White House Laughs Off Questions About Millions Of New Green Cards

Politics | Al Weaver

Josh Earnest really thinks this is LOL funny

Salon Warns Of 'White Menaces To Society'

US | Alex Griswold
Salon Screen 2

Can it sink any lower?

Crist: People Losing Their Jobs Over Minimum Wage Hike 'Worth It'

Politics | Derek Hunter
Former Florida Governor Charlie Crist waves after meeting supporters outside the North Miami Public Library in Miami

Some will lose their jobs, but others deserve a raise.

Democrat Skips TV Debate, Gives Republican One Hour Of Free Air Time, Angers MSNBC

Politics | Derek Hunter

'Did I mention this race is basically tied?'

Check out Daily Caller Polls on LockerDome on LockerDome


Photo of David Williams

Washington State Taxpayers Taken For A Bumpy Ride By Boeing

President, Taxpayers Protection Alliance
It should come as no surprise to anyone who's watched their lobbying for Ex-Im Bank funding.
Photo of Penny Nance

Two Ten-Dollar Wars On Women

President, Concerned Women for America
The same price can buy birth control in Peoria or a wife in Mosul. Guess which one the left is talking about?
Photo of Chris Wilson

Weekly Midterm Update: Obama Ties Himself Around Dem Candidates' Necks

CEO, WPA Opinion Research
...but the polling still shouldn't look this close.
Photo of Marc Sterne

Ten Years On: A Message For Kansas City, From A Red Sox Fan

Producer, "The Tony Kornheiser Show"
Good luck and godspeed, and don't mix red wine and bourbon.
Photo of Brett M. Decker

NSA Isn’t Interested In Your Pumpkin-Pie Recipes, Says Senior Official

Consulting Director, White House Writers Group
On Snowden, a trial would be problematic but 'there are things I would like see happen to him.'
Photo of Gen. Anthony Zinni and Adm. James Stavridis

Fighting Extremism Requires Foreign Aid, Too

Co-Chairs, National Security Advisory Council
Terrorists prey on misery and desperation. We can change that dynamic.
Photo of Ken Blackwell

The Sapphic Tyrant Of Houston Endangers Civil Rights

Former Ohio Secretary of State
How the mayor bullied churches and her cronies rigged a petition drive
Photo of Jason Stverak

The Bottleneck For BP Spill Claims: The Freeh Group

President, Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity
At the current rate it will take 12 years to process them all.
Photo of John R. Graham

Yes, Obamacare Is Continuing To Hurt Employment

Senior Fellow, Independent Institute
The Urban Institute and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation try to obscure the facts.
Photo of Brandon J. Gaylord

Three Reasons Greg Orman Will Lose In Kansas

Editor-in-Chief, HorseRacePolitics.com
Too liberal for Republican voters, too conservative for Democrats.

Professor: 'Terminate Industrial Civilization' To Save Earth From Global Warming

Daily Caller News Foundation | Michael Bastasch

'I think there's ample chance we can save the living planet, but not our species'

CNN Anchor Mocks Bristol Palin's Account Of Assault: 'The Best Audio We've Ever Come Across'

US | Al Weaver

Downright giddy CNN anchor loves every minute of it

Hollywood To The Rescue: Rich Celebrities Drop Propaganda Shorts Before The Election

Politics | Derek Hunter
A LAPD helicopter flies over the Hollywood sign in Hollywood

Millionaires and billionaires decry inequality and unfairness to help Democrats

House Intelligence Chairman Wants To Charge Snowden With Murder

Tech | Giuseppe Macri
A bus passes by a poster of Edward Snowden, a former contractor at the NSA displayed by his supporters at Hong Kong's financial Central district

'I would charge him for murder'

Watch The Full-Length Trailer For Ridley Scott's 'Halo'

Entertainment | Giuseppe Macri

'Death will come to all of us, especially soldiers'

California Compels Church To Cover Abortions

US | Ben Smith

'California's DMHC argues that surgical abortion is a medically necessary basic health care service for all'

MSNBC's Coverage Of Canadian Shooting Predictably Veers Into Gun Control

Video | Alex Griswold

Who didn't see this one coming?

