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Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11
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Weekly Jihad Report
Oct 18 - Oct 24
 Jihad Attacks:


 Allah Akbars*:


 Dead Bodies:


 Critically Injured:


 *Suicide Attacks
Monthly Jihad Report
September, 2014
 Jihad Attacks:




 Allah Akbars:


 Dead Bodies:


 Critically Injured:



Dhimwit of the Month

Ben Affleck
October 12014

Theresa May
September 2014


Jimmy Carter
July 2014

Lord Scott
June 2014

Presbyterian Church (USA)
May 2014

Tiny Minority of Radicals? Try 72%
Islam Co-Opts Judeo-Christian Values
'Muslimsplaining Islamic Terror Away
Islamic Slavery; Islamic Denial
A Word to Offended Muslims
Why Islam is Not a Religion
Islam's Indian Slave Trade
The Islam Saturation Index
Ten Reasons Why Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace

What a Real Feminist
Looks Like (~2:22 mark)

"Brother, you can believe in stones, so long as you don't throw them at me..."
Wafa Sultan on al-Jazeera

Fundamentalist Fashion Show

Daily Show: Marijuana Debate

Are you a Looter
or a Producer?



Visit the TROP Bookstore


. .
Picture of the Week

Corporal Nathan Ciriillo's dogs don't know that he won't be coming
after being gunned down while serving in Ottawa.  The
shooting punctured the fantasy that Canadians were trying to create
for themselves with TV shows like "Little Mosque on the Prairie."
Islam is a reality show that rarely sticks to the preferred script.

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
"Mohammed is God's apostle.  Those who follow him are harsh
 to the unbelievers but merciful to one another"
  Quran 48:29

2014.10.29 (Hit, Iraq) - Forty-six Iraqis are bound and executed in cold blood by the Islamic State.
2014.10.28 (Karachi, Pakistan) - A 10-month-old girl bleeds to death after Sunnis lob a grenade into a Shia worship hall.
2014.10.27 (Idlib, Syria) - Seventy captives are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2014.10.27 (Mosul, Iraq) - A university professor and his son are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.10.27 (Kunduz, Afghanistan) - A suicide bomber and three Taliban gunmen storm a courthouse and murder ten others.
2014.10.27 (Jurf al-Sakhar, Iraq) - A Sunni suicide bomber targets a crowd of Shiites and snuffs out over two dozen lives.

* Sources for individual incidents can be provided upon request.


Articles & Commentary

Why Islam Attracts the Violent  (INN)
The only religion that promises heavenly reward for killing seems to be the only one attracting killers. Hmmm. . .

The Double Standards of the 'Gay Rights' Lobby  (Molschky)
Pastors who oppose gay marriage are excoriated while the Mullahs are give a free pass, even as they execute homosexuals.

The Danger of Islamists Taking Libya  (American Thinker)
Islamic terrorists poised to take control of oil rich Libya may be a larger threat to global security simply because they are being ignored by the mainstream media.

Pippi Longburqa  (Molschky)
Recognizing the 'State of Palestine' is the least of Sweden's problems, as the once-great country implodes under the weight of Muslim immigration.

Political Correctness and Islam  (BIN)
"As the daily Islamist-inspired violence continues, wreaking havoc on various parts of the globe, isn't it time for a frank and open discussion about the issue rather than just sloganeering?"

Berkeley's Jihad Against Bill Mahr  (Robert Spencer)
Since when did Islam become an untouchable ideology?

Kaitlin's Story  (Saving Kaitlin)
Here is the story of on of thousands of children sexually abused by Muslims in the UK while the authorities looked the other way in the interest of 'tolerance'.

Stop the Children's Intifada  (Gatestone)
"Even more worrying is that the Palestinian groups often reward the families, who then become less motivated to stop their children from risking their lives."

An Offer You Can't Refuse  (Raymond Ibrahim)
Islam is the only religion that acts like the mafia.

Why Liberals Downplay Terrorism  (Toronto Sun)
Why do liberals tend to justify the hate?

Lone Wolf Jihad  (American Thinker)
The killings are neither senseless, random or mentally ill. They are deliberately orchestrated by slick propaganda.

The Islamization of Great Britain  (Huffington Post)
"For all of the savagery in headlines today, the experience of England shows that Islam's most effective tools for establishing new footholds in Western cities might just be a passport and a marital bed."

The Left's Worst Crime in the Middle East  (Daniel Greenfield)
It is tacit support for "the majority's terrorism, atrocities, ethnic cleansing and repression of the region's minorities."

The Best British Students  (INN)
"Not poverty-stricken, not misfits and not mentally ill. These terrorists are simply murderers."

The Management of Savagery  (FrontPage Magazine)
Is there a method to the madness?

Netherlands: When the Questions Become the Crime  (Gatestone)
"Is the criminalization of hate speech in the Netherlands now dependent only on whom you hate?"

Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia  (Huffington Post)
"Those who would not conform to this view should be killed, their wives and daughters violated, and their possessions confiscated."

Jihad in Canada: Innocence Lost  (Islam Watch)
Recent martyrdom operations bring home the fact that real Islam has come to Canada.

How Likely is Deradicalization?  (Gatestone)
"Why do Muslims take to the streets to condemn democratic Israel, yet never march to protest Hamas's use of Palestinians as human shields, or the violence of al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, or any other jihadi group?"

The Evil of Whitewashing Islam  (Objective Standard)
"Perhaps some feel that by pretending not to know what they know about Islam they can somehow make Islam not be what it is."

Theresa Cobin: A Muslim Feminist?  (Answering Muslims)
Radical feminist or bimbo in a burqa? David Woods breaks it down for Ms Corbin.

The Horror Before the Beheadings  (NY Times)
Freed cellmates speak of the physical and psychological torture endured by the caliph's captives.

Shooting in Canada: Surprised?  (Molschky)
After years of blindly importing a supremacist ideology, what did you expect would start happening in Canada?

5 Insane But Utterly Predictable Reactions  (Robert Spencer)
The Ottawa shootings prompted the usual 'nothing to do with Islam' shtick from the mainstream media.

The Poison Tree of Jihad  (National Review)
"Why can't we acknowledge that the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, and Hamas have a shared ideology?"

Science and Islam  (BDNews24)
More Islam equals less science.

Turkey the 'Great Muslim Democracy'?  (Gatestone)
"Where Turkey stands today is a perfect example of how, when Islamists - mild or otherwise - rule a country, even the most basic liberties are systematically suppressed."

