Allentown Center City: Events, news, restaurants, reviews and photos


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Time to make parenthood affordable again

Parenthood should be affordable in this country, but the cost of raising a child from birth to adulthood is now a quarter of a million dollars and projected to double by the time today's toddlers reach their teens. Will having kids soon be out of reach economically for many American families?


More Letters
  • Make your voice heard at the polls

    Your vote does count! Thomas Dorr, Alice Paul and Bob Moses all dedicated their lives to change suffrage from being a privilege of a chosen few. Let their sacrifices and political convictions be a reminder to us that voting must go back to being considered a privilege and not a futile...

  • Afterschool programs are popular, vital

    A new study from the Afterschool Alliance reveals that despite widespread support for afterschool programs and similarly high parental satisfaction with them, the unmet need for afterschool is huge and growing.

  • Karen Dolan is an example of public service
    Karen Dolan is an example of public service

    Karen Dolan deserves many thanks for her role in preserving part of Bethlehem's history, involving students in reconstruction, and advancing environmental education in the memory of Gertie Fox, who saved the Monocacy Creek for generations to enjoy. They are both examples of what public...

  • Mark Aurand will make an 'excellent' senator
    Mark Aurand will make an 'excellent' senator

    I'm proud to cast my vote on Nov. 4 for Mark Aurand for our new state Senate seat in the 40th District. I've been following his campaign and have spoken with him many times. He is the real deal. He is smart, articulate, caring and knowledgeable on the issues. He is poised to make an...

  • Tom Wolf keeping bad company
    Tom Wolf keeping bad company

    For the last couple of months, I had full intentions of voting for Tom Wolf for governor. However, the last few days, I have totally changed my mind. He has Hillary Clinton and first lady Michelle Obama campaigning for him. I truly believe people can be judged by the company they keep.

Your View

Acerra: Charter Arts holds students to high standards
Acerra: Charter Arts holds students to high standards

I believe that the best charter schools are those that fill a need not being served by the public school system. They provide instruction in some areas in more depth than the school system is able to provide, or they teach in ways that reach students who learn differently.

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