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Public Domain and TCEQ Linking Policy

Policies regarding public domain of our Web content, and linking to and from the TCEQ website.

Public Domain and Linking to Our Website

The TCEQ maintains this website as a public service. Unless otherwise noted, content of our site is considered “public domain.”

We have no restrictions on linking to our site as long as a fee is not charged to access our material. However, we would appreciate acknowledgment on your site of any items you use and to link to us in the proper context.

EXCEPTION: The TCEQ logo is the intellectual property of the TCEQ and belongs to the State of Texas. The Texas Department of Information Resources has established rules for website owners that prohibit the use of state agency graphics, including logos, without permission. Please do not use the TCEQ logo unless you receive express permission from the agency’s publishing manager. Please download our TCEQ Logo Public Use Style Guide Adobe Acrobat PDF Document for more details.

Linking to Other Websites from Our Site

Links to other websites from our site are provided solely as a courtesy and will take you off the TCEQ Web server. Agency staff or customers have found that the target website may contain useful information. Because we have no control over the posting of material to such websites, we cannot take responsibility for the validity of the content. (See our Site Disclaimer for additional information.)

We endeavor to follow the State Website Link and Privacy Policy Exit the TCEQ, which addresses linking to and from state agency websites.

In addition, we will consider linking to a private website (other than state agencies or universities) if the answer to all the following questions is "yes":

  • Is the information at the target site relevant to agency business? Is it relevant to the TCEQ Web page to which it is linked?
  • Does the link go to the specific portion of the target site that we consider to be of interest?
  • While we cannot vouch for the accuracy of another site, is the information at the specific link accurate?
  • Does establishing this link not create a competitive advantage (or disadvantage) to private enterprise?
  • Is the target site one we expect will be maintained?
  • Is the loading time of the target site not significantly longer than the standard (10 seconds on a 56.6 modem) acceptable for TCEQ Web pages?

Inactive Links on Our Site

If you encounter an inactive link, please use the "Questions or Comments" e-mail option at the top of the TCEQ page offering the link. In your message, please include the URL of the page on which you encountered the broken link.