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  1. How cold is it? Morning Call photographer Kevin Mingora took this photo this morning of ice forming on the Delaware River in Easton.
    Photo: How cold is it? Morning Call photographer Kevin Mingora took this photo this morning of ice forming on the Delaware River in Easton.
  2. Meet today's rather dapper Fuzzy Friend. You can even follow him on Twitter @KermitTheeDog,0,6072568.story
    Photo: Meet today's rather dapper Fuzzy Friend. You can even follow him on Twitter @KermitTheeDog,0,6072568.story
  3. Breaking this morning: Scanner reports indicate a two-alarm fire is burning in the city of Allentown at W Walnut and S 23rd that has injured at least one firefighter. We'll have details soon.
  4. Only minor injuries were reported after a car crashed into this house yesterday in Bethlehem. The accident is still under investigation,0,1959153.story
    Photo: Only minor injuries were reported after a car crashed into this house yesterday in Bethlehem. The accident is still under investigation,0,1959153.story
  5. Congratulations to Claudette Lazarus for being the week three winner of the $100 Target gift card. All she did was like us and now she is shopping! We will be selecting the week four winner this week.
    Photo: Congratulations to Claudette Lazarus for being the week three winner of the $100 Target gift card. All she did was like us and now she is shopping! We will be selecting the week four winner this week.
  6. Three years to the day after the bombing in Iraq, Capt. David Borden put his boots, including the one covering his prosthetic right foot, on the ground in Afghanistan,0,659818.story
    Photo: Three years to the day after the bombing in Iraq, Capt. David Borden put his boots, including the one covering his prosthetic right foot, on the ground in Afghanistan,0,659818.story

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