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Heartlights hosted at Towson Presbyterian Church meets weekly

"Let all God's people say Amen," Roxanne Maffitt-Harvey sang. The Sunday school class of special needs adults sang along enthusiastically, if a little uncertainly. "Whoop, whoop. Yeah!" Maffitt-Harvey ended, throwing her hands joyfully in the air. "Yeah!" said Markita Hardison emphatically.


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more federal workplace
  • Reducing drug sentences a big job for judiciary
    Reducing drug sentences a big job for judiciary

    When a federal judicial panel voted this year to reduce the sentences of thousands of inmates serving time for federal drug crimes, the move won praise from the Justice Department and advocates for prisoners.

  • O'Malley seeks to allay fears after Ebola patient arrives at NIH
    O'Malley seeks to allay fears after Ebola patient arrives at NIH

    President Barack Obama appointed an "Ebola czar" Friday to lead the nation's response to the deadly virus, as Gov. Martin O'Malley sought to allay the public's fears after an infected Texas nurse was brought to Bethesda for treatment.

  • Ebola 'czar' named by White House
    Ebola 'czar' named by White House

    President Obama on Friday tapped longtime Democratic operative Ron Klain to coordinate the federal government’s response to the threat of widespread infection from the Ebola virus. The move came as the president and his administration faced mounting...

  • Hopkins study: Feds are whiter, richer, more liberal than most Americans
    Hopkins study: Feds are whiter, richer, more liberal than most Americans

    The workers who staff the federal government in Washington are whiter, richer, more educated and more liberal than the rest of the country, according to two political scientists at Johns Hopkins University —who warn of the potential for a troubling gap between the federal workforce and...

Bay, Beach and Crabs

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