
Just Say No, Yes or Maybe

Video | What to Tell the Kids About Pot? Legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado has sparked new talks between parents and children, even Toni Savage Fox and her stepdaughter, Cheyenne Fox, who help run a dispensary near Denver.

Ever since smoking pot became ubiquitous among American teenagers in the 1960s, parents have struggled with how to talk to their children about it and how to protect them from its negative effects.

Now, in an era of broader acceptance — two states (Washington and Colorado) have legalized recreational use of marijuana for ages 21 and up and 23 states have approved its medical use, all while marijuana remains illegal under federal law — teenagers are clearly getting conflicting, widely disparate messages.

The War on Drugs and “Just Say No” campaigns of the 1980s provided a national moral mandate and a singular template for parents: All drugs are bad. But many parents today believe that the reductionist catchphrase oversimplifies the complex landscape of the nation’s drug use.

Today, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 18- to 25-year-olds are the biggest abusers of opioid pain relievers, A.D.H.D. stimulants and anti-anxiety drugs. Prescription drugs account for more overdose deaths among this age group than all illegal drugs combined. Alcohol remains the No. 1 health hazard and date-rape drug on college campuses. And a new generation of pen-size, odorless vaporizers, with USB ports for easy recharging, allows students to get high virtually anywhere, even at school.

With these realities in mind, more parents seem to be accepting the probability that their teenagers will self-medicate at some point, and they see pot as having more manageable risks than other substances. Rather than adhere to a “just say no” theology, they are embracing a nuanced, harm-reduction approach. They are even, in some cases, revealing their own use to help create a dialogue with their children.

Honesty about drug use is encouraged by Dr. Donald A. Misch, medical director at the University of Colorado, Boulder, who oversees the health of nearly 30,000 students on a campus long considered marijuana-friendly. During an orientation session in August for parents entitled “Stress, Risk Taking, Alcohol/Drugs and Parents as Partners: What Every C.U. Parent Should Know,” Dr. Misch responded to a father’s question about whether to tell his son about his own prior usage. “What you should say depends on your family,” he advised. “As a general rule, I believe in being honest.”

Dr. Misch, who delivered the lecture 13 times to reach as many parents as possible, assured them that smoking a joint “every once in a while” posed minimal health risk, but he also warned, with a series of statistics projected on overhead screens, that marijuana can cause “eating and sleeping problems, productivity problems, various cognitive difficulties as well as motor vehicle accidents, psychosis and addiction.”

“When you are high or acutely intoxicated with marijuana, you don’t make good memories,” he said, adding, with some levity, “Every time your kid goes to class high, you aren’t getting your money’s worth.”

To help parents guide their children away from risky behaviors, Dr. Misch urged parents to stay in touch with their children, especially just before the weekend, and encouraged them to use the university’s online handbook that guides them through what to say, how not to react and how best to leverage parental power, which remains strong even after children have settled in on campus.

“Even though your son or daughter might not acknowledge it, you still matter,” he said. If a student gets in trouble for using marijuana on campus, “we can put them on probation, we can throw them out of housing, but what college students consistently report is that the worst thing we can do to them, the absolute death penalty, is call you.”

Today’s parenting approaches to marijuana use range from zero tolerance to reluctant acceptance to outright permission. Here, a look at these perspectives.


Toni and Barry Fox of Salida, Colo., never hid the fact that they smoked marijuana from Cheyenne, Mr. Fox’s daughter from a previous marriage. But during her teenage years they made it clear she wasn’t allowed to use any intoxicants. “We’re adults, our brains are developed,” Ms. Fox, 42, recalled explaining to her. “She was a teenager, so we had zero tolerance for any substance that would alter her brain development.”

When Cheyenne got caught smoking a cigarette at school at 16 and had to call home to tell her parents, her father reacted swiftly and firmly. “I lost my car for six months,” said Cheyenne, now 22 and a recent graduate of Metropolitan State University of Denver. “That was the most depressing day of my whole life.”

Mr. Fox told Cheyenne that if she was interested in trying marijuana once she turned 18, he would assist her, at home under his supervision. She was. So on the afternoon of her birthday he honored his promise. “The first time I ever smoked,” she said, “my dad rolled a joint and handed it to me and told me, ‘Go in the backyard and don’t go anywhere. I’ll make you nachos in an hour.’ ” The next day, her parents helped her secure a card to access medical marijuana.

Ms. Fox’s biggest fear for Cheyenne was “something happening to her alcohol-based, like being a victim of an assault at a party.”

“I grew up in Minnesota where alcohol was readily available to teenagers,” she said. “I didn’t know a female growing up who didn’t have some sexual incident related to intoxication.” As a youth, Ms. Fox dealt with the pain of her father’s suicide with alcohol and harder drugs before discovering marijuana. She believes so strongly in marijuana’s palliative power that in 2010 she opened a medical marijuana dispensary in Denver, which she converted to a recreational dispensary this year. Cheyenne, who earned a degree in marketing, works at a new, second location.

“Now, when we smoke marijuana together,” says the mom, “we talk business.”


Mark Klein, 52, a software entrepreneur from Los Altos, Calif., acknowledged to his children that he smokes pot when they reached high school. “When my oldest son asked, I wanted to be honest,” said Mr. Klein, who has two sons — a college sophomore and a recent graduate — and twin 18-year-old daughters, both freshmen.

Mark Klein keeps it honest. 

Jessica Barton Photography

After trying pot in high school, Mr. Klein sampled it again while in his early 30s and started using it about once a month. Rather than insist that his children avoid marijuana altogether, he talked to them about using it safely, urging them to call him for a ride home rather than drive while high or accept a ride from a stoned friend, and not to indulge in edibles. “It’s way too easy to keep eating a five-dose cookie when the effects don’t show up for 45 minutes,” he said. He also drew distinctions between his occasional use and people who “smoke pot every day and lose track of their goals.”

