HD Travel Videos

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    The possibilities are endless...


    from Evina Alexandri / Added

    0 Plays / / 0 Comments


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    • Sebastien Babineau 2014


      from RAIDEN Z / Added

      866 Plays / / 1 Comment

      With the work on my new home and that osteoarthritis back problems I still make a video through for 2014 for ''La Cribs'' Bikeshop.

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      • Year Two - Day One Hundred Sixty Six - Relics


        from Felix Brassier / Added

        411 Plays / / 1 Comment

        Relics The 1st September at La Blaquerie, Aveyron, France Felix Brassier Official website : http://felixbrassier.wix.com/days

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        • Lisbon memories


          from Thibault LAURENT / Added

          189 Plays / / 0 Comments

          We spent a bit more than one week in Lisbon with my friends where we lived in the Bairro Alto. We went in the different areas of Lisbon: Bairro Alto, Baixa, Alfama, Chiado, Castelo Sao Jorge, Belem,…

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          • Transalplus part 2: not for the faint-hearted...


            from Marc Altena / Added

            29 Plays / / 0 Comments

            Leg two of my solo, unsupported and off-road bikepacking trip from the Mediterranean to the North Sea. Some of the best mountain biking on earth on the breathtaking Alta Via dei Monti Liguri and…

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            • Skycam Showreel 2014


              from Juhani Sarglep / Added

              62 Plays / / 0 Comments


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              • Czech Republic 2013


                from Stanislav Fridkin / Added

                58 Plays / / 0 Comments

                Czech Republic, 25 oct - 03 nov 2013. Vacation homevideo, just for my family. Music: Emancipator - Natural Cause. Raw video: 3h, 41m, 16sec in 580 clips + 15 timelapse clips. 55h 47min for postprocessing:…

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                • Dalmatie : A_Dubrovnik, tour d'orientation


                  from altair91 / Added

                  9 Plays / / 0 Comments

                  Cette première vidéo sur une croisière principalement réalisée en Croatie sur les côtes de la Dalmatie est consacrée à un tour d'orientation…

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                  • Mt. Batur Volcano Hike


                    from Andrew Wyton / Added

                    105 Plays / / 0 Comments

                    When that guy took us to climb the 'novice-intermediate' brim around the active volcano, Mt. Batur. It was awesome. www.vegheadproductions.com

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                    • Desa Seni Village Resort_ Virtual Tour 4/5


                      from Andrew Wyton / Added

                      51 Plays / / 0 Comments

                      I had an opportunity to create 5 virtual tours for Desa Seni Village Resort located in Canggu, Bali, Indonesia. 4 of the tours showcase some of the available suites for rent on the grounds, and the…

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                      • Desa Seni Village Resort_ Virtual Tour 1/5


                        from Andrew Wyton / Added

                        80 Plays / / 0 Comments

                        I had an opportunity to create 5 virtual tours for Desa Seni Village Resort located in Canggu, Bali, Indonesia. 4 of the tours showcase some of the available suites for rent on the grounds, and the…

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                        • TipToe Tours


                          from Andrew Wyton / Added

                          203 Plays / / 0 Comments

                          TipToe Tours is the 3rd branch to the VegHead Productions tree of life. Using TipToe Tours Facebook page, you will be able to find luxurious accommodations world wide that are available for renting.…

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                          HD Travel Videos

                          Rico Tan Created by Rico Tan PRO

                          Add your Travel Video here and share places you've been, what you've eat, travel tips, etc.

                          How to upload/add your videos to TravelHD Group?

                          You can now have the ability to UPLOAD your videos to TravelHD. Please be advised that our moderators will be reviewing your videos before adding it to the group.

                          What kind of video that I can upload to TravelHD Group?
                          Video requirements: HD only & Travel Related only. As for now, we are not accepting "Photo Slideshow", moving videos only please. And also Be Creative!!

                          Please be advised that TravelHD moderator will remove your video without

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                          Add your Travel Video here and share places you've been, what you've eat, travel tips, etc.

                          How to upload/add your videos to TravelHD Group?

                          You can now have the ability to UPLOAD your videos to TravelHD. Please be advised that our moderators will be reviewing your videos before adding it to the group.

                          What kind of video that I can upload to TravelHD Group?
                          Video requirements: HD only & Travel Related only. As for now, we are not accepting "Photo Slideshow", moving videos only please. And also Be Creative!!

                          Please be advised that TravelHD moderator will remove your video without notice if it is non HD & non Travel related.

                          Open for Moderators & Directors. Please PM us and tell us about yourself.


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