Yes, Please Vote For A 'Reagan Country'

A former speechwriter for Pres. Reagan and Bush hatched his own plan to have the South secede from the Union to become a Traditional Values country known as "Reagan."
Yes, Please Vote For A 'Reagan Country'

Conservative cranks that occupy the Evangelicals have often opined for their own beloved city, state or country that could become a home to their homophobia, xenophobia and their bibles. A former speechwriter for Presidents Reagan and Bush hatched his own plan to have the South secede from the Union and become a Traditional Values country known as "Reagan," until they come up with a better name.

Raw Story:

Douglas MacKinnon, a former speechwriter for Presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush, appeared Tuesday on The Janet Mefford Show to promote his new book, “The Secessionist States of America: The Blueprint for Creating a Traditional Values Country … Now,” reported Right Wing Watch.

He told the religious conservative host that southern states – starting with Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina – should leave the United States so they can implement a right-wing Christian system of government.

Oh, man this is too good to be true. Is it on the next ballot, Nov. 8th? MacKinnon doesn;t like Texas very much so they are out of his Christian Utopia. And what was the touchstone for his Reagan-land?

MacKinnon specifically cited advances in gay rights as a reason for Southern states to leave the U.S. and create a new country.

You mean he hates the gays? Of course he does.

MacKinnon strongly defended the South for its role in what he called “The War Between The States,” saying that Religious Right activists should endorse the secessionist movement as a way to “protect our faith.”

Since the gays have been blocking all forms of worship and prayer in this country since gay marriage passed, it's a no brainer. Who could still live a righteous life and practice traditional values under theses conditions?

About John Amato


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