118 Articles by Robert Spencer  (PJ Media)
A nice collection of articles that explore Islam and its incompatibility with Western values.

Islam: Victors Vanquishing Victims  (FrontPage Magazine)
"Islam sees imperialism as the normal exercise of power."

You Might Have a Jihad Problem if. . .  (Blazing Cat Fur)
. . . multiculturalism trumps common sense.

Canada's Jihad Denial  (Robert Spencer)
Deadly terror attacks are piling up faster in Canada than politicians can keep pace by pretending that Islam has nothing to do with it.


More Resources from TROP

Previous Picture of the Week

Islam... so good that it just makes you want to holler.
(and maybe hurt someone).

Real World Germany: Sharia patrols are part of what happens
when practicing Muslims stop being polite and start being real.



The Religion of Peace is about helping children get ahead in life.


Most Popular Picture of the Week

In 2007 Islam and Judaism's holiest holidays overlapped for 10 days.
Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies in 94
terror attacks across 10
countries during this time... while Jews
worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.


Hate speech? Sounds like it to us, too... but, oddly enough, devout Muslims would have to disagree.

(Some people don't seem to understand the point that we're making here.  Try clicking on the link!)


Gay men being rounded up for "processing" in the Islamic world, where
homosexuals are
demonized, banned, beaten, probed, forced into marriage,
incarcerated, lashed, hanged, brutalized, stoned, tortured and shot


So, you think the Ku Klux Klan
and the Spanish Inquisition are bad?
So do we, but...

Put the Numbers in Perspective

More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined. (source)

Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years. (

More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland. (source)

19 Muslim hijackers killed more innocents in two hours on September 11th than the number of American criminals executed in the last 65 years. (source)

Muslim countries have lower rates of adultery.


Where Islam is "Misunderstood"

For some mysterious reason, the PERFECT religion of Islam
is routinely "misunderstood" each and every day. 
Since 9/11, terrorism in the name of Allah occurs in:

India and the Sudan and Algeria and New York and Pakistan and Israel and Russia and Chechnya and the Philippines and Indonesia and Nigeria and England and Thailand and Spain and Egypt and Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia and Turkey and Morocco and Yemen and Arkansas and France and Uzbekistan and Gaza and Tunisia and Kosovo and Bosnia and Mauritania and Kenya and Eritrea and Syria and Somalia and California and Kuwait and Virginia and Ethiopia and Georgia and Jordan and United Arab Emirates and Louisiana and Texas and Tanzania and Illinois and Pennsylvania and Belgium and Denmark and East Timor and Qatar and Maryland and Tajikistan and New Jersey and the Netherlands and Afghanistan and Chad and Canada and Washington State and China and Nepal and the Maldives and Argentina and Mali and Angola and the Ukraine and Uganda and North Carolina and Germany and Arizona and Lebanon and Iran and Kazakhstan and Sweden and Azerbaijan and Iraq and Scotland and Macedonia and Bulgaria and Cameroon and Massachusetts and Djibouti and...

...and pretty much wherever Islam is taken seriously

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who
are near to you, and let them find harshness in you,
and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty"
 Qur'an, Sura 9:123


