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    You know how some people make lemonade out of lemons? At Grist, we’re making lemonade out of looming climate apocalypse. It's more fun than it sounds, trust us!
  1. Recent Posts by Others on Grist.orgSee All
    • Matthew Isles
      4 hours ago
    •  After yesterday´s major Earth Charter Event, the blog has several new posts including an interview with Ms. Severn Cullis-Suzuki, French language recap of the rio +20 events so far and much more! Stay posted!
      10 hours ago
    • "When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle." ~ Edmund Burke
      11 hours ago
    •  80% of all antibiotics sold in the US are used on animals. Today, reports ( ) on the campaign by Consumers Union to combat this problem, but they will not be targeting the FDA or the USDA -- they are petitioning grocery stores like Trader Joes to change their practices. What do you think? Can consumers win the war on drugs in meat?
      38964 · 13 hours ago
    •  For those interested in the all the colour, spectacle and political wheeling and dealing in Rio, William M. Johnson’s critically-acclaimed Earth Summit satire is currently available for free on Amazon:
      13 hours ago
  2. Fireflies make light without electricity, and by copying them, scientists have figured out how to do the same thing.
  3. Let's take a minute to mock the Romney campaign's stance on mercury and other toxic power plant emissions.
  4. This is stunning and alarming:
    • Joe Williams, Chantal Caruso and 14 others like this.
      • Alex Decker Stunning and alarming. Okay Ron Burgandy, take that cannon ball now.
      • Charlie Irene Resilience Wow! :(
  5. They’re using the Teen Talk Barbie defense: “Math is hard!”
    • Meredith Allen, Laura Hartman and 5 others like this.
      • Robin Morris Does this mean that eating this "food" makes you dumb???
      • Kim Barrow If you are eating dominoes, I highly doubt you care about your health or counting calories anyhow. It is total crap.
  6. This 17 year-old goes from YouTube to the Earth Summit, hoping to inspire politicians to action.
    • Claudia Kraxner, Pat Miles and 61 others like this.
      • Kor Awesome! Just goes to show that age does not determine your ability to try and change the world.
  7. Take a look at these 10 amazing natural wonders:
    • Cathy's Cuddlers, Brenda Lee and 35 others like this.
      • Sasha Paris And that one sounds quite un-natural.
      • Robert Orkney Unfortunately, the Great Barrier Reef probably fits into the category of "see it before it dies". UNESCO has stated it will be listed as "At Threat" if industrial development doesn't stop, and both State and Federal governments have refused to curtail that development

Earlier in June

Earlier in 2012