Brad Dougherty Staff

Brooklyn, NY

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I help make our player. I don't sit at that desk anymore.

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  1. Sick Animation
  2. Rob Steiner
  3. Jeffrey Bowers
  4. Mackenzie Clark
  5. Matthew Brown
  6. Peter Gerard
  7. Pat White
  8. Andy Thompson
  9. Ben Turner
  10. christophe gillet
  11. Anjali Sud
  12. Joe Cabrera
  13. Vittorio Giovara
  14. Derek Dressler
  15. Thomas Harrington
  16. Damon Mok
  17. Nettie
  18. elitza daskalova

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  1. Vincent H commented on Staff Blog
    Hello, I have the same problem > quality is not HD on my apple TV ! Too bad ! Are you going to fix this problem ?