
Brittany Maynard Won’t Kill Herself November 1: “Doesn’t Seem Like the Right Time Now”

Washington, DC | 10/30/14 10:05 AM

Brittany Maynard has officially decided to delay her decision to kill herself under Oregon’s assisted suicide law on November 1. She says it “doesn’t seem like the right time now” to end her life.


Top Democrat: Pro-Life Republicans Scarier Than Ebola and ISIS

Washington, DC | 10/29/14 10:35 AM

The chairman of the Democratic National Committee is no stranger to making over the top comments attacking pro-life Republicans.

North Dakota Clinic Stops Selling Abortion Drug After Pro-Life Law Upheld

Bismarck, ND | 10/30/14 2:53 PM

On Tuesday the North Dakota Supreme Court upheld a 2011 law which regulates how chemical abortifacients—generically referred to as “RU486”—are administered to women.

Assisted Suicide Activists Use Brittany Maynard to Silence Opponents

Washington, DC | 10/30/14 1:33 PM

Assisted Suicide Activists Use Brittany Maynard to Silence Opponents

Pro-Abortion Author Say’s Abortion is Normal and “Part of Being a Mother”

Washington, DC | 10/30/14 11:56 AM

Pro-Abortion Author Say’s Abortion is Normal and “Part of Being a Mother”

Abortion Activists Vandalize Pro-Life Display With “Life Begins at Ejaculation” Message

Rochester, MI | 10/30/14 11:09 AM

Abortion Activists Vandalize Pro-Life Display With “Life Begins at Ejaculation” Message

English Media Label Pro-Life Prayer Campaign “Too American” for Britain

London, England | 10/30/14 9:33 AM

When Robert Colquhoun first brought 40 Days for Life to his home country of England in 2010, he had no idea what God had in store for him.

Couple With 12 Sons are Expecting Baby Number 13, They’ll be “Shocked” to Have a Girl

Grand Rapids, MI | 10/29/14 1:49 PM

Couple With 12 Sons are Expecting Baby Number 13, They’ll be “Shocked” to Have a Girl

Obama Admin Allows Selling U.S. Citizenship to Babies Conceived Via IVF

Washington, DC | 10/29/14 6:53 PM

Reverse biological colonialism!

These Twin Babies Seem to Be Having A Very Important Conversation

Washington, DC | 10/29/14 6:28 PM

These Twin Babies Seem to Be Having A Very Important Conversation

After-Birth Abortions: College Students Increasingly Support Infanticide

Washington, DC | 10/29/14 4:31 PM

Abortion proponents like to paint pro-lifers as extremists who go to great lengths to take away the rights of women.

Why is This Catholic College Hosting Abortion Activist Gloria Steinem?

Washington, DC | 10/29/14 5:21 PM

Why is This Catholic College Hosting Abortion Activist Gloria Steinem?

Pro-Choice Psychologist Witnessed Abortion: “It’s the Smallest Human Head I’ve Ever Seen”

Washington, DC | 10/29/14 2:49 PM

Pro-Choice Psychologist Witnessed Abortion: “It’s the Smallest Human Head I’ve Ever Seen”

“My Unborn Baby Saved My Life:” Pregnancy Helps Reveal Mom’s Ovarian Cancer

Washington, DC | 10/29/14 11:31 AM

“My Unborn Baby Saved My Life:” Pregnancy Helps Reveal Mom’s Ovarian Cancer

Fact: 94% of Pregnant Women Who Went to Planned Parenthood Got an Abortion

Washington, DC | 10/29/14 1:22 PM

So Planned Parenthood says that that only three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services.

These Pro-Life People Pray at the First-Ever Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic

Washington, DC | 10/29/14 9:39 AM

We never know how God will plant seeds. That hit me during a recent visit to the 40 Days for Life campaign in Syracuse, New York.

North Carolina Law Letting Women See Ultrasound of Baby Before Abortion Heads to Court

Charlotte, NC | 10/28/14 4:29 PM

North Carolina Law Letting Women See Ultrasound of Baby Before Abortion Heads to Court

Planned Parenthood: Dress Up As Pro-Abortion Ruth Bader Ginsburg for Halloween

Washington, DC | 10/27/14 4:55 PM

Planned Parenthood is promoting a Halloween costume by a woman who who wanted to “Get rid of populations we do not want to have too many of.”

