New Charlie Hebdo Edition Featuring Mohammed Cartoon To Be Sold In Islamist-Run Turkey…

Erdogan blames the Jews in 3… 2… 1…

Paris (AFP) – Charlie Hebdo’s chief editor said a Turkish version of the satirical French magazine will be sold Wednesday because constitutional secularity is “under attack” in mainly Muslim Turkey.

The issue will appear as a four-page insert in the centre-left opposition daily Cumhuriyet, one of the Turkish paper’s journalists told AFP, requesting anonymity.

Gerard Biard of Charlie Hebdo told AFP on Tuesday that the Turkish version was “the most important” of the five foreign versions of the weekly being published a week after 12 people were killed in a jihadist attack on its Paris offices.

The special issue features a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed on its cover holding a “Je Suis Charlie” sign under the title “All Is Forgiven”. Turkish media described the cover but did not reproduce it.

“Turkey is in a difficult period and secularity there is under attack,” Biard said.

Comrade De Blasio On ID Cards For Illegals: “We Don’t Want” Them “To Feel Like Second-Class Citizens”…

card NYC\

Better that they feel like special little snowflakes. Update to a previous story.

Via CNS News

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat, said on Monday that giving identification cards to illegal aliens allows them to feel like citizens and enjoy some of the same benefits as actual citizens.

“We don’t want any of our fellow New Yorkers to feel like second-class citizens,” de Blasio was quoted as saying in a National Public Radio website article. “We don’t want them to feel left out.”

In addition, de Blasio is promising more than just ID cards if illegal aliens come forward and sign up.

“A free, one-year membership to 33 cultural institutions,” de Blasio said. “That did get the attention of many New Yorkers.”

But some liberal, pro-amnesty advocates are leery about the cards. Johanna Miller of the New York Civil Liberties Union is one of them.

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Pelosi: The GOP Is ‘Threatening A Partial Government Shutdown’


As Yogi Berra would say “It’s like deja-vu, all over again.”

Via Defense One

House Republicans have made their initial offer in what is likely to be drawn out negotiations to reconcile their caucus’ desire to end President Obama’s executive action to defer deportation for millions of immigrants with the administration’s priority to fund the Homeland Security Department past February.

For now, Democrats have balked at the proposal, saying only that Republicans are setting the course for a department shutdown.

“It is clear Republicans’ partisan recklessness knows no limits,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Monday. “House Republicans are threatening a partial government shutdown, choosing a time of rising terrorism to imperil the security of our entire country to satisfy the most radical anti-immigrant fringes of their party.”

The proposal, put forward by House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers, R-Ky., would boost DHS’ fiscal 2014 funding to $39.7 billion for fiscal 2015, but would fully roll back Obama’s action. That measure is expected to receive a veto from Obama, should it move successfully through the House and Senate.[…]

“We want to get this to the president’s desk so that we can get a signature, funding Homeland Security at a very [tenuous] time in the world,” Rogers said when unveiling his bill Friday. “I would wonder whether the president would have real deep misgivings about not signing a bill funding the Department of Homeland Security.”

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Jimmy Carter Wants ICC To Investigate Israel For “War Crimes”…

He really is a disgrace.

Via HuffPo:

In a HuffPost Live interview Tuesday, former President Jimmy Carter told host Marc Lamont Hill he supports the International Criminal Court looking into Palestinian accusation of war crimes against Israel, saying the ICC should take “an inquisitive look” at those allegations.

“Not only at what the Israelis have done to the Palestinians, but vice versa,” Carter said. “I’ve been to the places in Israel, for instance, where the Hamas rockets land. I’ve been there and seen the rockets and condemned them on television. There are problems both ways. But I think to expose what has happened to the world in a very careful and judicious way will probably be good for both sides.”

Carter has been involved with politics in the region for quite some time, with the 90-year-old supporting a two-state system. Conversely, President Obama said Monday the U.S. does not support the Palestinians’ bid to join the ICC, arguing that Palestine is not a recognized state and thus has no right to appear in international court.

