Marriage Equality Comes To Alaska

A temporary hold on the marriages that a federal appeals court granted on Wednesday expires on Friday. [Update: Supreme Court denies Alaska’s stay request, bringing marriage equality to the state.]

As same-sex couples marry in North Carolina, similar weddings are on hold for now in Alaska. Davis Turner / Reuters


The Supreme Court denied Alaska’s request for a stay on Friday afternoon.

The move means that same-sex couples can secure marriage licenses immediately.

WASHINGTON — Alaska officials have asked the Supreme Court — specifically, Justice Anthony Kennedy — to put a trial court ruling that allows same-sex couples to marry on hold during the state’s appeal of the ruling.

The filing followed a Wednesday night order from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals providing the state with a temporary hold on the marriages so that it could seek such a stay from the Supreme Court.

The 9th Circuit’s temporary stay expires at noon PT Friday, meaning an order from the Supreme Court would need to come by 3 p.m. ET or same-sex couples would, again, be allowed to get marriage licenses in Alaska.

In the filing on Thursday, state officials said that they will be filing a request with the 9th Circuit next week asking the court to hear its appeal “en banc,” meaning by the full court.

Read the filing to Justice Kennedy:

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