Abortion Survivor’s Story of Joy and Purpose as an Adoptee

Washington, DC | 10/30/14 3:10 PM

Abortion Survivor’s Story of Joy and Purpose as an Adoptee

Scientific Review Urges Doctors to Inform Women of Abortion-Breast Cancer Link

Washington, DC | 10/30/14 2:00 PM

A second scientific review in 2014 has strongly urged physicians to warn patients about the abortion-breast cancer (ABC) link

Her Unborn Baby Girl Has Anencephaly, But She Will Not Have an Abortion

Washington, DC | 10/30/14 1:04 PM

Her Unborn Baby Girl Has Anencephaly, But She Will Not Have an Abortion

Abortion Clinic Failed to Report Abuse of 13-Year-Old, Man Raped Her “Almost Every Day” for Years

Columbus, OH | 10/30/14 12:37 PM

In 2010, John F. Szorady was sentenced to 74 years in prison for repeatedly raping an Ohio girl, beginning when she was 13 in 2004 through February, 2009, when she went to police.

Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Closes Rapid City, South Dakota Clinic

Rapid City, SD | 10/30/14 11:35 AM

Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Closes Rapid City, South Dakota Clinic

Planned Parenthood Uses Picture of Child to Urge Voters to Support Pro-Abortion Candidates

Washington, DC | 10/30/14 10:45 AM

For a “women’s health” organization, Planned Parenthood doesn’t think too highly of women.

Mother Wins Case to Kill Her Disabled Daughter

Washington, DC | 10/29/14 12:30 PM

Mother Wins Case to Kill Her Disabled Daughter

Facebook Removes Mom’s Photo of Touching Moment She Breast-Fed for the First Time

Washington, DC | 10/29/14 4:02 PM

Facebook Removes Mom’s Photo of Touching Moment She Breast-Fed for the First Time

When the Clinic Refused to Perform an Abortion, She Knew It Was a Sign

Nashville, TN | 10/29/14 4:59 PM

I saw a patient in the office recently, and we had the most inspiring conversation.

Crazy Pro-Abortion Ad Warns of a Condom Shortage if Pro-Life Candidate Wins

Denver, CO | 10/29/14 11:54 AM

Crazy Pro-Abortion Ad Warns of a Condom Shortage if Pro-Life Candidate Wins

One Twin’s Rescue Hug Saves the Life of Her Sister

Washington, DC | 10/29/14 10:03 AM

One Twin’s Rescue Hug Saves the Life of Her Sister

Minnesota Lt. Governor Candidate Presided Over 10,000 Abortions as Planned Parenthood Activist

St. Paul, MN | 10/29/14 5:58 PM

Who is Tina Smith? Most Minnesotans have no idea.

Court Allows Continued Harassment of Pro-Life Advocates in Mississippi

Jackson, MS | 10/29/14 3:19 PM

Life Legal Defense Foundation’s request that pro-life advocates receive injunctive relief from harassment by the City of Jackson, Mississippi Police Department was denied by the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi Jackson Division yesterday.

Caught Red-Handed: New Mexico Abortion Business Was Operating Illegally

Santa Fe, NM | 10/29/14 12:53 PM

A new abortion facility in Las Cruces, New Mexico, operated by the Texas-based Whole Women’s Health abortion chain, was caught “red-handed” operating without a valid business permit

Pro-Life Irish LifeNews Blogger Named to BBC’s 100 Women of 2014

Washington, DC | 10/29/14 10:56 AM

Cora Sherlock is an attorney and a leading pro-life advocate in Ireland and LifeNews is privileged to have her as one of our guest bloggers.

This Beautiful Baby Girl Was Left to Die in A Plastic Bag, But God Had Different Plans

Houston, TX | 10/28/14 5:12 PM

This Beautiful Baby Girl Was Left to Die in A Plastic Bag, But God Had Different Plans

Two Closed Abortion Facilities in Alabama Reopen

Montgomery, AL | 10/28/14 6:45 PM

Two Closed Abortion Facilities in Alabama Reopen

North Dakota Upholds Pro-Life Law Protecting Women From Abortion Pill

Bismarck, ND | 10/28/14 5:42 PM

North Dakota women will be better protected from dangerous, life-ending drugs as the result of a decision by the North Dakota Supreme Court today.