Take action now to have voice

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It’s easy to look at the calendar and think that you have plenty of time before the Nov. 4 general election.

After all, the big day is still a month from now, so there should be no worries. Right?

We can think of at least one group of people who will have a major problem if they decide to adopt that attitude.

In fact, their failure to act now will prevent them from casting a ballot on Election Day, which means they won’t have a voice in any of the statewide races that are on the ballot.

Plus, Denton residents who are in this group of procrastinators won’t get to vote on seven local propositions, some of which would provide about $61.7 million for street reconstruction and improvements, $8.5 million for drainage, $11.4 million for parks and $16.6 million for public safety.

They won’t have a say on another proposition that would authorize the legal sale of all alcoholic beverages, including mixed beverages, in the city of Denton, and they will be prohibited from casting a vote on the proposition that would prohibit hydraulic fracturing within the corporate limits of the city.

Yes, Denton voters will be making some big decisions on Election Day, and if you want to join them, you have to be a registered voter.

In order to make that happen, you must act quickly.

The last day to register to vote in the general election is Monday, according to information posted by the Denton County Election Administration website at http://www.votedenton.com/.

This election is too critical to miss, and we urge all Denton residents to make sure they are registered to vote before the deadline passes.

That bond package we mentioned is the largest the city has ever put before voters and would provide $98.2 million in capital improvement bonds if voters approve. If all the propositions pass, the spending package could ultimately bring a 3-cent increase to the city’s current property tax rate of 68.975 cents per $100 valuation.

As far as we’re concerned, our presence is required in the voting booth whenever there’s a ballot item that could affect our tax bill. We want to make sure that our vote is counted.

We feel the same way about the other ballot items. Take the proposition on alcohol, for example. More than a dozen local bar owners and other volunteers delivered about 7,000 signatures petitioning an election to make Denton wet.

The petition seeks a change in local liquor laws to allow Denton bars to serve mixed drinks without the private club requirement and to allow liquor stores inside city limits. Supporters of this measure estimate that Denton loses about $700,000 in sales tax revenue annually to other cities that allow liquor sales.

The proposed ban on hydraulic fracturing is also a hot-button topic. Just about everyone you meet has an opinion on this issue, and you’ll want to make sure and take your opinion into the voting booth.

In our view this is one of the most important elections in recent years, so make sure you are registered to vote.

There’s too much at stake to sit this one out.

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