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Tehran's Man Onstage in Manhattan

Chalk this up as another hour and 40 minutes for the progress of Iran's nuclear program.

PJTV: Poliwood’s Insider Tip Sheet to the Oscar Winners (Video)

U.S.-EU Free Trade Agreement: Global Game-Changer?

Obama raised the possibility during his State of the Union. He's right, it's a great idea.


Doomsday Preppers Week 13: Pain Is Good

This should be called the "last states" episode because they're focused on the final two to join the union, Alaska and Hawaii.

Let’s Go Sequestering!

Is there a silver lining in allowing the sequester to go forward?

Exclusive: Documenting Mindbending Irony at the Austin Undocumented Immigration Rally

Just how easy is it to escape the clutches of our "militarized" border?

Let Sequestration Happen

A first step in sobering up Washington.

Why I’d Give the Oscar to Ang Lee’s Beautiful Life of Pi

A minority of one: I think it's the best by far of the ones I've seen.

Why It’s in Everyone’s Interests that the Hagel Nomination Be Defeated

The Hillary 2008 test still applies: Should Chuck Hagel be manning the phone at 3:00 A.M.?

VIDEO: John Phillips and I Talk About the Social Media Generation

Have Twitter and Facebook coarsened our culture? What impact has this had on Millennial political engagement?

PlayStation 4: The Good, the Bad, and the Mysterious

Next-gen console is on the way, but how much will it cost?

Then? Future Shock. Now: Effort Shock

Rage against adulthood.

Announcing PJ Media’s New Registration System

Now making it easier for you to get the most out of your experience on all of our major websites -- NextGeneration.TV,,, and

Obama Determined to Pass Government-Funded Preschool Plan

President says U.S. isn’t offering enough kids educational opportunities at a time when they are “just sponges soaking stuff in.”

Time Running Out on Sequestration, Yet Admin Stands by WARN Act Defiance

Obama won the swing states that would have been most affected by job-loss notices. And if layoffs happen without notice by law, taxpayers could swallow $1 billion in promised litigation help.

Five Months After Benghazi Murders, Killers Frolicking Publicly in Libya

" ... in a red fez and sandals, sipping mango juice."

Waiting for Dorner

When the names of your colleagues at the LAPD are on the manifesto of a double-murder suspect still at large.

The ‘Long Lines’ Myth: Obama Pushes for More Fed Intrusion on Elections

The "seven-hour lines" occurred during early voting, not on Election Day. All in line had the choice of absentee ballots.

Memes Interruptus: Cheerful, Grateful Passengers Defy MSM ‘Cruise from Hell’ Narrative

Carnival Triumph passengers teach us a lesson about the power of humor, faith, and a positive attitude in the midst of miserable conditions.

On Benghazi, Not Very Definitive

A new book written by a pair of special-operations vets titled Benghazi: The Definitive Report is anything but.

5 Common Accusations Leveled at Christianity

Objectivst philosopher Andrew Bernstein debates Judeo-Christian apologist Dinesh D’Souza.

President Obama, Would You Send a Drone to Cuba to Kill the Weathermen?

Which way is the wind blowing today in Bill Ayers' neighborhood?

Why We Need to Change Our Flawed Approach to Educating America’s Children (Video)

Students once learned how to think rationally instead of memorize facts for a state test.

Human Feces as Medicine?

My admiration is great for the person who first thought of such a therapy: imagination leapt over prejudice.

How Obama Could Go Around Congress on Climate Change

The president’s efforts are sure to attract opposition, even from within his own party.

Chelyabinsk: What, Exactly, Just Happened? (Updated)

The jury should still be out on whether this was related to the other asteroid. More: Did Another Space Rock Crash in Cuba?

Benghazi — The Motion Picture

Benghazi would be one helluva movie. And a commercial one, to boot. But would anybody make it?

Rock Bottom: Die Hard 5 at Direct-to-DVD Level

It's time to take this franchise behind the barn and shoot it. Yippee ki-yay.

The Unreality-Based Presidency

Obama's speech promises four more years of what hasn't worked, by any means necessary.

