Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Video Game Allows Players to Murder NRA President


Flashback: Pastor Manning Warns White People Are Ready to Riot

Two Cook County prosecutors suspended in case of man who torched family

The Chicago Sun-Times

My F**k Buddy Was in Skull & Bones

The Hooker Hill Herald

'Cannibal cop' - whose 'mouth watered whole time' during visit with alleged target - denied bail

The New York Post reports:
A Manhattan appeals court refused to release accused NYPD “cannibal cop” Gilberto Valle on bail today after a prosecutor said he described how his “mouth was watering” as he sized up a woman he planned to make his “next meal.”
Yet, Bloomberg and Cuomo think only police should be able to walk around with assault weapons!

HHS’ Sebelius: Despite Opponents, ‘We Will Set Up An Insurance Marketplace in Every State’

CNS News

Meet the Family : William Daley's Brother Who Married Chicago Mob Member's Daughter : John Daley Did Business With Chicago Mob Associate Fred Barbara

There are rumors are flying that former Chief of Staff William Daley may run for Governor. It's flashback time. William has an "famous" brother named John Daley. John Daley married Chicago member Louie "the barber" Briatta's Mary Lou. Just a reminder: John Daley and Louie Briatta's names appear in Sam Giancana's FBI file. Is John Daley now or ever been an associate of organized crime? John Daley is the "finance" guy on the Cook County Board.

Piers Morgan to Ben Shapiro: How about participating in a townhall debate where my other guests and I can berate you?

Hot Air

Citizens File Articles of Impeachment Against Obama

Prison Planet

NRA’s new ad calls Obama ‘elitist hypocrite’

The Washington Post

Black Women Computer-Science Ph.D.s? Guess What Percent.

The National Journal

Obama Facing Impeachment if 2nd Amendment is Violated

Texas Proposal: JAIL Any Federal Officials Trying to Enforce New Gun Restrictions in the State


The Democrats' 2016 Contenders Are Betting on Gun Control

The New Republic

Meese: Obama Risks Impeachment If He Uses Executive Order for Gun Control


Sandy wrecked our house, but bureaucrats are keeping it broken

The Wall Street Journal

Brown looks to fee hikes to fund courts

The L.A. Times

Gang of men 'who groomed young girls for sex drove terrified victim, 14, to the woods at night and threatened to cut her head off'

The Daily Mail reports:
The terrified victim of a child sex gang was driven to woods and told she would have her head cut off by her attackers after she refused them sex, a court has heard.
Who are these guys?
A gang of nine men face accusations of grooming and horrifically abusing vulnerable girls from the age of 11 - making their lives a 'living hell. The men, all from Oxford, allegedly plied six girls with alcohol, cocaine and heroin before repeatedly raping them. Kamar Jamil, 27, Akthtar Dogar, 32, Anjum Dogar, 30, Assad Hussain, 32, Mohammed Karrar, 38, Bassam Karrar, 26, Mohammed Hussain, 24, Zeeshan Ahmed, 27, and Bilal Ahmed, 26, deny the charges against them.
No word yet from the gun banner crowd on this one.

Hoyer: Deal to raise federal debt limit must include new revenues

The Hill reports:
Rejecting GOP ultimatums, Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Tuesday that new revenues must accompany spending cuts as Congress prepares to jump headfirst into a series of high-stakes budget debates.

Gallup: Gun control way down the list of concerns for Americans

Hot Air

Here’s What Deregulation Looks Like in the Obama Administration: $2.5 Billion in Rules Wiped From the Books, $236 Billion Added


Flashback: Alex Jones Attacks Chicago Politicians As Mafia Thugs

Report: Walmart Forbids New Ammunition Orders

Infowars reports:
According to some customers, Walmart has forbidden store managers from re-ordering ammunition inventory until further notice, raising fears that the Obama administration’s gun control agenda is already being enacted via the back door.

Limits on consumers’ Internet use fuel calls for federal investigation

The Hill

Entitlement America: Who benefits?

CNN Money

(Video) Pete Townshend Makes Fun of Hippies

Coulter On Gun Violence: ‘If You Compare White Populations, We Have The Same Murder Rate As Belgium’


Coughing for two weeks? You still don't need antibiotic

USA Today reports:
Typical coughs last longer than many people think and that mismatch between reality and expectations leads many to demand useless antibiotics, doctors say.