Animals Forced To Run On Treadmills And Other Important Federal Budget Items

Daily Caller News Foundation | Jonah Bennett
Stuffed copulating rabbits are displayed at exhibition "Sex and Evolution" at Natural History museum in Muenster

Rabbits massaged, then euthanized, at taxpayer expense

Debate Crowd Laughs As Democratic Senator Dodges Question On Support For Obama

Politics | Derek Hunter

Jeanne Shaheen sort of supports Obama, and sort of doesn't

Taylor Swift Song Is Seconds Of Static, Still Becomes No. 1 On Charts

Entertainment | Kaitlan Collins
(Photo: Getty Images)


Kim Kardashian Wants Daughter To Grow Up EXACTLY Like Her

Entertainment | Kaitlan Collins
(Photo: Getty Images)

Are you sure about that, Kim?

Autopsy Analysis: Michael Brown Was Shot In Hand While Reaching For Gun

US | Chuck Ross

Wilson's statements to investigators also revealed

Insurers Excluding Ebola Coverage From New Policies

Video | Sarah Hurtubise

'It's much more expensive if Ebola is included'

Krauthammer: 'This Is A Total Humiliation' For Obama

Politics | Al Weaver

'Now he's got to hide under his desk until November'

NHL Postpones Game In Ottawa Following Shooting At War Memorial, Parliament

Sports | Al Weaver

Toronto Maple Leafs team on lockdown at Westin Hotel following downtown shooting

Glenn Greenwald Chose The Wrong Day To Blame Canada For Terrorism

Video | Alex Griswold

Lib journo says terrorism against Canada is "not the slightest bit surprising."

WATCH: Footage Of Shots Fired In Canadian Parliament

Video | Alex Griswold

A Globe and Mail reporter managed to capture incredible footage on his phone camera

Secret Service Diverted Agents To Monitor Personal Dispute

US | Chuck Ross

Prowler team dispatched to monitor Maryland neighborhood

IKEA's New Commercial Will Put A 'Shine' On Your Halloween

Entertainment | Giuseppe Macri

'Come and play with us Danny'

Incest Desk: Mika And Joe Are Good Friends With Valerie Jarrett, Didn't Cha Know?

The Mirror | Betsy Rothstein

Journos and sources can be chummy, right?

Obama Admin Ups Ebola Travel Restrictions Again

US | Sarah Hurtubise

But no travel ban yet

Canadian Journalist: Shooting 'Obviously Inspired By Radical Ideology,' Likely ISIS

Video | Alex Griswold

'We've been told there were repeated warnings from ISIS.'

Congressman: 'Government Has No Business' Studying 'Social Pollution' On Twitter

Tech | Giuseppe Macri

'The government has no business using taxpayer dollars to support limiting free speech on Twitter and other social media'

U.S. Air Force Itching To Fight ISIS

World | Ben Smith
isis reuters

'I'd sell my first born to engage all three... by myself'

Mark Steyn On Hillary Clinton: 'I Don't Believe She Will Run' In 2016

Politics | Jamie Weinstein

'I don't believe the American people want to spend another eight years with the Clintons'

Lawsuit Targets Campus 'Speech Tax'

Daily Caller News Foundation | Blake Neff
free speech. Photo: Getty Images/ Spencer Platt

The FIRE burns hot in Michigan

Congress Tells FBI There's 'Zero Chance' Of Giving The Bureau Backdoor Access To Americans' Cellphones

Tech | Giuseppe Macri

'To FBI Director Comey and the Admin on criticisms of legitimate businesses using encryption: you reap what you sow'

White House Makes Another Braley Mistake

Politics | Chuck Ross

Governor Braley?

