the face of the franchise. You can’t compare Brian Orakpo to me,” Arrington bluntly put it on 106.7 The Fan’s Chad Dukes vs. The World. “Case closed.”

That’s when Smoot jumped in, in defense of Orakpo, articulating the following week the comparison is a valid one because, among other things, “They are the same player.”

Suddenly the matter became less about the Arrington-Orakpo comparison and more demonstratively about this apparent beef developing between Arrington and Smoot, with Arrington issuing a response on the same radio show, on Monday afternoon.

“It sounds as though Smoot may have some animosity towards me,” Arrington said. “You know, there’s been a lot of guys that didn’t live up to what I was when I was a Washington Redskin, whether in be in the community, whether it be the recognition, whatever it may be.”

How this has evolved, is through a series of audio clips of either Smoot’s or Arrington’s comments being played back on the radio to the other, which has prompted another series of follow-up gut-reactions, the latest being Smoot’s on Tuesday.

“I have nothing against him, and I don’t know why he would take it so personally,” Smoot said after hearing the first clip, adding he was initially giving his honest critique of the two linebackers’ respective careers, then admitted he personally didn’t live up to his lofty career goals. “And no, I didn’t achieve what Deion Sanders achieved, I didn’t achieve what Champ Bailey achieved, but I’m happy in myself with that.”

“But I feel like him, he took it very, very personal that I said anything wrong about Lavar,” Smoot added. “But I didn’t say anything wrong, I said the truth. I don’t make the news, I just report it.”

Here’s the second Arrington clip to which Smoot was asked to respond:

“I mean, doesn’t it sound like he’s basically trying to minimize everything that I did? I don’t have to debate what I did. I did what I did. I feel sorry that Smoot really feels that strongly about trying to discredit me, but it is what it is.”

“First of all, I want to apologize in front of the DMV to Lavar Arrington,” Smoot said in reaction. “I am SORRY, because evidently I hurt your feelings. I’m sorry!”

“Sensitive thugs need a hug,” Smoot sang.

Smoot would go on to defend his claims as partially coming from a position of defending Orakpo, who Smoot described as a quiet guy who’s not going to defend himself.

“Let’s be honest about the situation when you’re comparing yourself to another player that’s still playing that game,” Smoot said. “How are you gonna view that player and say what this player has achieved? All I’m saying, Orakpo is a quiet guy. He’s not going to stand up to himself, he’s not going to get on there and say, ‘You know what Lavar? I’m just as good as you. I can be better than you if I keep on working and do this. He’s not that type of guy, and I felt like in my heart Lavar kind of kicked my boy Brian Orakpo while he was down.

“I don’t like when players do that. C’mon, we’re a family. We’re a Redskins family. No matter what, present, past. I see all these guys around — Doc Walker, Brian [Mitchell] — we’re a family. We don’t kick each other while we’re down, and I felt like that’s what it was.”

Bottom line is, this thing has evolved more rapidly than the Redskins name controversy.

At best, it can be summed up as two former players possibly airing out some residual resentments toward one another leftover from their time as teammates, publicly, on the radio, and, at worst, a controversy which stemmed from two retired players arguing over the value of a player still currently in the National Football League.

How will it play out from here?

An invitation has been extended to Arrington and Smoot, according to Dukes, for both former players to hash things out on the radio. It’s unclear whether that invitation will be accepted by either party. Until then, enjoy Tuesday’s segments below and make of them what you will.

Here’s the chronological progression of their radio feud.

Lavar Arrington Doesn’t Like Being Compared to Brian Orakpo

Fred Smoot: Lavar Arrington and Brian Orakpo ‘Are the Same Player’

Lavar Arrington and Fred Smoot Continue Feud Over Brian Orakpo

Smoot Goes Back at Lavar -- Clip 1

106.7 The Fan

Smoot Goes Back at Lavar -- Clip 2

106.7 The Fan
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