“About 150 nations recognize Palestine as a nation, as an official state,” Carter said. “Although the United States has always been in lockstep with Israel on these kind of matters, it’s not a common belief all over the world. I don’t believe there’s any doubt that the Palestinians deserve to have a nation of their own, alongside a free and protected state of Israel.”

Foreign Group Who Got $700K Under Hillary’s Watch At State Dept Under Investigation…


Not the first time…

Via Capitol City Project:

An aid group that received hundreds of thousands in taxpayer dollars during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State is now allegedly under investigation for corruption.

The group at the center of the investigation is the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), who are funders of the organization, recently sent an official to probe the group, in which they questioned the allocation of funds and how much top officials at the organization were receiving, according to recent reports.

“The investigator asked us how the funds were being used, and raised a lot of questions on the salaries which senior officials were getting,” an insider told…

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Rep. Duncan Hunter: Some ‘Radical Islamists’ Have Probably Infiltrated The Military

More than “some”


Yesterday’s hack on Central Command’s social-media accounts doesn’t necessarily mean the Islamic State has infiltrated the United States military, but Islamists ”probably” have wormed their way into the ranks some other way, says Representative Duncan Hunter (R., Calif.).

“I would guess that there are folks that are bad folks, radical Islamists that are probably in the military — you probably have a few of those,” he said on Fox News Monday.

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Mitt May Be Running For President Again Because He’s…Bored?

Mitt Romney

“Ugggh. I’ve been a successful businessman, a governor, saved the Olympics, ran for president twice already, but now I’m really bored. What should I do with myself? Ah! Got it! Run for president a third time!”

Via Daily Caller:

More and more it looks like Mitt Romney will take third shot at the White House. But with Jeb Bush and Chris Christie apparently gearing up for runs themselves, what’s motivating Romney?

The best explanation may be the simplest: He’s bored. The high-energy former businessman just isn’t taking retirement well, an unidentified Romney insider told Yahoo News.

“I last saw Mitt in December, and he was bored,” the source reportedly said. “He was watching the world blow up around him and feeling somewhat vindicated on a number of ideas he had put out there and positions he had taken and kind of wondering, ‘Is this the next 20 years of my life, just sitting here?’ He’s a purpose-driven guy.”

So what if Romney could spend half of those next 20 years running and perhaps being president? That would provide him purpose and escape from his boredom, right? It certainly would be more exciting than being the frontman for some hedge fund or chairman of some presidential commission.

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State Department’s Marie Harf Insists Islamic Terrorism Is “Not The Only Kind” We Face… Unable To Name Any Other Kinds…

I’m sure if they were “Christian terrorists” the regime would be more than happy to name their motivation.

MARTHA MACCALLUM, “KELLY FILE” GUEST HOST: Every time we see this exchange it seems like the answer is so tortured. Like it’s so difficult to say what everybody around the world seems to feel so clearly it is. And what the leaders have said in Canada and Australia and Paris where they have felt it potently and personally, they’ve all said quite clearly the battle is against Islamic extremism. Why is that so hard to say?

MARIE HARF, STATE DEPARTMENT: Well, it’s not hard to say, but it’s not the only kind of extremism we face. I would recommend folks looking at this administration’s counter-terrorism record. I would remind people that more terrorists who claim to do acts of violence in the name of Islam have been taken off the battlefield in this administration than other any previous one because of our counterterrorism operations and our efforts that we put in place. But that’s not the only way you counter this kind of extremism. Much of it Islamic, you’re absolutely right. But some of it not. So we’re going to focus on all the different kinds of extremism with a heavy focus on people who do this in the name of Islam, we would say falsely in the name of Islam, but there are other forms of extremism —

MACCALLUM: Tell me, what other forms of extremism are particularly troubling and compelling to you right now?

HARF: Well, look, there are people out there who want to kill other people in the name of a variety of causes. Of course, Martha, we are most focused on people doing this in the name of Islam. And we’ve talked about with ISIL, part of our strategy to counter this extremism is to have other moderate Muslim voices stand up and say they don’t represent our religion. They speak for their religion more than we do certainly and we need those voices to stand up. In addition to all the other efforts we’re undertaking.