Top-paying jobs for community college grads

The Philadelphia Inquirer

MSNBC's Martin Bashir Disgustingly Compares the NRA to Hitler

Newsbusters reports:
MSNBC's Martin Bashir, the man who compared Rick Santorum to Stalin, on Monday declared that the National Rifle Association "deserved to be equated with Hitler." The arch-liberal cable anchor highlighted NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre's contention that disarming the Jews partly contributed to the Holocaust. A horrified Bashir asserted, "And so with that theory being promoted by the NRA, we've seen the most abject and abhorrent suggestion that the President of the United States is somehow the equivalent of Hitler" on the issue of firearms.
No word yet from Martin Bashir on how GE funded Hitler.

ObamaCare's War on Young People: It’s not Warren Buffett who is going to suffer from the Affordable Care Act.

The National Review

General McChrystal: Time to think about bringing back the draft?

Hot Air

Morsi’s Slurs Against Jews Stir Concern

The New York Times

Wall Street Pay Gets Tougher Look

The Wall Street Journal

Wal-Mart Pledges to Hire 100,000 Veterans

The Washington Post reports:
Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world’s largest retailer and nation’s largest private employer, is making a pledge to boost its sourcing from domestic suppliers and hire more than 100,000 veterans.

New York, Maryland Governors Hot on Gun Control at Political Risk

ABC News

Top ten trends to watch in finance for 2013: No. 1 is the ‘revenge of John Bogle’ and the ‘ETFication’ of investing

Carpe Diem

(Video) Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill: Washington's Latest Spending Spree

Find the Perfect Sleep Position

The Wall Street Journal reports:
Experts say there is no one right way to sleep. But for people with certain types of pain and medical conditions, there are positions that can help keep problems from getting worse and may even alleviate them. In some cases, sleeping in the same position night after night can itself create pain, such as neck or shoulder problems.

Technology fast becoming a lost pet’s best friend

The Boston Globe

Hospitals stripped of cash bribes for ‘death pathway’ in shake-up of controversial end-of-life regime

The Daily Mail reports:
Hospitals will no longer be able to profit simply by putting dying patients on the Liverpool Care Pathway. NHS trusts have been receiving six-figure sums for using the controversial end-of-life regime. But care minister Norman Lamb said these ‘bribes’ would have to stop unless it was shown suffering had been reduced.
Great moments in socialist medicine.

Obamacare mandate may be ‘mandate plus’


MSNBC Host: We Are ‘Endangering Ourselves’ by Owning Guns…We Need Obama to ‘Save Us’

The Blaze

Chicago Mob Linked Company Has Hidden investors in controversial city janitorial contract

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
The head of a janitorial company didn’t disclose that he had sold a major stake in the business during the time it pursued and landed a city contract worth almost $100 million, even though the city requires bidders to provide “current” ownership information.
For more on Rick Simon click on this.

Monday, January 14, 2013


Professor Carroll Quigley

UN’s $5.7B anti-poverty agency doesn’t do much to reduce poverty, according to its own assessment

Fox News

Alex Jones Overtakes Chicago Tribune


NYU coeds looking for 'sugar daddies' to help pay tuition, book fees

The New York Post reports:
Comely coeds struggling with the cost of tuition and books are turning to a new source of income -- sugar daddies. And nowhere are there more coeds looking for rich benefactors than New York University, where last year, nearly 300 young women signed up for memberships at an online relationship site that promises a “mutually beneficial” arrangement. The site, SeekingArrangement.com, has also signed up hundreds of young women from Columbia, Cornell and Syracuse.
Great moments of higher education!

The Budget Talks -- Advantage: Republicans

Big government promoter Robert Kuttner reports:
Unless President Obama drastically changes his goals and his tactics, the current round of budget negotiations can only lead to deeper spending cuts.

Fed Chief Sees Bond Buys Continuing

The Wall Street Journal

Government Policies are Killing Our Republic

MEMO TO HOUSE REPUBLICANS: Start drafting Articles of Impeachment in case of lawless debt ceiling hike

Doug Ross

Bernanke: Debt limit should be scrapped

The Hill reports:
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Monday said the debt ceiling has no value to the United States and should be scrapped. "It would be a good thing if we didn't have it," the Fed chairman said at the University of Michigan.
Said like a true inflationist!

