@cnntech The world is running out of plasma TVs http://t.co/3m9z9urrXr via @DavidGoldmanCNN and @jtotoole http://t.co/fMrDTJxYvV

4 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Feds fine dating site for making fake profiles http://t.co/CI0nfgxg8b via @jtotoole http://t.co/XqA9b7OZVT

7 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Verizon ad tech raises privacy concerns http://t.co/X9HMEcqFd6 via @jtotoole

2 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Apple Pay rival CurrenC just got hacked http://t.co/BqeLAcrJzc http://t.co/1bGbNSyFxi

2 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Here's what your $500 iPad Air 2 actually costs to make: http://t.co/dXMxV2krWY via @ericafink and @jack_regan

2 days ago via Twitter Web Client | RETWEET

@cnntech #StealMyIdentity: Fraudsters use #myfirstpaycheck selfies to steal bank details http://t.co/3imt3npMP4 via @jtotoole http://t.co/74OD6Wki6b

2 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech The White House has been hacked http://t.co/b2s81QBgzN via @Jose_Pagliery http://t.co/1yqxJT06rA

2 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech Why iPad photography is here to stay. http://t.co/5W3MIaM23h http://t.co/IRAc05asDH

3 days ago via Twitter for Mac | RETWEET

@cnntech 21,000 push Apple to replace 'defective' MacBook Pros http://t.co/BU1OpR25Yb via @jtotoole http://t.co/Q4ioWmWDPw

4 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@cnntech CVS and Rite-Aid are dragging you into a fight with Apple Pay http://t.co/oDSAojhfUt via @Jose_Pagliery http://t.co/ztTFzQDYOe

4 days ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET


The 7 quirkiest Kickstarter gadgets

Crowdfunding and high-tech innovation were made for each other. FULL STORY

Doug Gross
By Doug Gross, CNN

Filed under: Innovation

The world is running out of plasma TVs CNNMoney.com

And then there were none. FULL STORY

David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

Industrial art: Inside Volkswagen's beautiful 'transparent factory'

Viewing this on a mobile device? Go here FULL STORY

By Lauren Said-Moorhouse, Gisella Deputato and Earl Nurse, CNN

Filed under: Innovation

Feds fine dating site for making fake profiles CNNMoney.com

Turns out I'm not actually that popular with the ladies of flirtcrowd.com. FULL STORY

James O'Toole

Filed under: Tech Biz

Verizon ad tech raises privacy concerns CNNMoney.com

Attention Verizon Wireless customers: you may be getting tracked online. FULL STORY

James O'Toole

Filed under: Tech Biz

Movie theaters ban Google Glass and other wearables CNNMoney.com

That idea you had about bringing your Google Glass to the movie theater to surreptitiously record Ben Affleck bare all in "Gone Girl"? FULL STORY

Aaron Smith

Filed under: Tech Biz

The customer is NOT always right: Business strikes back with user reviews

In business, it might pay to keep the customer happy, but how far should you go just to keep the peace? FULL STORY

By Peter Shadbolt, for CNN

Filed under: Social Media

Police vs cartels in the high-tech battle to stop cybercrime

Cybercrime costs the global economy an estimated $400 billion a year, and as it grows in scale and sophistication, law enforcement is having to do the same. FULL STORY

From Maggie Lake, CNN

Filed under: Web

The last thing we ever build? The machines that make machines

From the single, centrally-positioned seat to the crash-proof frame, this Formula One-like car is an alluring piece of kit. It would make any driver stand out in a traffic jam, and it's completely road legal. FULL STORY

By Kieron Monks, for CNN

Filed under: Innovation

Ballmer: Clippers' opener is a 'product launch' CNNMoney.com

Hard work, anticipation and an unpredictable outcome. FULL STORY

Sara Ashley O'Brien

Filed under: Tech Biz

Apple Pay rival CurrentC just got hacked CNNMoney.com

Apple Pay rival CurrentC has been hacked. FULL STORY

Jose Pagliery

Filed under: Tech Biz

Murdoch: MySpace failure was my fault CNNMoney.com

MySpace could have been as big as Facebook or YouTube -- and Rupert Murdoch blames himself. FULL STORY

Sara Ashley O'Brien

Filed under: Tech Biz

BlackBerry unveils new 'Classic' phone for CrackBerry addicts CNNMoney.com

BlackBerry has unveiled a new smartphone that has a distinctly old-school feel. FULL STORY

David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

Lysol customers want to know: Can it prevent the spread of Ebola? CNNMoney.com

Lysol says its phones are ringing off the hook. Customers want to know if its cleaning products are effective Ebola killers. FULL STORY

David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

#StealMyIdentity: Fraudsters use paycheck selfies to steal bank details CNNMoney.com

A word of advice to Instagram users: don't post selfies with your paychecks. FULL STORY

James O'Toole

Filed under: Tech Biz

Business Talent Group, founded by Jody Miller, seeks to help workers who are after a project-based career. FULL STORY

See how MIT's 4D printing programme could make autonomous robots that don't need people. FULL STORY

From drone wars to cosmic theories, long-term bets take the long view and place odds on the shape of the future. FULL STORY

Cybercrime costs the global economy $400 billion a year, and as it grows more sophisticated, law enforcement is having to do the same. FULL STORY

Doug Gross

Who is Slenderman?
He's the Internet's own monster, a ghoul who lurks in its darkest corners and, like the Web itself, has mutated time and again to suit the dreams and desires of his devotees. FULL STORY

Heather Kelly

Sensors let Alzheimer's patients stay at home, safely
Caregivers are turning to smart-home and wearable technology to monitor family members with Alzheimer's and dementia, helping them live independently longer. FULL STORY

Jarrett Bellini

Apparently This Matters: Weed Fairy leaves free pot
I never actually caught a glimpse of the Tooth Fairy when I was young, but she was definitely real and in cahoots with my mom. This, due to the fact that I never woke up to find a Nintendo. FULL STORY

Brandon Griggs

The next frontier in 3-D printing: Human organs
The emerging process of 3-D printing can reproduce the vascular systems required to make organs viable. Scientists already use the machines to print tiny strips of organ tissue. And while printing whole human organs for transplants is still years away, the technology is rapidly developing. FULL STORY

Larry Frum

Can 'Mario Kart 8' save the Wii U?
It's the gaming industry's gold standard, once named by Guinness World Records as the most influential video game in history. Now, Nintendo is turning to "Super Mario Kart" once again. FULL STORY

10 ideas to change the world

10 ideas to change the world What if the U.S. had only two time zones? Should all public transportation be automated for safety? And maybe it IS time to reinvent the wheel. Meet 10 bold ideas that could shape our future. FULL STORY

Wired | Mar 20, 2014

The Germans have figured how to 3-D print cars

The assembly line isn't going away, but 3-D printing is going to reshape how we make cars. One German automaker points the way with an beautifully crafted frame inspired by a turtle's skeleton. FULL STORY

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