Ronald Brownstein

Ronald Brownstein

Editorial Director

Ronald Brownstein, a two-time finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of presidential campaigns, is National Journal Group's Editorial Director, in charge of long-term editorial strategy. He also writes a weekly column and regularly contributes other pieces for both National Journal and The Atlantic, and coordinates political coverage and activities across publications produced by Atlantic Media. Brownstein also writes for 2012 Decoded.

Prior to joining Atlantic Media, Brownstein was the National Affairs Columnist for the Los Angeles Times. He has also served as the Times' National Political Correspondent and the author of the weekly Washington Outlook column. Brownstein is a National Journal alumnus, having served as the magazine's White House and National Politics Correspondent from 1983-1986, and then as its West Coast Correspondent through 1989. He appears regularly on national television, including NBC, ABC, CBS, and MSNBC, and served as a political analyst for CNN from 1998 through 2004. His sixth and most recent book, The Second Civil War: How Extreme Partisanship Has Paralyzed Washington and Polarized America, was published by Penguin in November 2007.

Brownstein was twice named a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, receiving that recognition for his coverage of both the 1996 and 2004 presidential campaigns. In addition, he is the recipient of several journalism awards, including the Exceptional Merit in Media award from the National Women's Political Caucus, the Excellence in Media award from the National Council on Public Polls in 2005, and the Journalist of the Year award from the Los Angeles Press Club in 2005. In 2007, the American Political Science Association presented him its Carey McWilliams award for lifetime achievement, granted to honor a major journalistic contribution to our understanding of politics.

Ronald Brownstein's Latest Posts

Democrats and Republicans Missed a Big Opportunity

Over the long term, the fiscal-cliff deal will make it harder for both the Left and the Right to achieve their goals. Read More »

The Fiscal Cliff's Greatest Threat Is to American Unity

The fiscal cliff was an opportunity to push off partisanship. But, following incentives, legislators only increased it. Read More »

A Role Reversal: Dems Grow More Unified While Cracks Form in the GOP

The endgame over the fiscal cliff, like the first stirrings of debate about gun control and immigration, all capture a subtle but potentially consequential shift in the Washington dynamic. Read More »

How the Fiscal Cliff Battle Is Really Just a Battle of Demographics

Washington’s battle over the fiscal cliff is best understood as a confrontation not only between Democrats and Republicans, but also as an early skirmish in what could be a decades-long struggle for resources and influence b...

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Behind the Fiscal Cliff is a Demographic Struggle

Washington’s battle over the fiscal cliff is best understood as a confrontation not only between Democrats and Republicans, but also as an early skirmish in what could be a decades-long struggle for resources and influence between...

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After 22 Years of Budget Inflexibility, Can the GOP Re-embrace Compromise?

The party spent two decades transforming from belt-tighteners to tax-cutters. To win, it may have to go back. Read More »

Poll Reflects Stark Political Divides and the Long Path Ahead for Washington

After a campaign season of unprecedented expense and duration, taming the federal deficit and avoiding the fiscal cliff top the public’s To Do list for President Obama and Congress, the latest Allstate/ National Journal Heart...

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Though More Optimistic, Americans Are Still Sharply Divided

The latest Heartland Monitor Poll highlights Washington’s challenge in winning support for legislation from more than a narrow and fleeting majority of the public. Read More »

Immigration Reform Is Back on the Agenda

For the first time since 2007, Republicans are calling for action. Read More »

Senate Democrats Prove to Be More Unified Than GOP Peers

The same dynamic that powered the Democrats’ unexpected Senate gains this fall could also give the party more leverage to drive its legislative agenda through the chamber in the months ahead. Read More »

The Senate's Democratic Coalition Is Growing More Unified

The party's major Senate candidates did a better job than their Republican rivals of bringing together their base. Read More »

Transformation vs. Restoration: Which Political Position Will Prevail?

This long march of a presidential election, after all its expense and duration, proved far more memorable for what it said about the country than what it revealed about the two men vying to lead it. Read More »

Today's Politics: Coalition of Transformation vs. Coalition of Restoration

This long march of a presidential election, after all its expense and duration, proved far more memorable for what it said about the country than what it revealed about the two men vying to lead it. Read More »

Acceptance: First Step in Republican Revival

Analysis: The GOP's soul-searching could lead the party to realize that it needs to appeal to a broader range of Americans. Read More »

First Step Toward a Republican Revival: Acceptance

The GOP's soul-searching could lead the party to realize that it needs to appeal to a broader range of Americans. Read More »
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