The Wounded Warriors Family Support Ford Explorer will hit the road this summer, for the sixth annual High Five Tour 2015. During the tour, the 2015 mobility-equipped Ford Explorer will cover more than 26,000 miles, traveling to more than 60 cities and making stops in 48 states.

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Veterans Welding Training Program

UAW-Ford and Wounded Warriors Family Support have partnered to provide a training program in welding for U.S. military veterans.

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Wounded Warriors Family Support

Our mission is to provide support to the families of those who have been wounded, injured or killed during combat operations.

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One Donkey's Journey

I am Colonel John Folsom, USMCR (retired), and the President and Founder of Wounded Warriors Family Support. This is the unusual story of a donkey who brought comfort and friendship to many service men and women deployed in Iraq.

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Family Programs

Wounded Warriors Family Support owns five fully furnished condominium units for use by the families of our wounded or injured veterans and widows and families of our fallen heroes. Preference goes to those with children and the greatest financial need.

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Caregiver Respite Program

Caring for a wounded veteran can be demanding physically, psychologically and financially. Oftentimes caregivers have many other responsibilities, such as work, managing bills and taking care of children.

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Wounded Warriors Family Support thanks our 2014 Marine Corps Marathon runners and 10K charity partners and look forward to next years race!

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The Abbott Family
The Powell Family
The Esquivel Family
The Holland Family

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide support to the families of those who have been wounded, injured or killed during combat operations. The families of our casualties suffer in many ways: some financially, some psychologically.

"When America Goes to War...
Our Families Go to War" Our Partners   |   Charity Rating
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