Gender Equality Gap Greatest in Islamic Countries...
14-Year-Old Planned Bombing of Austria's Largest Rail Station...
Released Guantanamo Detainees Join Islamic State...
Gunmen Open Fire on Christian Convert...
US Envoy: Praising Islam is the Key to Defeating ISIS...
Islamists Killed 1,631 Nigerian Christians in First Part of 2014...
'Western Woman' Murdered over Sticker with Quran Verses...
UK: 13,000 Reports of Sex Abuse in Manchester...
'There are No Civilians - Kill Them All Wherever They Are'...
Arabs Celebrate Shooting of Prominent Jewish Activist...
(US) First Muslim to Join Peace Corp Indicted for Fraud...
Caliphate Trains Children to Be Suicide Bombers, Human Shields
Ottawa Police 'Reach Out' to Islamists Following Terror...
150 Iraqis Found in Mass Grave
Bangladesh: Islamist Leader to Hang for Rape and Genocide...
Australian Children Trained to Promote Violence...
Malay Council Declares Fatwa against Halloween...
Hamas Helps Kill Egyptian Police
Former Google Employee Tries to Join Islamic State...
1800 German Citizens Waging Jihad in Middle East...
'Democracy is for Infidels'...
Pot Farmers Ready to Fight ISIS
University Women Told to Know Their Place...
LAX Flight Delayed over 'al-Qaeda' WiFi Hotspot...
School Refuses to Cancel Halloween Event...
Danish Man Beaten for Saying Islam is Violent...
Woman and Two Girls Burned Alive for Facebook Post...
IS: Every Muslim's Duty to Kill Until Only Allah is Worshipped...
Pak. University Suspends Staff over Pro-Israel Exhibit...
Saudi to Receive 500 Lashes for Organizing Concert...
Houston Man Plasters City with ISIS Stickers...
Germany Spied on Opponents of Mega-Mosque...
Islamic State Teens: We Can Finally Practice Our Religion...
Pakistan Christians Struggle to Find Burial Space...
Belgian University Plays 'Mean Jew' Game...
Mother Takes Toddler to Syria...
London: Rigby Memorial Will Not Bear His Name...
Mufti to Pro-Tolerance Activist: Apologize Like You Mean It...
Caliphate Forces Hostage to Become 'Reporter' in Kobani...
HR Report Blasts Iran's Crack-down on Religious Minorities...
Victim of Florida Islam Teacher Needed Surgical Repair...
Families Not Immunizing Children over Fear of Pork...
God Beating Allah in Rap Music References...
Family Praises Allah for Baby-Killing Son...
Mullah Rapist Tried to Have Victim Lashed under Sharia...
Transgender Dies Under Police Torture...
Abducted Girls Tortured, Raped, Converted, Forced into Combat
Public Grows Used to Headless Corpses on Caliphate Streets...
Female Kurdish Hero Beheaded by ISIS...
Pro-Islam Textbooks Anger Boston Parents...
Western Aid Recipient to Punish Muslims Who Rent to Jews...
Elderly UK Man Charged for Saying 'I'm Not a Muslim'...
Chemistry Teacher in Britain Admits to Terror Offences...
Canada: Three Counter-Terror 'Success Stories' Go Bad...
'New Black Panther' Group Hails NYC Axe Attack...
KKK Hood Used to Protest Burqa-Friendly Parliament Rule (AUS)
Caliphate Members Behead Woman for Resisting Rape...
35% of Kurdish Fighters are Women...
UK: Follower of Radical Cleric Groomed 15-Year-Old Girl...
More than Half of French Inmates are Muslim...
Iranian Women Stage Brave Protest Against Acid Attacks...
Hamas Threatens New War if Donors Don't Come Through...
Caliphate to Kill Male Teachers of Female Students...
Textbooks Banned in Islamic State...
Religious Teacher Rapes 10-Year-Old Student...
Jordanian Clerics Urge Followers to Support ISIS...
Organizer Apologizes for Pro-Tolerance Event...
Fundamentalists Force Closure of 'Workshop' on Radicalism...
No Joke: Qatar on UN Human Rights Council...
Editor: Bin Laden 'Looked Like a Lady Killer' to Me...
Canadian Muslim Leader Plays Victim Card...
Germany May Have 7000 'Extremists' by Christmas...
Angry Afghans Accuse Paper of 'Blasphemy' for Denouncing ISIS
Halloween 'Threatens the Faith of Muslims'...
Iran Hangs Woman for Resisting Rape...
(US) Teacher at Florida Islamic School Raped Students...
Caliphate Creates GTA-Style Game to Attract Recruits...
Real Wives of ISIS Try to Pull in Other Women for the Brothers
NY Candidate Appears with Hand-Chopping Supporter...
Boko Haram Leaves 'Dowry' of $9 for Each Abducted Woman...
IS Executed Every Man and Boy over 15 in Syrian Town...
Turkey Arrests Woman for Quran Tweet...
Ottawa Killer Prayed Faithfully, Taught Others about Islam...
UK Cleric Supports ISIS: British Law 'Invalid' in Britain...
NY Axe Swinger: Acting 'In the Cause of Allah'...
Australia: Man Pleads Guilty to 'Marrying' 12-Year-Old...
RCMP Tried to Get Mosque to Help with Terrorist...
Malaysian Group: Militant Activities 'Required in Islam'...
Turkish Intel Chief: Not Possible to Defeat 'Popular' ISIS...
Iranian Actress Stands Up to the Mullahs...
Muslim Man Attacks NYC Cops with Axe...
Video Shows Mistreatment of Exported Australian Animals...
Ottawa Jihadi Chip off the Old Block...
Muslim-Canadian Journalist: Canada Deserved It...
Saudi Arabia to 'Deal Strictly' with Female Drivers...
Libyans Flogged for Drinking Alcohol...
ISIS Calls on the Brothers to Kill More Canadians...
Arabs Throw Rocks at Israeli Kindergarten...
Abbas Aide Praises 'Heroic' Baby Killer...
No Accident: Video Shows Car Targeting Train Passengers...
Calls to Stone Organizer of Dog-Petting Event...
Tornadoes Blamed on Dog-Petting...
Christian Family Tortured by Religious Fanatics...
Interfaith Marriage Shunned in 'Moderate' Indonesia...
Connecticut Church Sold 'for the Benefit' of Local Muslims...
French Launch 'Pork Detection' Kit...
Danes Experiment with 'Reinte-grating' Returned Jihadis...
No Celebrations of Malala's Nobel Win in Pakistan...
Report: Islamic State Using Chemical Weapons...
Hamas 'Welcomes' News of Murdered Baby...
Canadian Soldiers Advised to Shed Uniforms on Streets...
Pak. Court Bars Non-Muslims from Teaching Islamic Studies...
Educated, Affluent Muslims Joining Islamic State...
Convert to Islam Goes on Ottawa Shooting Rampage...
Palestinian Takes Out Israeli Baby at Rail Station...
Caliph's Sex Slave Begs for West to Bomb Brothel...
ISIS 'Gifts' Women to al-Qaeda Defectors...
CAIR's 'Hate Crime' Video Turns Out to be Hoax...
Man Overseeing Stoning Urges 'Brothers' to 'Take Good Care of Women'...
Boko Haram Kidnaps 45 More Girls...
Scholar: Women Not Allowed to Object to More Wives...
UK Grooming Scandal: Taxi Riders Asking for 'White' Drivers...
al-Qaeda Magazine Vows to Shed Blood in India...
Denver Teens Attempt to Join Islamic State...
Father Joins in Stoning Daughter for Adultery...
Pregnant Teen Slave Escapes - Faces Stoning for 'Sex'...
'Source of All Evil' Identified (Hint: It's Twitter)...
Female Professor Joins IS...
Montreal Victim Dies: 'Islam is the Only True Religion'...
Man with Down's Syndrome Beheaded for 'Atheism'...
Columnist: Dog-Petting is 'Testing Muslim Patience'...
More 'Sensitive' Name for ISIS Backfires on Twitter...
Cops Torture Christian Family After Son Marries Muslim Girl...
ISIS Magazine 'Very Religious'
Madrassah Teacher Molests African Student...
NJ 'Muhammad': 'All White Folks Have a Little Hitler in Them'...
Acid Attacks on Women Ensued After Cleric's Sermon on Dress...
Terrorist: 'We Have Allah and You Do Not'...
Top Cleric Urges West Bank to Shoot Rockets into Israel...
Elderly Deaf Man Beaten over Hearing Aid...
'Radicalized' Man Tries to Kill Cops in Quebec...
Muslim Burial Customs Spread Ebola...
Iran Sentences Church Leaders to Long Prison Terms...
Four Women Shot to Death for Adultery...
Two Dozen Cross-Dressers and Gays Busted by Kuwait...
Mother Widowed by IS, Sold into Sex Slavery for $12...
Hamas Leader's Daughter Treated in Israeli Hospital...
Children Trained to 'Serve Islam' by Killing...
Hamas Prepares for Next War as World Ponies Up Cash...
Dutch Battle Surge of Violent Muslim 'Refugees'...
Son of UK Islamist Cleric Behind 3 Days of Torture...
21 Dead in Suicide Attack on Shiite Mosque...
America's 'Most Influential' Muslim Endorses Sharia...
Egyptian Islamists Demand Jizya from Ancient Monastery...
Eight Shot Dead for Having 'Wrong' Ethnicity...
London Student Union Rejects Holocaust Memorial Day...
22 Hacked to Death at Farmers Market in China...
Women Doused with Acid for Not Being 'Properly Covered'...
Politician 'Repents' by Becoming Suicide Bomber...
Minority Girl's Beheading Found on Video...
Austrian Teen Embraces Islam - 'Main Goal' is to 'Kill Infidels'
Female Professor Beheaded in Front of Children...
Arabs Paint Swastikas on Temple Mount...
Malaysians Work Up the Courage to Touch a Dog...
Ex-Supermarket Guard: Ready to Whip Smokers & Music Lovers
Palestinians Slur African-Israeli with 'Jungle' Reference..
Demon Possession on the Rise in Scotland...
Qatri Government Official Sent $1.6 Million to Terrorists...
Suicide Bombing Captured on Video...
Caribbean Muslims Pitch In to Help ISIS...
ISIS Commanders Rape Yazidi Virgins...
Abbas Echoes Call for Temple Mount Violence Against Jews...
Facebook 'Like' Turns into Prison Sentence for Copt...
Boko Haram Energized by Quran Verse...
Five Men Charged with Plotting to Kill Cops in London...
British Man Embraces Islam, Vows to 'Chop Off Heads'...
ISIS Opens Finishing School for Women...




