courtesy of Gregory Lind Gallery

Barbara Takenaga, Minus Red, 2012, acrylic on wood panel, 24 x 20 inches


Pictures from Pieces

November 30, 2012

Hollis Taggart Galleries is presenting an exhibition on the important role of collage in Abstract Expressionism, featuring works by Mary Abbott, Conrad Marca-Relli, Robert Natkin, Robert Motherwell, and others of note. "Collage was the quintessential…

Abiding Pulse

Cleve Gray at Loretta Howard Gallery

November 16, 2012

Loretta Howard Gallery, continuing at the forefront of exhibitions of abstractionists who deserve to be known better, is currently showing paintings by Cleve Gray from the mid-1970s. "These works highlight the artist’s lifelong study of Japanese and…

A Time for Patience

November 2, 2012

As Chelsea art galleries reel from the destruction wrought by Hurricane Sandy, it may be time to trek to the Upper East Side, where the Frick Collection has just unveiled a striking Van Gogh portrait on loan from California. "Portrait of a Peasant…


Office Pool for 2013

By IRA STOLL, Special to the Sun
December 17, 2012

With apologies and thanks to William Safire: 1. At year-end, the junior senator from Massachusetts is a) Deval Patrick, who stepped down from the governor’s office to run for the post to gain Washington experience in advance of a 2016 presidential run…

How the Shouting Match of the Pundits Goes Back to Vietnam

By CONRAD BLACK, Special to the Sun
December 14, 2012

It will not become a fortnightly event for me to ride like the Seventh Cavalry to the assistance of News Corporation or its leader, and it is only a coincidence that I take up on what is apparently an effort at satire at the expense of Fox News. It…

Stock Market Expects a Deal at the Edge of the Budget Cliff

By LAWRENCE KUDLOW, Special to the Sun
December 11, 2012

Despite all the hullabaloo in the press about the fiscal cliff and a potential recession if none of the Bush tax cuts are extended, stock markets have behaved calmly throughout this whole period. As of this writing today, the Dow is up 100 points. I’m…


Three Ex-Governors — Wilson, Pataki, and Weld — Could Point The Way Forward for GOP

By IRA STOLL, Special to the Sun
December 24, 2012

How can the Republican Party — or the center-right political movement in this country generally — dig itself out of the hole it’s in? That’s the question being asked after two months in which the Republican Party lost a presidential election, had its…

Yes, Virginia ...

Editorial of The New York Sun
December 21, 2012

We take pleasure in answering thus prominently the communication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of The Sun:

Dear Editor—

I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, "If you see it in The Sun, it's so." Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?

Virginia O'Hanlon
115 West Ninety Fifth Street

Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see.

American Party System Sets Stage for Elevation of a Strong Leader To Lead a Reform

By CONRAD BLACK, Special to the Sun
December 21, 2012

There are many lamentations, not least audibly from me, about the gridlock and general current futility of the U.S. political system, as well as the comparative mediocrity of most high officeholders, a trans-partisan problem. I was bemoaning to a…

If Congress Goes Over the Cliff, GOP Tax Cut Is Sure To Follow

By LAWRENCE KUDLOW, Special to the Sun
December 21, 2012

When you lose an election you get frustrated. When you’re sitting in a subpar 2% economy and are faced with tax hikes rather than marginal rate reductions, you get even more frustrated. When you’re staring at $47 trillion in spending over the next ten…

Bloomberg’s Blunderbuss

Editorial of The New York Sun
December 21, 2012

What are New Yorkers supposed to make of Mayor Bloomberg’s claim to be the biggest defender of the Second Amendment? The mayor made the claim in his weekly address. We read about it on the Drudge Report, which links to the New York Observer. “I don’t…


Robert Bork

Editorial of The New York Sun
December 20, 2012

Judge Bork, who died yesterday at the age of 85, will be widely remembered as a man who, save for one of the most scandalous performances by any United States Senate, could have been a justice of the Supreme Court or even Chief Justice of the United…

The Hagel Backlash

Editorial of The New York Sun
December 19, 2012

President Obama faces a backlash on Capitol Hill if he nominates Senator Hagel, who formerly represented Nebraska in the upper chamber, to be secretary of defense. That’s the report from Reuters, which characterizes the backlash as “growing” and as…

Kagan on the Second

Editorial of The New York Sun
December 18, 2012

There have been so many irresponsible statements by those seeking to exploit the tragedy at Newtown, Connecticut, that it’s hard to keep up with them, but for the combination of arrogance and inaccuracy one can’t beat the editorial the New York Times ran out this week under the headline “Personal Guns and the Second Amendment.”


Invasion of the Body Snatchers: Now the Liberals Covet the Corpses of Milton Friedman, Ronald Reagan

By R. EMMETT TYRRELL, Jr., Special to the Sun
August 1, 2012

Milton Friedman, the great economist, was one of a handful of intellectuals whose work forms the foundation for the modern conservative movement. He has been dead since 2006, but this week would be his centennial. He lived a long and prodigious life…

How Elizabeth II Burnished Her Monarchy and Earned Dividends for Britain

By CONRAD BLACK, Special to the Sun
June 11, 2012

There may seem to be little left to add to descriptions of the mighty celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth II. But a reflection on comparative government is timely. Of the major powers, only the governments of…

Strategic, Economic Crises Edging Closer in a World Without Leadership

By CONRAD BLACK, Special to the Sun
May 31, 2012

The world is now somnambulating toward bone-cracking economic and strategic crises, sporadically and intermittently aware that grave outcomes impend, and generally aware that it is all very unsatisfactory, but afflicted by various versions of…

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