In Midtown Miami , condo boom’s leftovers dwindle

The Miami Herald

Top Dems urging Obama to raise debt ceiling all voted against increase in 2006

The Washington Examiner reports:
On March 16, 2006, the Senate held a vote on a measure to raise the debt ceiling by $781 billion — the fourth such vote of George W. Bush’s presidency. Republicans controlled the Senate, and Democrats spent much of the debate railing against Bush’s spending. “When it comes to deficits, this president owns all the records,” said Reid. “The three largest deficits in our nation’s history have all occurred under this administration’s watch.” Declaring themselves outraged by such spending, Reid, Durbin, Schumer, and Murray all voted against raising the debt limit. So did every other Democrat — including Sen. Barack Obama. But on Friday, the four lawmakers urged now-President Obama not only to raise the ceiling but to do it in a constitutionally risky fashion by going over the head of Congress.

Emanuel seeks to settle 2 cop misconduct cases for nearly $33 million

The Chicago Tribune

Obama Would Rather Talk About Gun Control Than 60% Debt Increase

USA Today

43% Of New Nurses Can't Find Work

CNN Money reports:
It's a problem well documented by the nursing industry. About 43% of newly licensed RNs still do not have jobs within 18 months after graduation, according to a survey conducted by the American Society of Registered Nurses.
Great moments of ObamaCare.

Investors exit funds for 6th straight year

USA Today

Obama Phone Lady on Alex Jones Show (1-14-13)

Obama phone lady appears at the 1 hour and 33 minute marker of the video.

Americans Buy Enough Guns in Last Two Months to Outfit the Entire Chinese and Indian Armies

Gateway Pundit

Gangland Detroit Mob documentary part 1: Detroit's Mafia's founding fathers

Camden, NJ Agrees to Pay $3.5M to Victims of Police Corruption

Infowars reports:
The City of Camden has agreed to pay $3.5 million in damages to 88 people whose convictions were overturned because of widespread corruption in the Camden Police Department. The settlement stems from a series of lawsuits filed against Camden Police in federal district court and state superior court over the last two years, after five officers were charged with a number of federal civil rights violations from conduct involving evidence planting, fabrication of reports and evidence, and perjury.

Chicago to Pay $10.25 Million in Police Torture Case: The Legacy of Corrupt Cop Jon Burge Continues to Make History

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
Chicago will pay $10.25 million to compensate a man who spent 26 years in prison for a murder he did not commit because of an alleged cover-up engineered by now-convicted former Area 2 Commander Jon Burge.
Yet, Rahm Emanuel and many Cook County Democrats think ONLY police should have semi-automatic weapons!

Mob Underboss Anthony Zerilli Says Hoffa Left In Shallow Grave

CBS News

Obama health czar: Obamacare is driving up insurance rates before it drives them down

The Washington Examiner

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Full Transcript of President Obama’s Press Conference (1-14-13)

The New York Times

Obama: Some Gun Control Measures 'I Can Accomplish Through Executive Action'

The Weekly Standard

Keep Calm and Carry Concealed


Al Capone - The Untouchable Legend

Information Liberated: Jeffrey Tucker on How Digital Media Subverts Government

Reason T.V.

Exclusive: Andy We Hardly Knew Ye: Sullivan Unceremoniously Dumped by Daily Beast

Big Journalism

California's Demographic Dilemma

New Geography reports:
Particularly troubling has been the relative decline in Asian immigrants, whose numbers now surpass Hispanics, and who also tend to be better educated than other newcomers. An analysis of migration of Asians conducted by demographer Wendell Cox, shows Asians heading increasingly to places like Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, Raleigh, N.C., and Nashville, Tenn. Still home to the largest concentration of Asian-Americans, the L.A. Basin's growth rate is now among the lowest in the nation, 24 percent in the past decade, compared with 39 percent in New York, and more than 70 percent in Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston.

Gun Control and Political Correctness

Robert Anderson

Obama Phone Lady Comes To See Alex Jones in Texas


Platinum Set to Hit Parity With Gold, but Comeback May Be a Blip

Reuters reports:
Platinum is set to reach parity with gold after rallies in recent weeks sent the metal's discount to gold to its narrowest in nine months, but it may be too early to declare platinum's comeback since economic recovery remains weak, especially in Europe.

Glenn Beck is planning a $2 billion libertarian commune in Texas

Boing Boing

Koch film’s ‘gay’ furor

The New York Post

Lawsuit: 'Sham' United Airlines Office Dodges Cook County Sales Tax

The Chicago Sun-Times on Cook County is upset with lower taxes elsewhere.

Sen. Schumer Asks Gun Retailers To Stop Sales As Congress Debates

CBS News

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Son of Larry Abraham on the Alex Jones Show: None Dare Call It Conspiracy

Flashback: Education is the Key- Congressman Larry McDonald

Journalists in Greece Are Becoming Targets

The New York Times

Ron Paul Warns of 2nd American Revolution if Obama Bans Guns with Executive Order

We re-post this one.