List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2014.10.29 Iraq Hit 46 0 Forty-six Iraqis are bound and executed in cold blood by the Islamic State.
2014.10.28 Pakistan Karachi 1 8 A 10-month-old girl bleeds to death after Sunnis lob a grenade into a Shia worship hall.
2014.10.27 Afghanistan Kunduz 10 10 A suicide bomber and three Taliban gunmen storm a courthouse and murder ten others.
2014.10.27 Syria Idlib 70 0 Seventy captives are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2014.10.27 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A university professor and his son are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.10.27 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhar 27 60 A Sunni suicide bomber targets a crowd of Shiites and snuffs out over two dozen lives.
2014.10.26 Nigeria Borno 17 25 Boko Haram kill seventeen people and abduct several girls in attacks on a series of villages.
2014.10.26 Syria Raqqa 3 0 Three men are beheaded for 'cursing Allah'.
2014.10.26 Syria Aleppo 2 24 Militant Sunnis send a mortar round into a school, killing two children.
2014.10.26 Iraq Baiji 11 8 Eleven people at a refinery are reduced to pulp by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.10.26 Syria Albu Kamal 4 0 Four people are publicly beheaded by the caliphate.
2014.10.26 Yemen al-Manassah 20 0 Twenty are left dead after an al-Qaeda suicide car bomber plows into a group of Shia.
2014.10.26 Yemen al-Baydah 10 0 Ten civilians are killed when Shiite radicals send rocket fire into a town held by Sunnis.
2014.10.25 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 A woman is beheaded by Sharia activists.
2014.10.25 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 An Islamist car bomb leaves one dead.
2014.10.25 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhr 8 0 Eight defenders are killed during an Islamic State assault on a town.
2014.10.25 Iraq Taji 8 17 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends eight Iraqis to Allah.
2014.10.25 Iraq Anbar 3 7 Three children at a playground are pulled into pieces by an Islamic State mortar round.
2014.10.25 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three doctors are executed by the caliphate.
2014.10.25 Iraq Zumar 7 0 Seven Kurds lose their lives to an Islamic State car bomb.
2014.10.24 Iraq al-Ameriya 12 30 A dozen people lose their lives to various injuries suffered during an ISIS mortar attack.
2014.10.24 Iraq Mosul 20 0 Caliphate members line up twenty people and shoot them in the back of the head.
2014.10.24 Aghanistan Khogyani 5 2 Five civilians lose their lives when Sunni radicals suddenly open fire point-blank on their vehicle.
2014.10.24 Egypt al-Arish 3 0 Three security personnel are gunned down in cold blood by Islamic fanatics.
2014.10.24 Egypt al-Kharouba 30 28 Thirty people are torn to shreds by an Ansar Bayt al-Maqsis suicide car bomber.
2014.10.23 Tunisia Tunis 1 1 Islamic extremists gun down a policeman.
2014.10.23 Nigeria Azare 5 12 A pro-Sharia group is suspected in a bomb blast at a bus stop that takes down five passengers.
2014.10.23 Philippines Bagumbayan 1 0 Bangsamoro Islamic shoot a man to death.
2014.10.23 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Hazera minority is shot to death by Sunnis.
2014.10.23 Pakistan Quetta 8 1 Suspected Lashkar-e-Jhangvi board a bus carrying Shiites and open fire, killing eight innocents.
2014.10.23 Nigeria Mafa 17 30 Boko Haram militants murder seventeen villagers and abduct thirty children.
2014.10.23 Pakistan Quetta 2 10 A sectarian car bomb blast kills two civilians.
2014.10.23 Pakistan Quetta 2 22 Two people are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.10.23 USA NYC, NY 0 5 Four rookie cops and a female bystander are assaulted with an axe by a Muslim who says he is acting in the cause of Allah.
2014.10.23 CAR Yamale 30 0 Thirty Christians are massacred by Islamic extremists.
2014.10.22 Libya Dariana 1 4 One other person is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.10.22 Canada Ottawa, ON 1 1 A reserve soldier is killed during attacks on a war memorial and parliament building by a Muslim extremist.
2014.10.22 Pakistan Mamund 0 3 Religious extremists target an anti polio-team.
2014.10.22 Yemen al-Bayda 5 0 al-Qaeda claims an attack that leaves five other dead.
2014.10.22 Israel Jerusalem 2 6 A Palestinian plows his car into a group of Israelis waiting at a rail station, killing a 3-month-old baby and a young woman.
2014.10.22 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 Three children burn to death when their house is caught up in a Taliban attack.
2014.10.22 Egypt Cairo 0 11 Ajnad Misr members detonate a bomb outside a university.
2014.10.22 Iraq Baghdad 18 37 Fundamentalists bomb a theater, killing eighteen bystanders.
2014.10.22 Iraq Sadr City 9 37 Nine people at a hospital are sectionalists by Mujahid bombers.
2014.10.22 Philippines Maguindanao 2 0 Two guards at a hospital are murdered by a militant Muslim group.
2014.10.21 Iraq Hijaj 6 2 A half-dozen Iraqis bleed to death following an ISIS roadside blast.
2014.10.21 Syria Idlib 1 0 A man is stoned for adultery by al-Nusra.
2014.10.21 Syria Hama 1 0 A woman is stoned for adultery by a group of ISIS volunteers and her own father.
2014.10.21 Afghanistan Kabul 4 12 A Taliban bomb produces four dead Afghans.
2014.10.21 Syria Kobani 1 0 A man with Down's Syndrome is beheaded by caliphate militants on charges of atheism.
2014.10.21 Pakistan Bajaur 1 2 Islamic militants kill a tribesman with a well-placed rocket.
2014.10.21 Iraq Fallujah 6 0 Six younger people from poor families are executed by the Islamic State, which then hangs their bodies.
2014.10.21 Nigeria Pelachiroma 4 0 Four people are killed when Islamists burn down churches in a rural community.
2014.10.21 Iraq Baghdad 21 42 Nearly two dozen people lose their lives to a series of Mujahid bomb attacks on three restaurants.
2014.10.20 Yemen Rada 20 0 An al-Qaeda car bombing and a series of shootings leave twenty others dead, including children.
2014.10.20 Iraq Qara Tappa 15 0 Caliphate member slip into a community and murder fifteen people.
2014.10.20 Libya Benghazi 1 1 A woman is picked off by an Islamist bomb.
2014.10.20 Iraq Latifiyah 7 0 Seven executed Shiite pilgrims are discovered in a mass grave.
2014.10.20 Iraq Karbala 26 55 Five caliphate car bombs target Shiite areas, leaving at least fifteen dead.
2014.10.20 Iraq Mosul Dam 15 25 Fifteen people are laid out by an Islamic State suicide bomb blast.
2014.10.20 Iraq Baghdad 17 28 A suicide bomber takes out seventeen innocent people outside a rival mosque.
2014.10.20 Canada Montreal, QB 1 1 A convert to Islam runs down two Canadian soldiers with his car 'in the name of Allah'.
2014.10.20 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A man and his son are shot to death in their home by the Islamic State.
2014.10.20 Pakistan Salarzai 2 2 Two security personnel are murdered by religious extremists in a roadside attack.
