Margaret Kwan

Margaret Kwan

Hello fellow Vimeo users :)

I have started a project called "Moments Like Today" and I invite you all to participate. It is still a project at its infancy but hopefully it will grow with your participation.

'Moments Like Today' is a collaborative project that looks at people's everyday lives in three segments: morning, afternoon and evening.

When you put view the moments together, they form a story of their everyday lives as a whole. The ultimate goal is to inspire people from all around the world to share with us what their moments are like.

Link to group:

Link to channels by Moments Like Today:

Posting to the group is easy, you just need to tag your video as "moments like today" and then add a "morning", "afternoon" or "evening" tag.

Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions.

I look forward to seeing all of your moments.


Val G

Val G

Would you be interested in a kid's submission?

Margaret Kwan

Margaret Kwan

Yes! Anyone can participate. I'd love to see these moments through a child's eyes.

Sithara Kumar

Sithara Kumar

Ok great! I was kind of worried because I really want to submit something.



Days in the lives of vimeo-ers.
I'm in.



I'd love to get into this. Very simple, yet easing topic.


emeric Plus

Really love this idea !! So I tried to make one to show you one of my usual morning... hope it fits well to the project !

I'll add it to the group.

Margaret Kwan

Margaret Kwan

I'm excited for all the interest and participation so far!

My first goal is to reach out to users from 10 different cities. We're doing pretty well so far with members from Paris, Toronto, Vancouver, NYC, UK and Mexico. Thanks!

Ben Lacen

Ben Lacen

I really like this idea. I'm pretty close to NYC, just 2 hours away from it, but I'll do it anyway.

Margaret Kwan

Margaret Kwan

you guys are so cool, thanks! I've added it to the group and all the three channels :)

Michael Leung

Michael Leung

Sounds like a cool idea, I've already got some ideas floating around and this'll be a great first project for my Flip.

Michael Brown

Michael Brown Plus

This interesting idea reminds me of the special days my daughter invented for home when she was young: a day with no electricity whatsoever (except the fridge in summer) and a whisper day, where you were only allowed to whisper ALL DAY! I have some ideas growing in the back of my mind...

Luke Stevens

Luke Stevens

Here's my entry. It's a morning one.

I'm still a noob at this whole film making thing, but this actually gave me some good practice with camera angles.

Blue Noble

Blue Noble

Amazing idea! If every young person has that mind and attitude, the world will change for a better in a blink!



sounds interesting...looks like a contender for 2mrws project! good stuff!

Sithara Kumar

Sithara Kumar

This sounds like so much fun. Does it matter old I am?

Margaret Kwan

Margaret Kwan

Hi Sithara, there's no age restriction. The wider age range we get, the more interesting the project is :)

Florrie Reeve

Florrie Reeve

cool, although i have no idea whats it is about!



hi friend s i am new user in vimeo thanks who help me



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Jeremy Rodney-Hall

Jeremy Rodney-Hall

Thank you for the opportunity. I am new to vimeo and need something to do to fill my time. Here would be a good way to get started.

Ava S

Ava S

I like the sound of this!
Do we do a little video for each time of day?
Or just pick one?

mgd production

mgd production Plus

I think that is a great idea.
Weekdays will look dull/routine.
Weekend/vacation work much better.



Nice idea, I'm in



Greetings. I have tagged some of my short films according to your specifications. But I was wondering, why you exclude "night" and "noon" from this collection.

Just in case you need more award winning films in your collection, have a look at these:




is it too late to participate?


TrEK Plus

i want to present my new video-work to all -
Thank you! ans wait for your comments and likes )

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