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Recent Columns

  • Vigilance for viruses requires money, bipartisan support
    Vigilance for viruses requires money, bipartisan support

    Last year, I interviewed both Dr. Robert Gallo, co-discoverer of the virus that causes AIDS, and Dr. Alfred Sommer, whose work on vitamin A deficiency is credited with saving millions of lives around the world. Without prompting, both men expressed profound concern for biomedical research:...

  • Middle class value claims are a 'joke' [Commentary]
    Middle class value claims are a 'joke' [Commentary]

    It's the political season, which explains another column of "Things That Bug Me." Herewith my latest list for your consideration:

  • Frozen eggs and a woman's career [Commentary]
    Frozen eggs and a woman's career [Commentary]

    News that Apple would begin in January to pay for women employees to have their eggs frozen so they could delay motherhood — and that Facebook had already begun doing it — has jumpstarted the discussion of women and work/life balance.

  • Ravens' future bright with young offensive linemen
    Ravens' future bright with young offensive linemen

    When Ravens guard Marshal Yanda stepped to the podium Wednesday, he looked as uncomfortable as a construction worker wearing a tailored suit. The forum is usually reserved for the stars.

  • In Reservoir Hill, the Power Project offers kids hope
    In Reservoir Hill, the Power Project offers kids hope

    The hard sweat of building a better Baltimore takes place every weekday in hundreds of classrooms across the city, where teachers make the difference in the lives of children who grow up in the long shadow of poverty. We always come back to this. Every serious conversation — about...
