Ben Turner Staff

Manhattan, NY

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User Bio

Application Engineer, Vimeo.

Formerly: NYU-ITP, Georgetown-MSFS, US Army Arabic linguist/crypto-analyst & paratrooper, MI support for Special Forces unit, Yahoo!/Institute for Study of Diplomacy junior fellow, USAID/DAI, DHS.

Internet-American, love to watch builders build and creators create. Art-tech, basketball, films, music videos.

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  1. Andy Thompson
  2. Alena Amano
  3. Marc Van Olmen
  4. Christine Amorose
  5. Matt and Oz
  6. Zena Koo
  7. Yassine Belhadi
  8. waxpancake
  9. Uday Jhunjhunwala
  10. trent rohner
  11. Tom Arthur
  12. Todd Holoubek
  13. Tim O'Reilly
  14. Thorodd Ommundsen
  15. Steve Budnick
  16. Stacy Edgar
  17. Semhar Araia
  18. Sasha Stewart

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