Hitler Has a Following in India

Bloomberg Businessweek

California's debt still a heavy cloud over state's future

The L.A. Times reports:
Gov. Jerry Brown's new budget presented a plan to pay back nearly $28 billion owed, but various sources estimate the state's debt at hundreds of billions.

Republicans Prepare to Wave White Flag Again, This Time On Debt Ceiling; "Temporary, Partial, Non-Threats"


Democrats Move to Strip Political Enemies of the Right to Own Firearms

Prison Planet

The Problem with Hurricane Sandy Aid

NYT: Democrats Behaving Badly

The New York Times

Tea party looks to D.C. insiders for help, cash


Ed Asner Adds His Voice to ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ Protest

The New York Times

Newly unemployed lawmakers buzzing about million-dollar lobbying jobs

The Hill

How to Build a Computer for Gaming (2012) Part One

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

The Washington Post

NYT: no net job growth since 2005

The New York Times

Dow, Alcoa for ‘rent-seekers/protectionists of the year’ award

Carpe Diem

400-pound woman who plunged through UES sidewalk says size saved her life

The New York Post

Howard Stern on Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan Debate

Prison Planet

Video Captures Palestinians Kicking, Pushing & Attacking Jews With Ice and Snow Outside Jerusalem’s Old City

The Blaze

Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream - and Why It Matters

Dr. Helen Smith has a new book coming out. For all you college ladies wondering where are the guys on campus? You might want to read the book.

Sandy Hook Shooting: Active-Shooter Drill Confirmed by Law Enforcement Raises Suspicion of False Flag Operation

Prison Planet

In Minnesota, Democrat Party Grandmas Gather Data About Their Neighbors

Pro Publica reports:
In Minnesota, Democratic volunteers scour their local newspapers each morning for letters to the editor with a political slant. They pay attention to the names of callers on radio shows. They drive through their neighborhoods and jot down the addresses of campaign lawn signs. Then they feed the information into a state Democratic Party database that includes nearly every voter in Minnesota.
The Democratic party really does embrace the surveillance state!

Jerry Brown pressing for efficiencies at California's universities

The Sacramento Bee reports:
In his budget proposal, Brown said that while "other public agencies were retrenching, UC expenditures increased by 15 percent and CSU expenditures increased by 3 percent" since 2007. He lamented that only 16 percent of CSU students complete degrees within four years and 60 percent of students do so at UC.
The great moments of Blue America.

'Girls' Star Lena Dunham Compares Republicans To Nazis


Alex Jones Melts Down On HuffPost Live 'YOU'RE IN DANGER! YOU'RE IN DANGER!

California's lobby laws keep many influence-peddling details secret

The Sacramento Bee reports:
Interest groups that spend the most money trying to influence policy in California's Capitol spend the bulk of it in secret, including hiring former politicians as consultants and launching ad campaigns to push their agenda with virtually no financial disclosure.
We'll bet Robert Reich and Robert Kuttner aren't too bothered by California style government.

The End of Dating?

The New York Times reports:
Instead of dinner-and-a-movie, which seems as obsolete as a rotary phone, they rendezvous over phone texts, Facebook posts, instant messages and other “non-dates” that are leaving a generation confused about how to land a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Great moments of Blue America.

Who favors more freedom, liberals or conservatives?

Wyoming lawmakers introduce bill to nullify federal gun control measures, jail federal agents

The Daily Caller

Michael Barone: History suggests that era of entitlements is nearly over

The Washington Examiner

Over 50, and Under No Illusions

The New York Times reports:
For millions of Americans over 50, this isn’t a bad dream — it’s grim reality. The recession and its aftermath have hit older workers especially hard. People 55 to 64 — an age range when many start to dream of kicking back — are having a particularly hard time finding new jobs. For a vast majority of this cohort, being thrown out of work means months of fruitless searching and soul-crushing rejection.
An article worth your time.

Former NH state senator and ’60s anti-war activist says we can take ‘reasonable anti-massacre precautions’. 2nd Amendment not in any danger

Brenda Elliot

Fed transferred $88.9 billion in profits to U.S. Treasury last year

Reuters reports:
The Federal Reserve pumped a record $88.9 billion into the U.S. Treasury last year, the spoils of big profits made on its vast holdings of securities, the U.S. central bank said on Thursday.

Sen. Rubio: Obama has 'poisoned the well for people' on immigration reform

The Hill

HYPOCRISY: Top Dems urging Obama to raise debt ceiling all voted against increase in ’06.
