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Capitol Hill loses another staffer to Uber

Caught Our Eye Posted by Jenna Ebersole on Thursday, October 30, 2014

As Uber Technologies Inc. surges into cities across the globe - sometimes igniting protests from taxi drivers - the app-based ridesharing service continues to poach from Capitol Hill and other high-powered political positions.

Laura Zapata moved this month from working as press secretary for Rep. Joaquín Castro (D-Texas) to become an Uber communications specialist. She started in Congress as a Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) intern in 2010 before serving as press assistant and legislative correspondent for Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

Vegas trips lead to new job for Dem tech policy aide

Caught Our Eye Posted by Nate Hoffman on Wednesday, October 29, 2014

As a congressional aide, Michael Hayes traveled to the glitzy Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas twice courtesy of the Consumer Electronics Association. He apparently liked it so much that he has now gone to work for them.

Hayes has been hired as a government affairs manager for the electronics industry's trade association. The CEA sponsored Hayes' only two privately financed trips while he was working as a legislative assistant and technology policy aide for Rep. Pete DeFazio (D-Ore.). The Vegas trips cost the CEA $2,820 total.

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Elizabeth @DCGopGirl
House Press Secretary
Yep, still loving StormFeed. Kind of the greatest thing ever
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President, National Forest Counties and Schools Coalition
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Researcher, London School of Economics
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Time On The Hill
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