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WNYC Corrections Policy

WNYC corrects substantive errors in broadcast and online reports in a timely way. Corrections of such errors will be made on air, on our website, and adjacent to original text and audio archives online. Errors that do not affect the material understanding of a story may be posted adjacent to archived material online without an on-air correction.

To report an error, please contact: listenerservices@wnyc.org

NPR Corrections

2007 Corrections

We misspelled the name of Professor David Reiss and incorrectly identified his place of employment. Professor Reiss works at Brooklyn Law School.

Deutsche Bank Meeting Misstated

August 29, 2007

We incorrectly stated the time for tonight's meeting about the deconstruction of the former Deutsche Bank Building. The correct time for the meeting is 6PM. The address is: 250 Broadway, 19th floor, Assembly hearing room.

2006 Corrections

Massachusetts Gay Marriage Law Mischaracterized

May 31, 2006

In a story that aired Wednesday morning, May 31, WNYC said Massachusetts lawmakers legalized same-sex civil unions. In fact, Massachusetts is the only state in the nation to make gay marriage legal.

Murder Suspect Misidentified

January 12, 2006

In a story that aired Thursday morning, January 12th, WNYC reported that the man arrested in connection with the death of a 7-year-old child named Nixzmary Brown was the mother's boyfriend. He is the mother's husband and the girl's stepfather.

2005 Corrections

Sanitation Officials Misidentified

November 30, 2005

During a report in All Things Considered Monday about facilities that turn waste into energy, Harry Szarpanski and Walter Czwartacky were misidentified as Deputy Commissioners in the New York City Department of Sanitation. Szarpanski is an assistant commissioner, and Czwartacky is a director of special projects.

Queens College Professor Misnamed

September 29, 2005

During a report today about Mayor Bloomberg's labor negotiations (9/29/05), we mistakenly identified a Queens College History Professor who has written about the city's labor politics. His name is Josh Freeman, not Josh Bell as we reported.

Transit Projects Confused

August 20, 2005

In an newscast report on August 30, 2005, WNYC confused two transit projects in Lower Manhattan, thereby misstating the designers of those structures. The design of the glass-domed Fulton Street Transit Center was led by the architectural firm of Nicholas Grimshaw and Partners. Santiago Calatrava is the designer for the World Trade Center Transportation Hub, which is topped with a glass-and-steel "winged" structure. Work on the WTC project is expected to begin next week.

Medical Center Misidentified

June 22, 2005

AIDS Research on Foster Kids

AP Error

Newscasts, June 16, 2005

Due to an Associated Press error, WNYC misidentified the institution that the U.S. government determined had violated federal rules for some AIDS drug experiments involving foster children. That institution was the Columbia Medical Center, not the hospital known as Columbia University Presbyterian Medical Center.

African-American Candidates for Governor

May 19, 2005

In some reports, WNYC said that New York Secretary of State Randy Daniels would be the first African-American candidate for New York Governor should he seek and win the Republican nomination. Daniels would be the first African-American to run as a Republican candidate for the seat. While earlier reports were accurate, this Republican designation was mistakenly dropped later. Carl McCall, an African-American, ran for governor in 2002 as a Democrat.

School Safety Agents Cause Tensions

May 3, 2005

WNYC reported that disorderly conduct charges against New School for Arts and Sciences Teacher Quinn Kroni were dropped the same day he was arrested in March, following a fight between students at the school. While Kronin was released the same day, the charges weren't dropped until several weeks later.