OH Country Club Bartender Plotted To Poison Then Shoot John Boehner…



Via Washington Times:

An Ohio bartender at House Speaker John A. Boehner’s country club plotted to poison him by putting something in his drink, blaming the top Republican for the spread of Ebola and various other problems, federal authorities charged in a recent indictment.

The bartender, Michael R. Hoyt, told authorities he was Jesus, Mr. Boehner was the devil, and said he blamed the congressman for getting him fired from his bartender’s job before he had a chance to poison the speaker. He told police he then planned to shoot Mr. Boehner and make an escape.

Mr. Hoyt self-reported those details to police, leading them to have him committed to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation, where he gave more details of his plot and of the reasons behind it.

Police also found emails where Mr. Hoyt emailed Mr. Boehner and his wife, Debbie, telling them he “could have poisoned his wine at Wetherington, many many times.”

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Fox News Shows Picture of Mohammed Cartoon… Earth Fails To Fall Of Its Axis…

Coming soon: The “I Survived The Great Mohammed Cartoon Apocalypse Of 2015″ t-shirts.

NEA Paying For New Version Of “Our Town” Set In A “Queer Community”…


Via WFB:

The National Endowment of the Arts (NEA) is contributing to the production of a new adaptation of “Our Town,” set in a town where “gender and sexual identity are fluid.”

The Foundry Theatre, Inc., a theater company in New York City, received $10,000 to reimagine the quintessential American play about love and marriage in a fictional New Hampshire town set in the early 1900s. The Foundry Theater’s new version, which will go by another title, takes place in the present in a queer community.

“Playwright Casey Llewellyn will use [Thorton] Wilder’s text and strive to maintain his aestheic [sic] and social relevance while she considers cultural and social issues within contemporary society,” a description of the NEA grant states. “The play will explore questions of love, marriage, and loss within the context of a town where the inhabitants’ gender and sexual identity are fluid.”

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CNN’s Chris Cuomo: We’ll Help The White House Shame Congress Into Acting On Education…


Ladies and gentleman, here’s the most honest lib hack in media. Not even trying to hide it…

Via Breitbart:

CNN’s Chris Cuomo openly promised Tuesday that CNN will help the White House in a “shame campaign” to get Congress to act on education. During an interview with Obama’s Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, Cuomo also promised to use the show he co-hosts, “New Day,” in this shaming campaign.

“Secretary, my only advice for you is that you should go on a shame campaign with congress to get them to act,” Cuomo said. “New Day will help. CNN will help.” (full transcript of the exchange below).

The exchange in question centered on the White House proposal to use the federal government to force taxpayers to pay for two years of “free” community college. It would be unfair, though, to assume that Cuomo’s pledge centered on Obama’s push for free community college. Cuomo appears to be referring in general to Congress acting on education. Cuomo frequently urges federal officials from both parties to get things done.

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Disneyland Measles Outbreak Spreads To 22 Cases Statewide


The Dreamers are going to Disneyland.

Via LA Times

The measles outbreak originating in Disneyland has spread farther — to 22 cases statewide — with health officials Monday warning about possible exposure from more confirmed cases in San Bernardino and Long Beach.

One person in Long Beach was confirmed to have contracted the disease after visiting Disneyland between Dec. 15 and Dec. 20, said Dr. Mitchell Kushner, Long Beach’s city health officer.

Two people in San Bernardino County were also diagnosed with measles. Officials from the county’s Department of Public Health declined to release further information other than the cases are “in conjunction” with those arising from Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure theme parks.

It’s unclear if either of the two people from San Bernardino County visited the parks or were exposed to measles by those who visited and became infectious.

Between Dec. 15 and Dec. 20, visitors to the Anaheim theme parks may have been exposed to measles, according to California’s Department of Public Health.

The three new cases bring the statewide total up to 22 as of Monday, plus at least two confirmed cases in Utah and one each in Colorado and Washington.

