Jessica Casano-Antonellis Staff

Brooklyn, NY

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Director of Communications at Vimeo. Live in Brooklyn with my two boys Romeo and Frankie and wife Lexy. Never a dull moment with two boys.


  1. Jeffrey Bowers
  2. Russell Gregory
  3. Rami Massoud
  4. Gregory Wilson
  5. Rafferty
  6. Aaron Casano
  7. Vimeo Staff
  8. Mike Silva
  9. Hello Echo
  10. Mark Jafar
  11. Nick Alt
  12. Andrew Pile
  13. Dae Mellencamp
  14. Patrick Gleason
  15. Kiran Kunar
  16. Dieter Plaetinck
  17. Adil Hashem
  18. Emily Getman

+ See all 69