Poll: Americans Don't Think Criticism Of Gay Marriage Is A Hate Crime

Daily Caller News Foundation | Jonah Bennett

Democrats think religious leaders have too much influence

Every College Barack Obama Ever Attended Is Now Facing A Federal Sexual Assault Probe

Education | Eric Owens


County Clerk Attempts To Ban Student Newspaper For Running A Story About Senator

Daily Caller News Foundation | Greg Campbell

But quickly changes her tune when reminded that this is America

Insurers Alter Obamacare Contracts Out Of Fear That Subsidies Could Be Struck Down

US | Sarah Hurtubise

Another sign of worry

Scarborough: Dems Running From Obama 'Clowns' After Voting With Him 90+ percent Of Time

Politics | Al Weaver

'It's just not that hard!'

Poised To Win, Republicans Shouldn't Rest On Their Laurels

Politics | Matt K. Lewis
Republican National Committee Chariman Priebus gavels the 2012 Republican National Convention into session in Tampa

Because 2016 will be nothing like 2014

Grimes Accuses NBC's Chuck Todd Of 'Bullying'

Politics | Alex Griswold

Buzzword alert!

Denver Post: That Building Is Racist

US | Derek Hunter

Paper's critic thinks architecture is keeping minorities away

Shaheen Denies Flip-Flopping On Nuclear Power

Politics | Chuck Ross

'Where did you get that?'

American Ebola Patients Recovering

US | Sarah Hurtubise

'In awe of my good fortune'

CAIR, Huffington Post Fall For Obvious Hoax Video

US | Alex Griswold

The viral racial profiling video was literally too good to be true

Little Girls Drop F-Bombs For 'Feminism'

Opinion | Derek Hunter

Exploiting young girls for T-shirt sales

PETA President Ingrid Newkirk: Eat Me

DC Trawler | Jim Treacher

No, literally

This Kim Kardashian Video Is Worse Than Her Sex Tape

Entertainment | Kaitlan Collins

'I'm more popular than Lisa!'

Mark Levin: Democrats Need 'A Good, Swift Kick In The Ass In This Election'

Politics | Al Weaver

'The country's gone to hell under this president'

Democrats: Vote For Us Or Ferguson Will Happen Again

Politics | Chuck Ross

'The choices may not always be perfect'

Renowned Economist SLAPS DOWN Student Council's Dream Of $15 Campus Minimum Wage

Education | Eric Owens

'These people are clueless about economic reality'

Tolerance: Study Finds Liberals Are Quick To 'Unfriend' Someone Over Politics

Politics | Derek Hunter
A portrait of the Facebook logo in Ventura

Liberals block differing opinions, conservatives less likely to see them

FINAL HOURS: Outside Group Drops $6.5 MILLION To Defeat Vulnerable Dems

Politics | Alex Pappas

Ads in Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, North Carolina, Iowa and New Hampshire

Matthews Accuses The GOP Of 'Murder In Broad Daylight'

Politics | Alex Griswold

Republicans trying to disenfranchise 'sons and daughters of slaves'

Palin: 'Fake Feminists' Keep Women Dependent On Government

Politics | Alex Griswold

'They've been beating the crap out of strong, commonsense, smart, conservative women for years...'

VA Officials Did Union Work While Veterans Waited For Health Care

Daily Caller News Foundation | Connor D. Wolf
Barack Obama nominates Bob McDonald to head the Veterans Administration in Washington

'The VA actually has more employees doing union work full-time than it has staff members working under its Inspector General'

The Government Wants To Censor Social Media By Studying 'Social Pollution' On Twitter

Tech | Giuseppe Macri
A logo of Twitter is pictured next to the logo of Facebook in this illustration photo in Sarajevo

'The concept seems to have come straight out of a George Orwell novel'

The Most (And Least) Trusted Names In News

US | Derek Hunter

Who do conservatives and liberals trust most for news?