2014.10.19 Egypt al-Arish 7 6 Ansar Beit al-Maqdis bombers murder another seven people.
2014.10.19 Iraq Baghdad 22 25 A Shahid suicide bomber exterminates twenty-two mourners attending a funeral at a rival mosque.
2014.10.19 Nigeria Gidin Waya 7 0 Seven villagers are murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2014.10.19 Nigeria Wukari 31 0 Over two dozen people, including two pastors, are massacred in church by Muslim terrorists.
2014.10.19 Pakistan Joharabad 1 0 A 56-year-old Shiite street vendor is gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2014.10.19 Iraq Baiji 4 7 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out four people.
2014.10.19 Iraq Amiriyat al-Falluja 3 0 Three people are disintegrated by an Islamic State suicide bomber.
2014.10.19 Iraq Zaidan 7 28 Seven Iraqis are laid out by a Muhajid bomb blast.
2014.10.19 Afghanistan Logar 4 0 A Taliban assault on a police post leaves four defenders dead.
2014.10.18 Yemen Yarim 4 0 Four innocents are killed when Shiite radicals attack the home of a Sunni politician.
2014.10.18 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 A suicide bomber manages to kill one other civilian.
2014.10.18 Nigeria Maikadiri 8 0 Eight are killed when Boko Haram fire indiscriminately into homes.
2014.10.18 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 3 6 Three policemen are laid out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.10.18 Iraq Baghdad 3 12 Mujahideen blow up three civilians with a roadside bomb.
2014.10.18 Nigeria Waga 2 40 Boko Haram invade a village, shoot two people to death and abduct forty women for sex slavery.
2014.10.18 DRC Byalos 22 0 Ten women and eight children are among twenty-two massacred by ADF-NALU Islamists.
2014.10.18 Nigeria Garta 3 0 Three people have their throats slit by Sharia activists.
2014.10.18 Iraq Madaen 4 14 Four patrons at a cafe are lifted permanently out of their seats by Jihadi bombers.
2014.10.17 India Maharashtra 1 0 A woman is assaulted and set on fire for defying a local fatwa.
2014.10.17 Iraq Baghdad 7 12 A half-dozen people die when fundamentalists bomb a liquor store.
2014.10.17 Syria al-Bab 1 0 The caliphate crucifies a 17-year-old boy for apostasy, quoting verse 5:33 of the Quran.
2014.10.17 Libya Benghazi 3 3 A suicide bomber sends three people to Allah.
2014.10.17 Lebanon Akkar 1 0 al-Nusra snipers are suspected of shooting a teenager riding a military bus.
2014.10.17 Iraq Baghdad 14 27 Islamic State bombers coordinate a blast at a cafe that leaves fourteen dead.
2014.10.17 Iraq Baghdad 7 13 Religious extremists murder seven people at a commercial district.
2014.10.17 Iraq Karrada 9 27 Caliphate members set off a car bomb near a theater, killing nine.
2014.10.17 Nigeria Zhur 7 0 Boko Haram slaughter seven innocent people.
2014.10.17 Syria Kobani 1 0 Video captures the beheading of a very young Alevi girl at the hands of the caliphate because of her status as a religious minority.
2014.10.17 Nigeria Abadam 1 0 An Islamist attack on a village leaves one dead.
2014.10.16 Iraq Talibiyah 12 28 A dozen people are torn to shreds by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.10.16 Egypt Tanta 0 11 Bombs at a festival wound eleven people.
2014.10.16 Afghanistan Bahglan 2 0 Two lawyers lose their lives to a Taliban bomb.
2014.10.16 Yemen Udain 5 0 al-Qaeda militants overrun a small town, killing five defenders.
2014.10.16 Syria al-Bukamal 2 0 Two people are publicly beheaded by the caliphate. One was 15-years-old.
2014.10.16 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia grocery owner is sitting outside his shop when he is picked off in a Sunni drive-by.
2014.10.16 Pakistan Rahim Yar Khan 1 1 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen fire at a Shia, killing him and injuring his boy.
2014.10.16 Pakistan Attock 1 0 A 62-year-old religious minority is shot to death outside his home by radical Sunnis.
2014.10.16 Pakistan Faisalabad 1 0 A Shiite is tortured to death by Sunnis in an extra-judicial prison killing.
2014.10.16 Egypt al-Arish 3 11 Three police officers are killed when Ansar al-Maqdis fire a grenade into a bus.
2014.10.16 Iraq Baghdad 14 34 Two car bombs detonate in a Shia commercial district, claiming fourteen lives.
2014.10.16 DRC Beni 26 50 Over two dozen people are hacked to death by an Islamist group.
2014.10.16 Iraq Shula 6 18 The caliphate sends mortar rounds into a residential neighborhood, killing six.
2014.10.16 Iraq Mahmoudiya 7 12 A Sunni car bomb in a Shiite area leaves seven dead.
2014.10.16 Iraq Baghdad 3 4 The Islamic State sets off a bomb near shops, killing three bystanders.
2014.10.16 Nigeria Sabon-Gida 10 0 Muslim terrorists kill ten villagers and burn fifty homes.
2014.10.16 Afghanistan Farah 4 0 Four women are kidnapped by fundamentalists and shot to death for adultery.
2014.10.16 Iraq Tikrit 11 0 Eleven victims of sectarian executioners are discovered.
2014.10.16 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A female university professor is beheaded in front of her children by the caliphate.
2014.10.16 Iraq Hurriyah 6 16 A half dozen civilians are laid out by an IS car bomb in a shopping district.
2014.10.16 Iraq Tikrit 17 3 Women and children are among the members of two families blown up in the middle of the night while sleeping.
2014.10.15 Libya Benghazi 4 8 At least four others are killed during an attack by Ansar al-Sharia.
2014.10.15 Egypt Cairo 0 12 A child is among the casualties of a terrorist bombing.
2014.10.15 Pakistan Tirah 7 5 Two children are among seven torn to shreds by a Lashkar-e-Islam suicide bomber.
2014.10.15 Afghanistan Kabul 2 3 Two civilians are aerated by Religion of Peace shrapnel.
2014.10.15 Afghanistan Khost 8 5 Eight security personnel are laid out during a Fedayeen suicide assault.
2014.10.15 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two people are killed by an al-Shabaab car bomb.
2014.10.15 Somalia Mogadishu 5 8 Islamists bomb a restaurant, killing five patrons and bystanders.
2014.10.15 Syria Idlib 35 0 An Ahrar al-Sham bomb blast reported kills three dozen people.
2014.10.15 Pakistan Safi 1 1 Religious extremists fire on a group of villagers, killing one.
2014.10.14 Afghanistan Kunar 1 1 A woman is shot to death by Sharia extremists.
2014.10.14 Afghanistan Badi Sambor 0 1 A student is injured when fundamentalists bomb a girls' school.
2014.10.14 Iraq Kadhimiyah 21 51 A horrific caliphate suicide attack leaves twenty-one dead.
2014.10.14 Afghanistan Baraki 6 0 Six local cops are murdered by the Taliban.
2014.10.14 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Two women and a journalist are executed by the Islamic State with shots to the head.
2014.10.14 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Two children are among a family of four exterminated by caliphate bombers.
2014.10.14 Iraq Babil 35 0 Thirty-five victims of Muslim terror are found in laying in an open field.
2014.10.14 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 The lives of four people are cut tragically short by a Jihadi bomber.
