Real-time exchange rates &
currency conversion JSON API

Simple, reliable rates for developers – with 165 currencies and more.

Thursday 23rd October: Looking for an alternative to the shut-down iGoogle calculator/exchange rate service? Open Exchange Rates features up-to-date and historical rates for 165 world currencies, in a simple and reliable JSON API. Get started in minutes!

Simple, Fast & Accurate Exchange Rates API

 Real-time & Historical Rates

For maximum consistency and unbiased data, exchange rates for 165 world currencies are tracked from multiple sources and blended algorithmically, with historical data back to 1999.

 Suitable For All Applications

The exchange rates API is delivered in simple and portable JSON format with HTTPS and JSONP support, for fast and easy use in any language. Check out the showcase for examples!

Why use Open Exchange Rates?

Live and historical exchange rates for 165 currencies in a simple JSON API.

Unbiased consistency, fantastic email support and documentation.

Free for personal use, a bargain for your business.