Come check out Vimeo’s new API!

Vimeo’s first API was launched on Mar 26, 2007. We’ve added tons of features since then, but have always been stuck with two APIs. The Simple API was super easy to use, but didn’t allow authentication. The Advanced API had tons of features, but was more difficult to implement. We always knew, deep down, we could build a better system. We dreamt of one API to rule them all — one API that a developer could get up and running in minutes, instead of days. After many months of research and development, we are proud to announce the start of the open beta for our brand new API.

This singular, unified API replaces both the Advanced and Simple APIs. Just like the Simple API, all features are accessible within an easy to understand URL structure. This URL structure follows many of REST’s best practices, and has been carefully considered in every step of development.

That shouldn’t actually matter, though, because we also provide this information to you as often as possible. We’ve created resources that provide URLs or URL templates to guide you through our data. Should you ever forget what features are available, start with “” and start following links. Watch out, though. It’s addictive.

Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll tell you more about some of the new features supported by the API. If you’d like to be notified when we post something new, join our Google group.

Questions? Bug reports or feature requests? Contact us through our Help Center.

And to see the new API in action, take a look at the Vimeo apps for iOS and Xbox, which already have it integrated (I mean, we said this was beta. Not alpha…).

Aaron Hedges heads up all things API at Vimeo. He’s worked tirelessly on the new API for the past year and has managed not to crack (yet).