2014.10.13 Iraq Samarrah 4 5 Four Iraqis are gunned down by Islamic State militants.
2014.10.13 Somalia Mogadishu 13 2 Thirteen people at a cafe are obliterated by pro-Sharia bombers.
2014.10.13 Afghanistan Laghman 22 15 Religious extremists attack a local security patrol and kill twenty-two members.
2014.10.13 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 6 Two civilians are killed by a Religion of Peace suicide bomber.
2014.10.13 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Suspected Islamists fire at a man and woman in a car, killing them both.
2014.10.13 Iraq Baghdad 16 30 Jihadi bombers claim the lives of sixteen innocents.
2014.10.13 China Xinjiang 1 0 A pregnant police officer is stabbed to death by suspected Islamists.
2014.10.13 Iraq Balad 13 0 Thirteen ISIS execution victims are discovered.
2014.10.13 Iraq Baghdad 22 41 Twenty-two people are reduced to pulp by a Holy Warrior with a suicide vest.
2014.10.13 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 A suicide car bomber kills one civilian.
2014.10.13 India Kupwara 1 0 Muslim terrorists murder a local soldier.
2014.10.13 Iraq Sadr City 6 24 Six people at a market are laid out by a Mujahid bomb blast.
2014.10.12 Afghanistan Wardak 6 8 A half dozen locals are cut to pieces by a suicide car bomber.
2014.10.12 Afghanistan Alishing 3 0 Three construction workers are murdered by a Taliban rocket attack.
2014.10.12 Afghanistan Monogai 3 3 Religioius extremists ambush and kill three Afghans.
2014.10.12 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 2 18 Two police officers are picked off by Taliban gunmen who wore police uniforms to gain advantage.
2014.10.12 Iraq Qara Tappah 58 107 Three caliphate suicide bombers massacre sixty Kurds.
2014.10.12 Syria Kobani 1 0 A child is reportedly beheaded by ISIS for touching a Quran.
2014.10.12 Libya Benghazi 1 1 A suspected Ansar al-Sharia car bomb leaves one dead.
2014.10.12 Somalia Mogadishu 6 3 A half dozen people are disassembled by an Islamist car bomb.
2014.10.12 China Maralbeshi 22 0 Four Muslim terrorists armed with knives hack twenty-two innocents to death at a farmer's market.
2014.10.12 Syria Kobani 2 0 An English teacher and a child are beheaded by caliphate militants.
2014.10.12 Iraq Baqubah 6 10 Sunni extremists set off two bombs at a market that produce a half-dozen dead shoppers.
2014.10.12 Iraq Diyala 2 1 Two children are disassembled by Islamic State mortars.
2014.10.12 Libya Kikla 23 43 Two dozen people are killed when rival Islamist groups work out differences.
2014.10.11 Iraq Tarmiyah 11 21 The lives of eleven are cruelly snuffed out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at an outdoor market.
2014.10.11 Syria Kobani 20 0 Twenty civilians are reported killed by the Islamic State, including seventeen execution victims.
2014.10.11 Yemen Shibam 3 3 Three local cops are exterminated by religious extremists.
2014.10.11 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 2 5 Two local cops are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.10.11 Pakistan Khoshta 1 1 Sunnis bomb a vehicle carrying Shias, killing the driver.
2014.10.11 Iraq Khazimiyah 13 28 A suicide bomber takes out over a dozen Iraqis.
2014.10.11 Iraq Meshahda 14 27 Women and children are among the casualites of a barbaric Fedayeen suicide bombing.
2014.10.11 Iraq Tikrit 27 32 The caliphate is thought responsible for a double bombing that leaves over two dozen dead.
2014.10.11 Nigeria Shonong 6 0 A half-dozen businessmen are ambushed and murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2014.10.11 Iraq Shula 18 41 A suicide bomber detonates near the site of an earlier bombing, killing eighteen, including first responders.
2014.10.11 Iraq Shula 8 24 Sunnis detonate a powerful car bomb outside an ice cream shop in a Shiite area, exterminating eight patrons.
2014.10.10 Yemen Sanaa 14 0 An al-Qaeda video shows the brutal execution of fourteen 'apostates' by knife-waving Allah praisers.
2014.10.10 Iraq Hawija 6 0 Six people are publicly executed by the Isalmic State.
2014.10.10 Iraq Baiji 3 0 Three men are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2014.10.10 China Guma 6 0 Six people are stabbed to death by a Muslim duo in two separate attacks.
2014.10.10 Iraq Samra 4 0 Two journalists are among four civilians publicly executed by the caliphate
2014.10.10 Pakistan Millat 2 0 A conservative family 'honor kills' a couple for marrying without permission.
2014.10.10 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A female lawyer is pulled from her home and murdered by the caliphate.
2014.10.10 Nigeria Lwa 7 0 Fulani terrorists burn down a church and kill seven people, including a pregnant woman.
2014.10.10 DRC Oicha 9 0 Children are among nine people killed by an Islamist group.
2014.10.09 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 Jihadis bomb a market, killing two patrons.
2014.10.09 Iraq Sfiftah 9 13 Nine people are disintegrated by a suicide truck bomber.
2014.10.09 Libya Benghazi 14 0 Fourteen defenders are killed when Islamists stage another assault on the airport.
2014.10.09 Yemen Sanaa 47 75 Fifty people are reduced to pulp by a Shahid suicide bomber targeting Shiites at a rally.
2014.10.09 Nigeria Bachi 27 0 Twenty-seven people are murdered in a series of Boko Haram attacks on defensless villages.
2014.10.09 Yemen Mukalla 20 15 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber takes twenty others with him.
2014.10.09 Kenya Mombasa 1 0 Sharia advocates shoot a guard at a casino several times at close range.
2014.10.09 Bangladesh Nawdabash 1 4 Angry Muslims rampage a Hindu village, killing one person and burning houses.
2014.10.09 Iraq Baquba 10 11 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out ten Iraqis.
2014.10.08 Iraq Tal Afar 1 0 A female politician is murdered by the Islamic State and thrown down a well.
2014.10.08 Pakistan Safi 2 1 Fundamentalist bombers murder two polio workers.
2014.10.08 Philippines North Catabato 2 7 A nurse and teacher bleed to death after Islamists throw a hand grenade into a Church of Christ.
2014.10.08 Afghanistan Paktika 2 0 A prayer leading imam suffers premature detonation, blowing up both himself and his mother.
2014.10.08 Iraq Sadr City 10 25 Sunnis set off a car bomb near a cafe in a Shiite neighborhood, ending the lives of ten innocents.
2014.10.08 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two female doctors are executed by the caliphate.
2014.10.08 Libya al-Aziziya 8 3 Eight occupants are killed when an Islamist militia sends a rocket into a mosque.
2014.10.08 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 5 19 At least five people lose their lives to a suicide car bomber in a residential neighborhood.
2014.10.08 Yemen Baida 10 9 An al-Qaeda suicide car bomber takes out ten local cops.
2014.10.07 Mali Kidal 1 0 Terrorists fire a rocket a a UN camp, killing a peacekeeper.
