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Maryland Voices

Slipping through the cracks

Officials at the Maryland Reception, Diagnostic and Classification Center say they still don't know why a man being held on murder charges was mistakenly allowed to walk out of the facility last week — or why it took authorities two days to discover the error. Given all the problems...

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  • More troubled group homes
    More troubled group homes

    This summer Maryland closed an Anne Arundel County group home for severely disabled foster children operated by Lifeline Inc. after a 10-year-old boy died there and The Sun reported long-standing financial and other problems at the company. Most of the children were transferred to Second...

  • Messing with voting rights in Texas
    Messing with voting rights in Texas

    If there was evidence that voter fraud was prevalent — or even a serious possibility — then perhaps the Supreme Court's ruling early Saturday allowing Texas to impose one of the strictest voter photo identification laws in the country would make sense. Instead what the...

  • The risk Ebola exposed [Editorial]
    The risk Ebola exposed [Editorial]

    The Centers for Disease Control is urging people not to panic over the pair of nurses who tested positive for Ebola at the hospital in Dallas where an infected man was treated last month. Yet polls show the public isn't buying it — a recent survey found nearly 80 percent of...

Readers Respond

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  • Brown's pre-K promises don't add up
    Brown's pre-K promises don't add up

    Throughout the last two months, the Anthony Brown campaign has accused Larry Hogan of being "extreme" and "dangerous" in regard to his views on two volatile issues — a woman's right to choose and the regulation of assault weapons. Time and again, in a variety of...

  • Balto. Co. wrong on animal shelter photos
    Balto. Co. wrong on animal shelter photos

    The response by Don Mohler, chief of staff for County Executive Kevin Kamenetz, to the ACLU's lawsuit concerning photography at the Baltimore County animal shelter is disingenuous at best ("ACLU says Balto. Co. has squelched criticism of animal shelter," Oct. 19).

  • Low hiring standards lead to police brutality
    Low hiring standards lead to police brutality

    I've lived in and around Baltimore for all of my 73 years. My opinion on the problems with our police and fire departments lies with recruiting practices ("U.S. Dept. of Justice reveals plans to review Baltimore Police Dept.," Oct. 21). As a young man I never heard of the...

  • Hogan should learn from Connie Morella
    Hogan should learn from Connie Morella

    Tom Schaller's Oct. 20 column, "The Connie Morella effect," was most interesting. I knew Connie Morella well. She was an English professor at Montgomery College when I was teaching Political Science there. We continued our friendship over the years when she was in Congress and...

  • Moms want answers from Hogan on guns
    Moms want answers from Hogan on guns

    Despite gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan's public flip-flopping on guns and the Maryland Firearms Safety Act — he must have some of a stance on guns. He completed a questionnaire for National Rifle Association that earned him an "A-" rating from the Washington gun...

Online-only op-eds

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