What is a like?

A like is quick and friendly way to let a video creator know that you appreciate, value, or maybe even love their video.

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How do I like a video?

Just hover your mouse over the video player and click the like button in the top right corner. A large heart will fade in and out very quickly signifying that your like has been registered. It's as simple as that. Go ahead and try it, it feels pretty great!

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How do I unlike a video?

Click on the heart logo in the top right hand corner of the video again and your like will be undone.

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Where can I see all the videos I have liked?

Hover over Videos in the top navigation bar, then click My Likes. There you can view every video you've ever liked on Vimeo. We bet there's some good stuff there!

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What is the point of liking a video?

Liking a video is a simple way to let other Vimeans know that you enjoy their work. Once you look around Vimeo, you'll quickly start to find videos that you enjoy. By liking a video, you're helping to promote content to your followers, and you're also giving the creator of the video a warm fuzzy. Liking a video is also a great way to store that video in your My Likes section so you can rewatch it later.

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Can I like my own videos?

Sorry, you can't like your own videos, but we guarantee that if you spread some likes around Vimeo, they will come back to you. It's all about spreading the love!

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