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Where on Earth Answer Submission

To view this month's Where on Earth? contest, or to see past clues, answers and winners, visit the Where on Earth? archive.

Enter the latest Where on Earth? contest!
Use the clues and photo(s) in the latest edition of the magazine, available in print or for download.

EARTH also welcomes your photos to consider for the contest. Learn more about submitting photos here, and email your submissions to

Please tell us your full mailing address. We will only use this for purposes of mailing you a T-shirt in the event you're selected as a contest winner, and so we can list winners' hometowns in print.

"Where on Earth?" winners and photographers will win an "I'm a Geoscientist" T-shirt. (Photographers will also receive a free one-year subscription or renewal.)
Please select your T-shirt size below.