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2012's 'Person Of The Year' Should Be Your UPS Driver

2012's 'Person Of The Year' Should Be Your UPS Driver

As global e-commerce sales continue to skyrocket, the delivery networks for these scads of packages must evolve as well. It's no surprise then that supply chain technology--from the engineers to the delivery people who make it possible--has become paramount to the world economy.

Abe Garver Abe Garver, Contributor
Fed's Brave Steps Underscore The Crippling Inertia At ECB

Fed's Brave Steps Underscore The Crippling Inertia At ECB

Central banking is notoriously conservative and new initiatives are rarely welcomed. Credit Bernanke's Fed for adopting this new approach to target the unemployment rate. At the same time it’s impossible not to feel an uneasy contrast between the Fed’s gameplan and the complacency of the European Central Bank.

Karl Whelan Karl Whelan, Contributor

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