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HT Kat

French Muslims Blame “Hybrid Race Of Shape Shifting” Jews For Charlie Hebdo Terror Attack…


There are anti-Semitic Muslims, who knew?

Via Daily Beast:

As more than 1.5 million people, including 40 world leaders, converged on Paris on Sunday to rally for unity after terrorist attacks that left 17 innocent people dead, three young men in tracksuits and hoodies lounged outside a fast-food restaurant 10 miles north of the city in Sevran, one of France’s poorest suburbs.

Mehdi Boular, 24, who said he was married with two children, and two of his friends, did not attend Sunday’s rally.

“We’re Muslims,” Boular said. “They might have killed us if we’d gone.”

But even though the flags of Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia were flying at the rally in Place de la République and Muslims were well represented among the marchers Sunday, Boular said the attacks in Paris were part of a plot masterminded by Jewish conspirators.

“The Kalashnikovs, the identity cards the [killers] supposedly left behind, it was all staged,” said Boular, as his friends nodded in agreement. “It was a conspiracy designed by the Jews to make Muslims look bad. We’d rather just stay where we are.” […]

A cross-section of young men interviewed in several suburbs last week, including Sevran, Saint-Denis, and Paris’s 19th arrondissement, all spoke of being devout Muslims. None said they supported the Kouachi brothers or their associate Ahmed Coulibaly, who killed four hostages at a kosher supermarket in Paris on Friday, although they all believed the cartoonists at the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine did not have the right to caricature the prophet Muhammad.

Another young man of French-Algerian descent interviewed outside a gas station in the Saint-Denis suburb reacted angrily to a reporter’s presence and demanded to know her religion. “The worst thing is to be atheist,” he said.

He also called the Paris terrorist attacks “un complot,” or conspiracy, and launched into a lengthy explanation of the “magical Jews” behind it. They were not ordinary Jews, he said, but a “hybrid race of shape shifters” who have extraordinary abilities. “They know how to get in everywhere,” he said. “They are master manipulators.”

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Pathetic Cover Oregon Obamacare Exchange Laying Off HALF Their Workers…


$250+ mil down the drain…

Via Capitol City Project:

Cover Oregon, the official Oregon State marketplace for health insurance under Obamacare, recently announced they will be laying off 61 workers — or half of its workforce.

The layoffs are expected to begin in March and will consist of employees primarily in their customer service call centers. Aaron Patnode, the exchanges executive director, told Oregon Live they will retain 58 people on their payroll. The first wave of employees losing their jobs will take place on March 10 with the second coming on April 25.

Cover Oregon was one of the many who could not deliver a working enrollment-and-subsidy website. It was announced last April the state would be abandoning the exchange altogether because it would be more expensive to fix Cover Oregon than switch to the federal site — which they are slowly in the process of doing. At the time it was announced Cover Oregon would be switching to the federal site, more than $250 million had been dumped into the exchange and most of the federal grant money had been spent…

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WH: You Better Believe Obama Will Fight The Media To Stop Anti-Jihad Articles…


Exactly what media are they talking about? MSM shills don’t publish “anti-jihad” articles…

Via Daily Caller:

President Barack Obama has a moral responsibility to push back on the nation’s journalism community when it is planning to publish anti-jihadi articles that might cause a jihadi attack against the nation’s defenses forces, the White House’s press secretary said Jan. 12.

“The president … will not now be shy about expressing a view or taking the steps that are necessary to try to advocate for the safety and security of our men and women in uniform” whenever journalists’ work may provoke jihadist attacks, spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters at the White House’s daily briefing.

The unprecedented reversal of Americans’ civil-military relations, and of the president’s duty to protect the First Amendment, was pushed by Earnest as he tried to excuse the administration’s opposition in 2012 to the publication of anti-jihadi cartoons by the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

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Fort Hood Soldier Monitoring For Ebola Symptoms Found Dead Outside Residence


Ebola Czar AWOL, reportedly headed to France.


A Fort Hood soldier recently ordered to self-monitor for exposure to the Ebola virus was found dead outside his off-post residence Tuesday morning.

