
  • “Rick Perry’s campaign has come to an end. But he could leave on an unexpected high note — helping conservatives unite around one not-Romney” Barring a miracle, this is Rick Perry’s final act in the 2012 elections. On Saturday, he will come in last in South Carolina. It will be only the third time in a generation Rick Perry has lost an election, with the only other two times being Iowa and...
    Source: RedState
    Published: 2012-01-18 19:39:17 GMT
    • Jocko Marie, Steve Smith, Scot Wolf and 4 others like this.
      • Sara Legvold Why were they sponsoring this to begin with? This just shows me the lack of sound judgement that we may come to expect if we the people are not constantly breathing down their necks! Right is right and wrong is wrong!
        about an hour ago
      • Steve Smith ‎^ I think you posted to the wrong article :D
        about an hour ago
      • Amy Day too bad the rest of the country doesn't want the success that Texas has seen ...
        about an hour ago
  • Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri is one of those interesting Senators with whom I often find myself on the wrong side of him on fiscal issues, but who I tremendously, personally like. He really is quite a likable guy. And today, joining Senator Rubio, Senator Blunt has withdrawn his sponsorship of PROTECT IP in the Senate....
    Source: RedState
    Published: 2012-01-18 18:57:28 GMT
  • This morning I noted that we should primary Senators and Representatives on the left and right who refuse to back away from SOPA and Protect IP. Included in the list, unfortunately, was Senator Marco Rubio. I would hate, hate, haaattttteeeee to primary such a great guy. We spent a lot of time, energy, effort, and money getting him elected....
    Source: RedState
    Published: 2012-01-18 15:15:29 GMT
      • Mandy Morello Bill I couldn't agree with you more! This is an election year and his name has been brought up for the VP pick.... he has co-sponsored other Liberty killing bills that make me wonder why he is considered any sort of hero to the Right. This is just a political ploy in order to clean his record before short-term memory loss voters head to the voting booth in November.
        3 hours ago
      • Dawn Shen ‎@Twopointfivemillion Cash. False charges of racism cheapen and distract from actual cases of it. Ever hear of the Boy who cried Wolf? BTW, Democrats are the party of slavery, KKK, segregation, Jim Crow, and Uncle Sam's Plantation.
        about an hour ago
  • Today many websites around the world are shutting down to protest the potential effects of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and its Senate companion, Protect IP. At RedState, we are temporarily suspending publication of new content today to oppose SOPA and PROTECT IP. Both pieces of legislation are overly broad and give too much power to the Attorney General to shut down websites that may be innocent of piracy, but are accused...
    Source: RedState
    Published: 2012-01-18 10:00:00 GMT
      • James Smiley ‎'BOUT time Marco, what happened to GOP mantra that if it didn't have a Constitutional priciple behind it, it didn't deserve a vote? This bill gives MORE power to govt. than it gives FREEDOM to the people.
        3 hours ago · 1
      • Sara Legvold Actually, I thought 'going dark' was a great idea for bringing attention to the issue. Bully for them!
        about an hour ago
  • The following are sponsors of Protect IP in the Senate originally introduced by Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont. Both Republicans and Democrats should pledge to unite and primary these members of the Senate, however much we may love them, for pushing such harmful legislation. If they don’t want to be primaried, they should stop sponsoring this crap. Next to each name is the date they signed on as a co-sponsor....
    Source: RedState
    Published: 2012-01-18 09:50:00 GMT
    • Sara Legvold, James Smiley, Larry Gibbs and 18 others like this.
      • Michael C. Peak This sad list brings front and center the fact that both parties are wrecking our country. This is what you get when you vote "the lesser of two evils." Quit voting for them; they aren't qualified to run our country.
        7 hours ago · 1
      • Dee Thompson Jr Poli-sheep
        6 hours ago
  • The following are sponsors of Protect IP in the Senate originally introduced by Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont. Both Republicans and Democrats should pledge to unite and primary these members of the Senate, however much we may love them, for pushing such harmful legislation. If they don’t want to be primaried, they should stop sponsoring this crap. Next to each name is the date they signed on as a co-sponsor....
    Source: RedState
    Published: 2012-01-18 09:50:00 GMT
    • Millard Carter, Bob Johnston, Cheryl Izuno Parker and 2 others like this.
      • Ed Presnall Thank you Senator Marco Rubio of Florida for showing that you are conservative leader and for dropping your co-sponsorship of Protect IP.
        5 hours ago · 1
  • We celebrated Monday when House Majority Leader Eric Cantor effectively signaled the death of SOPA, the Stopping Online Piracy Act. Cantor said the Internet censorship bill would not see a vote until there was consensus on the matter. As long as Darrell Issa, Justin Amash, and Jason Chaffetz are on the case there will be no consensus on sweeping Internet censorship, so Cantor’s position basically kills SOPA this Congress. This was a...