PJTV’s Trifecta: Why Liberals Love Chris Dorner

No Batteries, Just Playtime: Another $150M Strike for Green-Tech Stimulus

Inspector general: "The audit surfaced issues relating to the management of this grant which transcend the reimbursed amount in importance."

How Well Does ‘Rate My Professors’ Rate?

The Website is a barometer of the perfect storm battering the modern university.

How to Choose a College: A Primer

The traditional rating system is useless in a world of multicultural offerings.

Special Ops Poised to Take $1 Billion Hit from Sequestration, CR

Will Washington step up in the 11th hour for our most elite warriors, or will cuts hazardously weaken SOCOM's readiness?

Putin Propaganda: Texas Mother Accused of Murdering Adopted Russian Son

Firing up the proletariat with anti-Americanism: hey, it worked last time.

Would You Care if Your Wife Earned More?

Or would it be a welcome relief?

Culture, Capitalism, and Horse Meat

Brits take the scandal harder than mainland Europe; the usual suspects blame capitalism.

Al-Dura Exclusive: Esther Schapira’s Open Letter to Charles Enderlin

A French-language version of this letter has been read widely in Europe. Schapira has presented PJ Media with a translation.

Obama Urged to Replace Scandal-Ridden Interior Watchdog

Just one of many departments still lacking an overseer to root out mismanagement, fraud, and ethics violations.

Shut Up or I’ll Kill You

The sorry state of free speech.

The Wonderful World of John Kerry

America's newest Secretary of State pays a diplomatic call on the magic kingdom of global warming.

Warrantless Searches Proposed — for Third Time — by WA Democrats

State Senator Adam Kline's "mistake" excuse doesn't fly, considering he has done this twice before.

Fixing Our Mental Health System

We can make a good start by spending money on the mentally ill more efficiently.

Pentagon on Furlough Notice as ‘Unengaged’ Obama Demands Tax Hikes

Closer to a "hollow force" reality: "He has certainly proven capable of leisure, now it’s time to prove that he’s capable of leadership.”

7 Types of Chicks Who Annoy Everyone Just by Their Very Existence

If you thought the annoying dudes were bad, just wait....

Joe Biden’s Felony Self-Defense Advice

Follow the Vice President's tips to his wife and head directly to jail.

The Truth about Harry Dexter White — Soviet Agent

The 'Red' White who was anything but True Blue.

What if One Day We Get a Bad President?

The consequences of being saddled with a non-progressive, dumb chief executive are too horrible to imagine.

3 Tips for ‘Owning’ Your Name on Google’s First-Page Results

Don't let other people control your online reputation. These easy steps can help you dominate Google search results for your name.

Brave New World

Most of us are still not aware of how vastly different the world of 2013 is from 2008.

Abortion-Rights PAC Staffers Behind Push for Gun-Control ‘Million Kid March’ on DC

Not enough kids? Proposed march pushed to spring.

4 Reasons for the Death of America’s Car Culture

Auto designs today are a far cry from the raw Shelby Cobra, venomous Dodge Viper, and classic Chevy Corvette — all dynamic designs of their day.

Distractions — Defeating Obama with Aikido

Kung Fu fighting, and pulling the chair out from under the left.

Interview: Jonathan Last on America’s Looming Demographic Crisis (with Transcript)

What to expect when you read What to Expect When No One's Expecting.

A Reason for Faith: Christianity on Trial

Objectivist philosopher Andrew Bernstein accused Christianity of rejecting reason in his recent debate with apologist Dinesh D'Souza.

The Voices of Addiction

“That dude’s crazy. He must be on something.”

Justice Dept. Still Under Pressure for Answers About Swartz Prosecution

Issa: "Ultimately, trusting a government is inconsistent with our founding words, 'We the people.' Aaron understood that."

Would New Gun Laws Spark Widespread Civil Disobedience?

Perhaps no other current issue has such potential.

More Good News on Obamacare: Some May See Rates Double

"Young invincibles" in for a surprise.

Israel’s Canadian Critics Demonstrate the ’3D’ Anti-Semitism Formula

Legitimate criticism of Israel is not disingenuous, devious, or deceitful.