last updated: January 6, 2012


Nobel-prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, reading a recent issue, looked up to declare that LBO is full of “wonderful rants and some very interesting facts.”


LBO editor Doug Henwood’s late-1980s pieces for the late journal Grand Street

Does Paul Krugman crib from LBO?

Read this, and answer for yourself!

My review of Jeffrey Sachs, mentioned on my November 26 show, is here

in prep: LBO #134:

despair revised by movement • U.S. income and poverty in 2010: miserable


best music on a radio show about economics & politics
Village Voice Best of NYC 2005

Michael Taft on Ireland • Jodi Dean on OWS & “demands” • Christopher Jencks on inequality • Christine Ahn & Tim Shorrock on North Korea • Aaron “Zunguzungu” Bady on Occupy Oakland • Christopher Hitchens (2002) on Orwell • Andrew Ross on student debt repudiation • Phil Mattera on job subisides • Michael Doresy on the Durban climate summit • Bélen Fernández on Thomas Friedman • Greg Graffin on punk rock & evolution • Jeffrey Sachs on the mess that is the USA • Frances Fox Piven on the history of popular movements & OWS • Yanis Varoufakis updates the Eurocrisis (again) • Ramsey Kanaan on the theory and practice of anarchism • Erica Seifert on the pissed-off public mood • Dorian Warrn on OWS • Alex Vitale on how cops work • Sarah Jaffe on OWS • Corey Robin on the conservative mind • me on Occupy Wall Street • Rohit Malpani on land grabs • Steve Keen debunks economics • Margaret Flowers on the health insurance mess • Maria Armoudian on the media & violence • Mike Lofgren on the madness of the GOP • Jonathan Kay and Kathy Olmsted on conspiracism, esp the 9/11 kind • David Cay Johnston on how the megarich and giant corps don’t pay taxes....

"incisive, accessible and engaging" -

freshly posted material from recent issues

In and out of school How the U.S. stacks up internationally on education spending, enrollment, attainment (hint: not so well)

Beastly numbers How do you explain educational outcomes? Poverty, mostly.

What a damn mess Just how bad does this economy suck? Real bad.

2009: income down, poverty up, more uninsured income & poverty in the U.S.

Charter to nowhere Do charter schools work, and if so, for whom?

Old world, new crisis The EU melodrama


“Doug Henwood is a wicked genius” — Susie Bright

“Full of some wonderful rants and very interesting facts” — Nobel prize winner Joseph Stiglitz

“The first step is everybody should subscribe to LBO.” — Adolph Reed

“We steal your stuff all the time” — Jim Hightower

invaluable” — Noam Chomsky

“You're scum...sick and's tragic you exist.” — former Wall Street Journal executive editor Norman Pearlstine

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