The Activist

Towards an Intergenerational Left

By David Roddy

So lead, my children, lead the way
Reach back and take my hand
We'll march again, confound them all
Don't quibble at my age
I'll shield you with my brittle bones
I'll nourish you with rage

“Grandma’s Battle Cry,” Sung by Faith Petric, Fast Folk Musical Magazine (Vol. 2, No. 9) Women in Song

In 2011, hundreds of thousands of youth captivated the world by rising against neoliberalism. During this burst of left-wing revitalization, the weakness of the institutional far-left became apparent. Receiving little support from the remnants of 20th century leftist formations, young activists--at least at UC Davis--repeated the maxim “Don’t Trust Anyone Over 30,” a phrase ironically coined over forty years prior.

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YDS Interview with Professor Richard Wolff

Professor Richard Wolff

YDS National Organizer Betsy Avila recently sat down with Richard Wolff, Professor of Economics and visiting professor at The New School in New York. Professor Richard Wolff has published several books including Occupy the Economy: Challenging Capitalism and Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism. Wolff has recently appeared as the featured guest on Moyers & Company and Real Time with Bill Maher.

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Marriage and Socialist Equality

By Brandon Kemp

Equality (on a delightfully red background) / Dallas Voice

With the Supreme Court’s recent decision to decline to hear cases in five states attempting to uphold bans on gay marriage, the path is set for Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin to join the roster of states hopping aboard the matrimonial bandwagon. What’s more, an additional six states with pending appeals against local bans—Colorado, Kansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, and Wyoming—are now assumed to have legal same-sex marriage as well. In other words, for the first time in U.S. history, 30 states plus the District of Columbia will perform same-sex marriages with a majority of the American public expressing support for these unions. The times, they are a-changin’. Still, while there is plenty to celebrate about the very real victories won by the gay rights movement in creating a safer, more open society for (some) queer people, it is important for socialists to also recognize the limitations inherent in the marriage equality project and to make demands that go beyond it.

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YDS Statement on Hong Kong Protests

By the YDS Coordinating Committee

Umbrella-wielding protesters barraged with pepper spray / Mashable

We support and are inspired by the student protesters in Hong Kong. Since 1997, the National People’s Congress of the PRC has promised that the people of Hong Kong would experience truly democratic elections. This year, however, the CCP announced that the slate of candidates for this year's elections would be vetted by Beijing to ensure they prioritize the interests of Hong Kong’s capitalist class. 

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Studying Kyriarchy in Academy

By Melody Yee
Intersectionality /

Kyriarchy refers to the interlocking systems of oppression which characterize modern society. Any hierarchical social relationship in which the domination of one group by another is internalized and institutionalized is encompassed by the term Kyriarchy.

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