Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 10:22 PM

This post was updated—
An American baby was killed in a terrorist attack today in Jerusalem.

Eight people were injured today and one baby was killed when a Palestinian driver rammed into pedestrians at a tram stop.
France 24 reported:

Israeli police shot and wounded the driver of a car who rammed a group of pedestrians in Jerusalem Wednesday, injuring nine, in a suspected “terror attack.”

Shortly before 6:00 pm (1500 GMT), a car hit pedestrians at the Ammunition Hill tram stop, which lies on the seamline between west and occupied east Jerusalem.

“A private car which arrived from the direction of the French Hill junction hit a number of pedestrians who were on the pavement and injured nine of them,” police spokeswoman Luba Samri said in a statement.

“The driver apparently tried to flee on foot and was shot and wounded by a policeman from the Jerusalem district.”

It was not immediately clear how badly he was hurt, nor were there any details on his identity.

“Initial indications suggest this is a hit-and-run terror attack,” Samri said.

The driver had served time in Israeli prison.

UPDATE: Americans were injured in the attack:

Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat told Israel’s channel 1 that three of the victims were Americans.
to justice, etc.

Here’s video, via Algemeiner:

The U.S. State Department said the baby was “reportedly an American citizen,” but did not elaborate. Three month old Chaya Zissel Braun, the baby girl killed today in Jerusalem during a vehicular terrorist attack, was an American citizen.



MSNBC Luminary Al Sharpton on Ottawa Shooting: What’s the Latest from “Iowa”? (Video)

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 9:47 PM

Iowa – Ottawa
Potato – Patato
al sharpton msnbc

Another day. Another memorable moment in broadcast journalism…
After the terrorist shooting today in OTTAWA, CANADA, Rev. Al Sharpton asked his guest:

“What is the latest tonight in Iowa?”

You just can’t make this stuff up.



Breaking: #Ferguson Protesters Storm Walgreens – Harass TV Crew

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 9:04 PM

Protesters are back out on the streets in Ferguson tonight.

FOX 2 reported: Officers brought out their rifles loaded with bean bags when some of the more than 100 people threw bottles at the cops. At last report two people were arrested… Officers appeared to also be armed with cans of mace and a police helicopter circled overhead.

mike brown memorial
The Michael Brown memorial is still standing in Ferguson.

Lots of protesters out tonight in St. Louis.

The protesters are storming the Walgreens in Ferguson.

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

Around 50 protesters stormed the St. Louis County police headquarters today.

The protesters harassed local KMOV reporters.


Obama Calls Ottawa Shooting a Terror Attack… But Fort Hood Was ‘Workplace Violence’

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 7:00 PM

In 2009 Islamist killer shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others”>Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others at Fort Hood Texas.
Fort Hood was a gun-free zone.

Hasan reportedly screamed, “Allahu Akbar!” as he committed his mass murder.
Fort Hood Victims

Barack Obama termed this Islamic terrorist attack – workplace violence.
Complete lunacy.

Today Barack Obama called the Ottawa shooting a terror attack.


#Ferguson Protesters Threaten Streets Will “Run With Blood” If Officer Wilson Not Charged

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 5:36 PM

Today Ferguson protesters planned several events around the National Day Against Police Brutality.
mike brown memorial
Mike Brown Street Memorial in Ferguson

Here are the planned events that took place in St.Louis today.

Civil Disobedience Action
October 22, 2014
7900 Forsyth Clayton Mo 63105 @1:30pm
October 22, 2014
March & Rally at 5 PM

The protesters threatened blood in the streets if Officer Darren Wilson is not charged in the shooting death of Michael Brown.

There is still a Michael Brown memorial on Canfield Drive in Ferguson.

The protesters stormed the St. Louis County Police Department this afternoon.


Ottawa Parliament Shooter ID’d: Michael Zehef-Bibeau, Was Known to Authorities… ISIS POSTS PHOTO

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 4:40 PM

victim canada removed
Michael Zehef-Bibeau shot reservist Cpl. Nathan Cirillo from Hamilton at the Canadian War Memorial in Ottawa.

The killer today was identified as Michael Zehef-Bibeau a high risk traveller who recently had his passport revoked.
The Globe and Mail reported:

Federal sources have identified the suspected shooter as Michael Zehef-Bibeau, a man in his early 30s who was known to Canadian authorities.

Sources told The Globe and Mail that he was recently designated a “high-risk traveller” by the Canadian government and that his passport had been seized – the same circumstances surrounding the case of Martin Rouleau-Couture, the Quebecker who was shot Monday after running down two Canadian Forces soldiers with his car.

The shooter had recently converted to Islam.