The 24-year-old man, whose name has not yet been released, was found in the yard outside of his apartment on the 3300 block of Cantabrian Drive in Killeen at about 7:30 a.m., Central Texas NBC affiliate KCEN-TV reported.

The soldier had recently returned to Texas on emergency leave and was ordered to self-monitor himself twice per day and report the status to medical officials, according to Fort Hood. That directive is standard protocol for soldiers returning from service in West Africa.

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HT Blueburb

New Video Shows French Police Desperately Fleeing Scene of Charlie Hebdo Slaughter After Terrorists Open Fire On Them…

Via Yahoo News:

A new video that shows the terrorist brothers’ getaway after attacking the Charlie Hebdo newspaper’s offices in Paris emerged on Tuesday.

The amateur footage shows the masked gunmen, who have been identified as Said and Cherif Kouachi, calmly returning to their black vehicle after murdering 12 people on Jan. 7 in the worst terrorist attack on French soil in decades.

“We have avenged the Prophet Muhammed,” one brother shouts while raising his fist in the air.

The brothers, dressed in black, examine each other’s firearms and reload before getting into the vehicle and driving away.

As they drive off, they force a police officer to speed down a narrow street in reverse by opening fire on the police cruiser, which had been blocking their escape route.

The video appears to have been shot from the rooftop or window of a nearby building.

Ron Paul Absolves Islam From Blame In Paris Attacks, Says America To Blame For “Radicalizing” The Muslim World…

Ron Paul

Hmm, I feel like Ron Paul has made this argument one or two hundred times before.

By Ron Paul:

After the tragic shooting at a provocative magazine in Paris last week, I pointed out that given the foreign policy positions of France we must consider blowback as a factor.  Those who do not understand blowback made the ridiculous claim that I was excusing the attack or even blaming the victims.  Not at all, as I abhor the initiation of force.  The police blaming victims when they search for the motive of a criminal.

The mainstream media immediately decided that the shooting was an attack on free speech.  Many in the US preferred this version of “they hate us because we are free,” which is the claim that President Bush made after 9/11.  They expressed solidarity with the French and vowed to fight for free speech.  But have these people not noticed that the First Amendment is routinely violated by the US government?  President Barack Obama has used the Espionage Act more than all previous administrations combined to silence and imprison whistleblowers.  Where are the protests?  Where are protesters demanding the release of John Kiriakou, who blew the whistle on the CIA use of waterboarding and other torture? The whistleblower went to prison while the torturers will not be prosecuted. No protests. […]

Foreign policy actions have consequences.  The aggressive foreign policies of the United States and its allies in the Middle East have radicalized thousands and have made us less safe.  Blowback is real whether some want to recognize it or not.  There are no guarantees of security, but only a policy of non-intervention can reduce the risk of another attack.

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Danish Linguist’s Three Year Study Analyzing Religious Texts Finds Islam Is Easily The Most “Violent”…


But… But… But… Religion of Peace™

Via Yyllands-Posten (Google translation):

A Danish linguist has over three years analyzed 10 religions basic texts and concludes that the texts of Islam stands out by encouraging terrorism and violence more than other religions. Danish imams can not take criticism seriously.

Islam’s texts calls in much greater extent than other religions because texts for terror and struggle, concludes Tina Magaard, who graduated from the Sorbonne in Paris as a Ph.D. in text analysis and intercultural communication, and as a three-year research project has compared 10 religions basic texts.

‘The texts of Islam is clearly distinct from the other religions texts by increasingly calling for violence and aggression towards other faiths. There are also direct incitement to terrorism. It has long been a taboo in Islam research, but it is a fact that you have to relate to, “says Tina Magaard.

Furthermore, the Qur’an hundreds of invitations to fight against other faiths.

“If it is true that many Muslims view the Qur’an as God’s own words that can not be interpreted or rephrased, we have a problem. It is indisputable that the texts encourage violence and terror. Therefore it must be legitimate to ask Muslims themselves how they relate to the text, if they take it at face value, “says Tina Magaard.