The Time for Boldness Is Now


My name is Niko Letsos. I am a high school teacher running for a seat in the United States House of Representatives in the next Congress (2015-2017). I am the Democratic candidate in Texas’s 2nd district. As a proud native Houstonian, I am embarrassed and angered by how we are represented in Washington. Our most prominent representatives only offer empty talk and government shutdowns. I have specific plans on reforming our government so it is never an obstacle. We need people to be constructive in government, not destructive. With an eye towards my students’ future, I had to get involved.

There are real and long-term problems we are facing that must be addressed. The scale of these challenges requires a partnership between the American people and the American government - not a relationship of antagonism. I have specific proposals that will allow us to take on all of the problems we face effectively. These are aimed at ensuring the government is always serving the interest of everyday Americans, not petty special interests. My proposals are aimed at restoring trust to create an effective partnership.

Candidate Niko Letsos

Niko Letsos

for Texas's second Congressional district

Woodrow Wilson

America is not anything if it consists of each of us. It is something only if it consists of all of us.

My most important proposal I am calling the Accountability and Transparency Act. The Act will create an online resource called that will bring together all government customer service, an interactive map of all government spending across the nation, and detailed breakdowns of how our elected leaders spend their time and the origins of their campaign funds . This will make public spending and deliberation just that—public. Please review the specifics of all my solutions on my "policies and commitments" page.

The disparity between the ordinary Houstonians I have lived my entire life with and those we send to represent us is staggering. We must send someone to DC that has the no-nonsense and resourceful work-ethic that has made our city and our state great. This will allow us to reform our government so it always on our side. An honorable people deserve an honorable government. With your help, I will do my part to make that happen. Let's make America great again. 


Niko Letsos