ISIS claims this was the shooter.
isis photo shooter
ISIS Media account posts this picture claiming to be Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, the dead Ottawa shooting suspect.


Ottawa Shooting Victim ID’d: Cpl. Nathan Cirillo With Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 2:53 PM

The soldier who was shot today at the National War Memorial was a reservist from Hamilton and a member of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.
soldier dead
Cpl. Nathan Cirillo

soldier cpr
The soldier received CPR at Canadian War Memorial on Parliament Hill after he was shot. He later succumbed to his injuries at the hospital.

The soldier was a reservist from Hamilton.
The Globe and Mail reported:

The targets chosen are clearly of some political significance: The tomb of the unknown soldier, the seat of government and the city’s best-known place of commerce. The attacks come just two days after a Canadian soldier was killed in an apparently targeted hit-and-run incident in Quebec. Security officials had just raised the security threat level from low to medium, possibly related to the deployment of Canadian soldiers and planes to the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, but not in response to any specific threat…

…The soldier shot at the War Memorial was treated at Ottawa Civic hospital. He has not yet been named, but he is a reservist from Hamilton with the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. The hospital said two other patients have been admitted and are in stable condition.

victim canada removed
The victim was taken away by ambulance after the shooting.

There’s much more on Cpl. Nathan Cirillo here.


AWESOME! Canadian Parliament’s Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers Takes Out Gunman

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 11:58 AM

Kevin Vickers, Sergeant-At-Arms, reportedly shot the gunman outside a parliament meeting this morning.
kevin vickers 2
This is Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers who reportedly shot a gunman inside Centre Block.

FOX News reported:

The gunmen then ran to the Parliament building, where witnesses later said they saw one gunman down near the library. Bernard Trottier, a Toronto-area MP, tweeted that the gunman inside Centre Block “has been shot and killed.” The other was reportedly being sought.

Veteran Affairs Minister Julian Fantino told QMI Agency that Parliament’s sergeant-at-arms, Kevin Vickers, shot one gunman dead.

Kevin Vickers
The Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers carries the Mace from the House of Commons at the conclusion of the session in 2011. (Prince Albert Herald)

Here again is the amazing shooting video from inside the parliament building today.

More… Steven Crowder has more on Canadian gun bans.


Aussie Family of Redhead ISIS Fighter: “Ginger Jihadist a Stupid Idiot”

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 11:33 AM

The Australian family of an ISIS teen terrorist who appeared in a recent propaganda video says he’s a “stupid idiot.”
ginger jihadist isis

Abdullah Elmir threatened Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Barack Obama in the video.
He told his family he was going on a fishing trip.

AU News reported:

In the video, 17-year-old Abdullah Elmir from Sydney made threats against Australia, America and Britain, warning the terrorists can’t be stopped.

It is believed to be the first time Prime Minister Tony Abbott has been explicitly mentioned by name in an Islamic State propaganda tape.

“To Obama, to Tony Abbott, I say this: These weapons that we have, these soldiers we will not stop fighting, we will not put down our weapons until we reach your lands.”

Elmir, who is also known as the ‘Ginger Jihadist’, threatens revenge against western leaders over airstrikes on Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq.

A relative of Elmir’s, who did not want to be named, has condemned the video.

“What a stupid idiot,” they told The Daily Telegraph.

“We never associated with him, that guy was brainwashed, I don’t know what these kids get into.”

Well said.


Shock Video: James O’Keefe Exposes Democratic Voter Fraud in Colorado

Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 10:48 AM

James O’Keefe Exposes Democratic Voter Fraud in Colorado
okeefe mustache
James O’Keefe sported a mustache for the undercover voter fraud video.
It worked.

Mark Udall supporters condone voter fraud in Colorado saying:
“That’s not even like lying or stealing.”

John Fund reported on the scandal at National Review:

Many liberals are adamant there is no threat of voter fraud that justifies efforts to improve the integrity of elections. “There is no real concrete evidence of voter fraud,” tweeted Donna Brazile, former acting chair of the Democratic National Committee, this week. “It’s a big ass lie.”

James O’Keefe, the guerilla filmmaker who brought down the ACORN voter-registration fraudsters in 2010 and forced the resignation of NPR executives, politely disagrees. Today, he is releasing some new undercover footage that raises disturbing questions about ballot integrity in Colorado, the site of fiercely contested races for the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House, and the governorship. When he raised the issue of filling out some of the unused ballots that are mailed to every household in the state this month, he was told by Meredith Hicks, the director of Work for Progress, a liberal group funded by Democratic Super PACS.: “That is not even like lying or something, if someone throws out a ballot, like if you want to fill it out you should do it.” She then brazenly offered O’Keefe, disguised as a middle-aged college instructor, a job with her group.



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