2014.10.07 Libya Derna 1 0 A politician denounces Islamists and is quickly gunned down.
2014.10.07 Iraq Baghdad 13 31 Thirteen people are pulled into pieces by a Mujahid car bombing along a busy street.
2014.10.07 Iraq Jalawla 5 0 Five people are killed by ISIS.
2014.10.07 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Sunnis are gunned down by sectarian rivals.
2014.10.07 Iraq Samarra 8 10 A Fedayeen suicide bombing claims the lives of eight innocents.
2014.10.07 Iraq Baquba 12 0 A suicide bomber takes out a dozen Iraqis.
2014.10.07 Iraq Abbasiya 17 13 A Shahid suicide car bomber rams into a house and snuffs out seventeen lives.
2014.10.07 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four young men are shot in the back of the head by Islamic State executioners.
2014.10.07 Iraq Hit 3 3 Three people are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.10.07 Iraq Alam 2 0 Two hostages are executed by their ISIS captors.
2014.10.07 Lebanon Shebaa 0 2 A Hezbollah bomb injures two Israelis.
2014.10.07 Pakistan Jamrud 1 0 Islamists burn down two primary schools and kill a retired policeman.
2014.10.07 Iraq Diyala 1 0 A woman is executed by ISIS for crimes against Islam.
2014.10.07 Pakistan Quetta 2 3 Attacks on two Hazera mosques leaves two dead.
2014.10.07 Pakistan Garhi Kapura 2 0 A young couple is killed by the girl's conservative brother on suspicion of sex.
2014.10.07 Nigeria Shonong 6 0 Six people are murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2014.10.06 Libya Banghazi 5 0 A man and his son are among five gunned down by suspected Ansar al-Sharia.
2014.10.06 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 0 A 13-year-old boy is vaporized by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2014.10.06 Syria Hasakah 30 35 Thirty Kurds lose their lives to two Shahid suicide blasts.
2014.10.06 Nigeria Ngambi 7 0 Seven people are beheaded by Boko Haram Islamists.
2014.10.06 Cameroon Amchide 8 24 Pro-Sharia militants fire a rocket into a town, killing eight residents.
2014.10.06 Somalia Jazeera 2 0 Two people are shot to death at the beach by al-Shabaab.
2014.10.05 Egypt Sinai 4 0 Four gentlemen are beheaded on video by the pro-Sharia group Ansar Beit al-Maqdis.
2014.10.05 Nigeria Sharbutu 3 0 Fulani terrorists massacre three villagers.
2014.10.05 Iraq Anbar 6 0 Six Iraqis are publicly executed by the caliphate.
2014.10.05 Iraq Mosul 14 0 Fourteen civilians are shot to death for refusing to fight for the Islamic State.
2014.10.05 Iraq Hit 6 0 Caliphate representatives line up six hostages and machine-gun them in turn.
2014.10.05 DRC Beni 7 14 ADF-Nalu militants murder seven locals.
2014.10.05 Chechnya Grozny 5 12 Five people are sectionalized by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.10.04 Pakistan Swat 2 0 Two men are shot to death by the Taliban.
2014.10.04 Pakistan Kohat 6 17 Religious extremists throw a bomb into a bus stop, killing six bystanders, including a child.
2014.10.04 Libya Benghazi 4 5 Four security personnel are killed during an Ansar-al-Sharia assault on an airport.
2014.10.04 Pakistan Quetta 5 30 Women and children are among the casualties when a suicide bomber targets a minority religious center.
2014.10.04 Iraq Tarmiya 7 18 Jihad bombers claim seven lives.
2014.10.04 Iraq Baiji 12 24 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out a dozen innocents, including women and children.
2014.10.04 Pakistan Hafizabad 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a Shiite school teacher.
2014.10.04 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shia minorities are shot to death by Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat.
2014.10.04 Iraq Mansouriya 4 14 Four Iraqis are killed by Mujahideen.
2014.10.03 Iraq Kobani 1 0 Religion of Peace proponents cut off a woman's head.
2014.10.03 Libya Benghazi 12 45 An Ansar al-Sharia attack leaves a dozen security personnel dead.
2014.10.03 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A British aid worker is beheaded by the Islamic State for being non-Muslim.
2014.10.03 Nigeria Yola 1 0 Boko Haram beheads a captured Nigerian pilot.
2014.10.03 Iraq Beiji 2 0 Two pilots are killed when Muslim terrorists shoot down an Iraqi helicoptor.
2014.10.03 Mali Gao 9 0 Nine peacekeepers are burned to a crisp when Jihadists ambush their fuel truck - calling them the "enemies of Islam."
2014.10.03 Nigeria Bachit 13 0 Thirteen villagers are massacred by Fulani terrorists.
2014.10.03 Nigeria Dum 2 0 Two people lose their lives to Muslim terrorists.
2014.10.03 Nigeria Michika 70 0 A 99-year-old man is among 70 residents of three villages massacred by Boko Haram Islamists.
2014.10.02 Afghanistan Kabul 3 7 A suicide attack on a bus leaves three dead.
2014.10.02 Pakistan Peshawar 7 6 Seven people incinerated by a Religion of Peace bomb blast in a minivan.
2014.10.02 Iraq Hit 42 32 Over forty others lose their lives when a town is overrun by ISIS.
2014.10.02 Libya Banghazi 7 48 Seven security personnel are killed by a suicide bomber at an airport and a separate shooting.
2014.10.02 Libya Benghazi 29 70 Two more suicide bombings take out thirty more security personnel at an airport.
2014.10.02 Nigeria Fang 3 0 Three people are killed by Muslim terrorists.
2014.10.02 Pakistan Haramosh 3 10 Sunnis bomb a bus full of Shiites, killing three.
2014.10.01 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Sunni is gunned down by sectarian rivals.
2014.10.01 Afghanistan Kabul 8 21 Eight people are pulled into pieces by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.10.01 Iraq Baghdad 7 24 Seven Iraqis are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.10.01 Iraq Baghdad 15 40 Religious extremists target a pet and vegetable market with a car bomb, ending the lives of fifteen patrons.
2014.10.01 Iraq Jubur 7 30 Seven villagers are killed during an ISIS assault on their town.
2014.10.01 Syria Homs 45 74 Over forty children are among dozens obliterated when a suicide bomber follows a car bombing near a Shiite school and hospital.
2014.10.01 Syria Kobani 1 0 A civilian is captured and beheaded by caliphate terrorists.
2014.10.01 Pakistan Shabqadar 1 2 A female teacher is killed and two students injured when fundamentalists throw a grenade into the school after warnings over the girl's dress code.
2014.09.30 Iraq Khanaqin 4 12 Four Kurds are ripped to shreds by an Islamic State bombing.
2014.09.30 Iraq Baghdad 20 35 Two Mujahideen car bombs a long a packed street leaves at least twenty dead civilians.
2014.09.30 Iraq Baghdad 5 15 Terrorists fire mortars into a neighborhood, killing five residents.
2014.09.30 Iraq Iskandariyah 5 13 A Religion of Peace bomb blast produces five dead Iraqis.
2014.09.30 Georgia Pankisi Gorge 0 1 A woman is stabbed in the breast by her fundamentalist brother for not wearing a hijab.
2014.09.30 Syria Kobane 9 0 Three women are among nine Kurds beheaded by the caliphate, which places the heads on display.
2014.09.30 Iraq Karbala 8 13 Eight people are taken apart by a Sunni car bomb in a Shiite city.

