Hoover Institution
Hoover Institution
Rally in Chicago, part of the Great American Boycott and 2006 US immigration reform protests, on May 1, 2006.
Rally in Chicago, part of the Great American Boycott and 2006 US immigration reform protests.

Condoleezza Rice cochairs national commission on immigration

The Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) announced the formation of a Task Force on Immigration to develop a politically viable package of policy recommendations and to work with Congress to help pass immigration reform. The task force is cochaired by Hoover Institution senior fellow Condoleezza Rice. Click here to read the BPC's news release.

The 18th Party Congress: Testing the Limits of Institutionalization
Joseph Fewsmith notes the recent 18th Party Congress, convened only after a year of extremely contentious politics, surprised by generating a leadership group that appeared lopsided in favor of supporters of former general secretary Jiang Zemin.
Joseph W. Stilwell, circa 1917.
Joseph W. Stilwell, circa 1917.

Joseph Stilwell’s Diaries, 1900–1939 and 1945–46, Available Online

Joseph Stilwell began his diary in the early 1900s and kept it up, to a greater or lesser extent, until his death in 1946. Now those decades of diaries, including observations on his travels through China, Japan, and the Philippines before World War II, are available on the Hoover Archives website.

Ambassador King visits Hoover
Hsiao-ting Lin (left), shows Ambassador Pu-tsung King, Daniel K.Y. Lin, and Jay Wong items from Hoover's East Asian Collection.

Ambassador King visits Hoover

Ambassador Pu-tsung King, representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) and Vice Mayor of Taipei from 2002 to 2006, visited the Hoover Institution and toured its modern China collections on Friday, February 15, 2013. He was accompanied by Bruce Fuh, director-general of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco, Jay Wong and Daniel K.Y. Lin, who are also directors of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco.

February 15, 2013 | Wall Street Journal

Generational Theft Needs to Be Arrested

February 15, 2013 | Sacramento Bee

Brown, Show Some Grit in Dealing With Perry

February 14, 2013 | Corner (National Review Online)

Obama for Governor!

February 13, 2013 | EconLog

Must Default Be Avoided at All Costs?

February 14, 2013 | National Review Online

The Decline of America

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Library and Archives
February 15, 2013

Friday Finds: Love and War

Letters from Truman Smith to his wife Katharine, 1918-1919, Truman Smith Papers,

With Valentine's Day still in the air, our thoughts turn to love and romance. In 1917, Truman Smith, an army lieutenant and Yale University graduate, married Katharine Alling Hollister at a summer home on Long Island. Shortly after their wedding, Smith became company and battalion commander of the Fourth Infantry, fighting in the Marne and Meuse-Argonne battles with the American Expeditionary Forces in France.

February 13, 2013

Funding Loyalty: From Communist Party Inc to Russia Inc

Funding Loyalty: The Economics of the Communist Party, by Eugenia Belova and Val

When the Soviet Union collapsed at the end of 1991, its vast ranks of bureaucrats and party officials successfully transitioned into post-Soviet business and politics. Twenty years later, those same party and state officials, who populated the ranks of the elite nomenklatura or had begun their ascent up the communist ladder, are among the most successful.

February 12, 2013

Stepanov family papers find home in Hoover Archive

Alexandra Kollontai, a Bolshevik feminist and ambassador to Mexico and Sweden, t

This collection should interest researchers studying both Soviet feminism and the Soviet propaganda system. Anna Abramovna Stepanova (Faikina) (1910–87), a journalist, participated in a 10,000–kilometer Women’s Auto Race in honor of Stalin’s constitution in 1936; the race is documented in a number of photographs and associated materials. In other photographs, she and her husband, Aleksandr Vasil’evich Stepanov (1906–65), are shown with I. G. Bolshakov, the Soviet minister of cinematography from 1946 to 1953, S. A. Lozovskii, head of the Sovinformbiuro (the official news and propaganda agency of the Soviet government, formed during the Second World War), as well as Soviet military leaders Marshals V.D. Sokolovskii and S. M. Budennyi.

February 6, 2013

Sound Recordings of Activities at Stanford University Digitized

Audio tape

Audiotapes documenting various activities at Stanford University and the Hoover Institution have been digitized by Hoover’s audio lab for preservation and access. They include the proceedings of the Far Western Slavic Conference, held at Stanford in 1959, which concerned the history, politics, foreign relations, economy society, and literature of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

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News Update
February 14, 2013 | Defining Ideas (Hoover Institution)

Property Rights and the Environment

Hoover launches “The Libertarian” podcast

Richard Epstein, the Peter and Kirsten Bedford Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, discusses what a new Supreme Court case tells us about government's ability to abuse landowners under the guise of environmental protection, how the courts have mishandled land use issues, and what a more market-friendly system could do to solve the problem.

February 12, 2013 | Opinion Journal (Wall Street Journal)

Robinson discusses writing a State of the Union speech on the WSJ’s Opinion Journal

Peter Robinson

Peter Robinson, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and from 1983 to 1988 a special assistant and speechwriter to President Ronald Reagan, weighs in on what goes into the most high-profile speech a president can give. Robinson also discusses whether the president will discuss developing issues like North Korea.

February 12, 2013

Constitutional Conservatism: Liberty, Self-Government, and Political Moderation by Hoover fellow Peter Berkowitz

Constitutional Conservatism: Liberty, Self-Government, and Political Moderation

Hoover Institution Press released Constitutional Conservatism: Liberty, Self-Government, and Political Moderation, by Peter Berkowitz. Berkowitz contends that constitutional conservatism encompasses a distinguished tradition of defending liberty that stretches from the great eighteenth century British statesman Edmund Burke through the authoritative exposition of the Constitution in The Federalist to the high points of post-World War II American conservatism.

February 11, 2013 | Advancing a Free Society

Podcast: Cyberwarfare, biotechnology, and robotics

Benjamin Wittes

Benjamin Wittes, a member of the Jean Perkins Task Force on National Security and Law at the Hoover Institution, examines cyberwarfare, as well as the potential dangers arising from biotechnology and robotics, and looks at what the Obama Administration can do to address these growing national security challenges.

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