“I told them, ‘Don’t let marijuana be a big part of your life. Keep your eyes on your objectives.’ ” Mr. Klein says he knows that some of his children have tried marijuana and, despite his own use, he isn’t thrilled about it. “My desire is that they don’t use drugs, don’t use alcohol, and don’t have sex, but they are teenagers and human beings and so that’s probably not going to happen.”


Michael and Arian Creque's father shared his experiences.

Matthew Staver for The New York Times

After being caught smoking a bong in the family sunroom as teenagers, Arian Creque and her stepbrother Michael cowered while their mother, who opposes anyone in her family using recreational marijuana, yelled at them. But a couple of nights later, when Michael went back to the room to smoke a joint after work, his father surprised him by sauntering up and producing a small metal pipe.

“I was just floored,” said Mr. Creque, now 22. “We sat out there for an hour and a half, and we had a blast. We talked about everything from when I started and how much I did, to what was going on in school.”

As for his father, he didn’t love that his teenagers were smoking pot. In a recent conversation in their home in Littleton, Colo., after a 36-hour shift at his longtime tech job, he recalled telling them about his own use (a single toke several times a week to relax after work or help him fall asleep) and sharing stories of his experiences to help them understand moderation. He also encouraged them to avoid parties where a large number of people get intoxicated. “I used to tell the kids that if you get over eight or nine people, somebody’s going to get drunk, somebody’s going to punch somebody, somebody is going to throw up in the yard,” he said. “When it comes to kicking back with friends, you want to keep it small.”

Added his son: “He was trying to teach me some good life lessons and keep me safe.” The younger Mr. Creque, who earned an associate degree in 2012 in business and works at a car dealership, said he smokes several times a day and “dabs,” using a heated nail to extract an intense fume from the resin. “I use marijuana a little too much,” he acknowledged.

His stepsister, now 21, is working toward a bachelor’s online at the University of Colorado, Denver. For her, getting high is an antidote to what she describes as near-constant anxiety. “My whole thing is my future — what’s coming next? I finished my homework, but what’s coming next?” She sleeps between shifts at the hotel where she works 50 hours a week, and otherwise lives in her parents’ basement. “When I smoke,” she said, “I’m more in the present.”


Lisa Fields searched her son's room and removed its door and drawers when she found out he was smoking pot.

Ann Johansson for The New York Times

Last year, Lisa Fields, a 53-year-old single working mother from Los Angeles County, discovered that her teenage son had been smoking pot. Fearing it could lead him down a harmful path, she took a scorched-earth approach to making sure he wouldn’t do it again.

After he went to sleep, Ms. Fields looked through his backpack and found two enormous joints, professional looking and rolled with a filter. “You could definitely tell they were from a dispensary,” she said. She stayed up all night reading on the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids website about how to stay calm, what to say to her son and what other steps she could take to keep him clean.

In the morning, she confronted him, and warned he could not carry an illegal substance to school or keep it in her house, putting her at risk. After school, she took him to a park — “a place where he had room to breathe and express himself” — and began asking questions. Next, she “tore apart the house,” finding not only more marijuana and a glass pipe but also hashish. “He told me he knew kids who actually smoked it in school using vapor pens that resemble ink pens,” Ms. Fields said.

To make concealing things impossible, she removed his bedroom door and took all the drawers out of his dresser, stacking his clothes in open bins.

“He had to start from ground zero with trust,” she said. She ordered him to research and write a paper on how marijuana affects adolescent brain development; she took him for urine and blood tests — “I also wanted to scare him,” she admitted — and then to his favorite burrito joint, where he revealed how hard it had been to make friends in a new school.

Smoking dope had allowed him to fit in. “I could have weed at my house,” he said, “and people want to come over” — something Ms. Fields confirmed when she found over $1,200 in credit card charges for takeout food.

Ms. Fields, who acknowledges having used marijuana on occasion as an adult, says she had previously supported its legalization, but after seeing how easily her son, a minor, could gain access to drugs sold legally to someone else, she has reconsidered.

“When people voted to legalize marijuana, they didn’t consider how it changes how children feel about drugs,” she said. “They think it’s all O.K. and it’s ‘natural.’ It gives them a different perspective on the drug.”


Debbie McBride and son Connor at Loyola. 

Matt Roth for The New York Times

A week before starting college at Loyola UniversityMaryland in September, Debbie McBride’s 18-year-old son, Connor, had a request: “Mom,” he asked, “can I have a couple of friends over? You don’t have to get the beer. We’ll get it.”

Ms. McBride could hardly believe her son would even ask such a question, given her zero tolerance for drugs and alcohol. What was he thinking? “He said, ‘I’m going to college in a week.’ ”

Ms. McBride, 51, who works for a portfolio manager and teaches youth at a Morristown, N.J., church, began talking to her two sons about the dangers of drugs when they were in middle school. On the refrigerator, she hung an article about research on marijuana’s effects. “I have this part highlighted,” she said, reading aloud. " ‘The brain undergoes active development until about age 21.’ ”

She says that the national debate over legalization — polls show slightly more than half of Americans favoring it — and the tacit acceptance of teenage drinking in their suburban community have made it more difficult for her children to accept her message about illicit use of substances.

She and Connor arrived at many graduation parties to find kegs in the backyard. If drinking is tolerated, he wanted to know, why not pot? “And my answer to that is alcohol itself is not illegal. It’s the age that is illegal. Marijuana is illegal for even me.”

“It’s really hard to teach your kids the lesson that marijuana is bad for you when it’s legalized in other states,” she said. She is fairly certain her boys would never dare smoke pot. If she caught them, “they probably think I would take them to the police.”

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