    Source: RedState
    Published: 2012-01-18 09:47:44 GMT
  • RedState Morning Briefing For January 4, 2012 Go to www.RedStateMB.com to getthe Morning Briefing every morning at no charge. Today is an unusual day at RedState. Many websites around the nation and the world are going dark today in solidarity against SOPA, the Stopping Online Piracy Act (SOPA) pending in Congress. Many of this site’s good friends, like Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee and Marco Rubio of Florida (a co-sponsor of the Protect IP Act...
    Source: RedState
    Published: 2012-01-18 09:45:00 GMT
  • This will probably be the biggest news of the morning. Millions have wondered who Governor Palin would actually support. She’s making it crystal clear now. On Fox News, Sarah Palin says if she lived in South Carolina she’d vote for Newt. The next big question is whether Governor Perry decides to depart the race before or after Saturday....
    Source: RedState
    Published: 2012-01-18 09:45:00 GMT
  • Just for calibration… back in April of 2009 I attended the DC Tax Day Tea Party; and one of the more interesting moments of that day was when a box was found to have been thrown over the White House fence, causing the US Secret Service to pretty much push everybody out of Lafayette Park....
    Source: RedState
    Published: 2012-01-18 03:00:28 GMT
  • Nearly a year ago, the Democratic National Committee opened a wound with union bosses, the Democratic party’s biggest financial backers, by choosing Charlotte, NC as the host-city for its 2012 convention. While the circumstances that led to the decision to choose one of the least unionized states in the nation may have been a union turf war, the DNC convention planners have tried to make up for it by discriminating against...
    Source: RedState
    Published: 2012-01-18 01:31:07 GMT
    • Bill Fredericks, Ronda von Ravensberg, Stephanie Austin and 12 others like this.
      • Erich Gunthel Okay i tried to call in tonight and ask this question but the phone lady was rude and hung up on me. My question is as follows if the president is a head figure all he really has is the power to veto things. What is the big deal as to who is president we should all be worried about who is in congress they are the law maker and the people that make up the regulations in Washington DC right?
        20 hours ago
      • Doug Dechert Repost!
        19 hours ago
  • In last night’s debate, you might have noticed a number of topics arise that are all variations on the same common theme: An out-of-control federal government, run by overreaching, out-of-control Washington, D.C., insiders. Whether we’re talking about the EPA’s assault on my state, Texas, over pollution rules, or the National Labor Relations Board and Department of Justice’s meddling in South Carolina’s business affairs and election laws, or even Obamacare, the issue is...
    Source: RedState
    Published: 2012-01-17 23:15:12 GMT
      • John J Radford The assault dear reader is largely your elected officials upon the people of the USA. It is your elected officials that is assaulting the Constitution, personal liberty, free speech, the right to bear arms, etc. The odd thing is that the people keep electing these leaders.
        20 hours ago · 2
      • Michael C. Peak Bob you need to get off the Left vs Right thing. Both parties have been doing a fine job of ruining this country. Step back and take a look. You won't believe how enlightening it is.
        20 hours ago · 1
  • This is a short week in the House of Representatives.  The Senate does not come back into session full time until next week.  The House and the Senate readies the start the second session of the 112th Congress with very low expectations.   The next big decision point for Congress will be the expiration of the payroll tax deal in the end of February.  There is a vote this week in the House to reject the President’s request for...
    Source: RedState
    Published: 2012-01-17 23:00:13 GMT
    • Cheryl Laird and Bud Wood like this.
    • From the Diaries… As the Recall Walker effort submitted their signatures to the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board today (claiming 1 million signatures), Wisconsinites deserve a serious analysis of this Big Labor, big money game to force a recall election on the people of this state.  We will be shocked at what is yet to come.  Evidence is already mounting to suggest that Big Labor has used underhanded, fraudulent and illegal tactics to...
      Source: RedState
      Published: 2012-01-17 22:00:44 GMT
      • Graydon Like Sr., Jeremy Thompson, Cheryl Laird and 14 others like this.
      • “If our goal is to be shielded from any cost of healthcare, we will ultimately be exposed to all costs of healthcare.” Nothing typifies the inane cycle of government dependency and poverty more than the issue of healthcare.  Given that healthcare constitutes 18% of our economy and that millions of Americans are languishing under its crushing costs, it is important that we articulate healthcare reform from a position of strength.  We must...
        Source: RedState
        Published: 2012-01-17 21:07:37 GMT
        • Graydon Like Sr., Mary Anne Potter, Robert J. Acuna and 18 others like this.
          • Aaron Williford Maybe we ought to think about putting a Doctor in the White House!? ...naw, what would he know about it.
            20 hours ago