* Honor killings appear on the list, but are not included in the counter

There is a reason we call it Islamic terrorism, and it isn't
because we falsely attribute motives to the terrorists, but
because Islam is the stated purpose and aim of the terrorists.
Daniel Greenfield

Previous Years:

Islamic Terror Attacks for First Part of 2014

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2013

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2012

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2011

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2010

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2009

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2008

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2007

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2006

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2005

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2004

Islamic Attacks from September 11th, 2001 through 2003

About the List of Terrorist Attacks by Muslims

If we are "at war" with Islam it is not because there is something
 wrong with us, but because there is something wrong with Islam.

"I am one of the servants of Allah.  We do our duty of fighting for the
sake of the religion of Allah.  It is also our duty to send a call to
all the people of the world to enjoy this great light and to
embrace Islam and experience the happiness in Islam. 
Our primary mission is nothing but the furthering of this religion." 
Osama bin Laden (1957 - 2011)

If Muslim men like hijabs so much, maybe they should wear them.

If we should respect the Quran because not doing so causes Muslims to
get angry and kill, then here are the other things we should stop doing:

Educating  women.  Selling alcohol.  Pre-marital sexSharing a
non-Muslim religious faith. 
Democracy.  Disaster reliefSporting events
Free speech. Allowing women to dress as they please.  Being gay
Hindu.  Being Christian.  Being Jewish.  Being Buddhist
Sikh.  Being Ahmadi.  Being Sufi.  Going to the wrong mosque...


  Hamas Wants Your Money!   

This is Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of the Hamas terror group, which the Palestinians have chosen to run their government.  He wants your money...  unconditionally.

These are his people, the Hamas terrorists who have slaughtered hundreds of innocent people in shopping malls, cafes and even on buses.  (They're holding Qurans).

This is an example of who they murder: Mazal Marciano a talented and devoted mother of two small children.  She made easy pickings for Haniyeh and his henchmen.

Are you burning with the Peace of Islam?

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