Forest sell-off abandoned: I'm sorry, I got it wrong, says Caroline Spelman

Environment secretary apologises to MPs as she confirms the government has abandoned plans to sell off England's forests amid widespread criticism
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Caroline Spelman, the environment secretary, has issued an unequivocal apology to the House of Commons after taking personal responsibility for the "wrong" decision to change the ownership of 258,000 hectares of state-owned woodland.

Tory MPs listened initially in silence as Spelman said the government had listened to people's concerns during what she described as a "difficult time".

Spelman, who agreed with David Cameron to bring forward the announcement of her U-turn by 24 hours to allow MPs to be informed before their half-term break, opened with a simple statement. "I would first like to say that I take full responsibility for the situation that brings me before the house today," she said.

Tory MPs, who had been warning Downing Street of a backlash across the country against the sell-off plans, sat mostly in silence as Spelman offered an apology.

"I am sorry, we got this one wrong, but we have listened to people's concerns," Spelman said. "I would like to thank colleagues for their support through what has been a difficult time. I now want to move forward in step with the public."

Gerald Kaufman, the veteran Labour MP for Manchester Gorton, said Spelman had performed a humiliating climbdown. He said: "Is it not this humiliating climbdown a tribute to the anger of huge numbers of people who said they would not have this? Is it not deplorable that you have been forced to stand in the corner with the dunce's cap on your head by a cabinet which drove the whole lot of them to vote the opposite two weeks ago?"

Spelman replied: "It is only humiliating if you are afraid to say sorry. We teach our children to say sorry."

The environment secretary used her statement to announce three steps:

• The consultation on selling off forests will be shelved. "I have taken a decision to end the consultation on the future of the public forest estate and I take full responsibility for that," Spelman said. "I am doing so because it is quite clear from the early responses to the consultation that the public and many honourable members are not happy with the proposals we set out."

• The government will remove clauses from the public bodies bill that would allow the government to sell off all of England's forests. Under current laws only 15% of forests can be sold.

• An independent panel to consider the future of forestry in England will be established and will report by the autumn. The panel will advise Spelman on the future direction of forestry and woodland policy in England, on the role of the Forestry Commission and on the role of the Public Forest Estate.

Spelman told MPs: "If there is one clear message from this experience, it is that people cherish their forests and woodlands and the benefits they bring. My first priority throughout this period of debate has been securing a sustainable future for our woodlands and forests."

Downing Street insisted the prime minister had full confidence in Spelman, who had not offered to resign. A spokesman for Cameron said: "He has spoken to her in the last 24 hours, certainly. He has always been clear that we were going to listen. That is what consultation is all about."

Asked about the U-turn after a speech on welfare speech in London, the prime minister said: "If you launch a policy consultation and you get a very strong and clear response, it is the right thing to do to be a listening government and respond to that."

Mary Creagh, the shadow environment secretary, taunted Spelman in the Commons over the U-turn, saying: "Today the air is filled with the sound of chickens coming home to roost. The secretary of state has discovered that her first priority – delivering the 30% cut which she inflicted on her department – has a hefty political price attached to it.

"Half a million people have marched, mountain biked and petitioned against her sale of the century. They objected to the once in a lifetime offer to buy something that they already collectively own."

Creagh added: "Can I conclude by congratulating the environment secretary on one thing? She is probably the only cabinet minister in living memory to have united the Socialist Workers' party and the National Trust in opposition to her plans."

Spelman was given prominent cabinet support as George Osborne, Iain Duncan Smith, Andrew Mitchell and the chief whip, Patrick McLoughlin, sat on the front bench in a public display of support.

Colin Butfield, head of campaigns at WWF-UK, said: "A massive tide of public support has forced a welcome scrapping of the government's controversial and unpopular plans to sell or lease off much of the UK's forests.

"Today is unquestionably a massive victory; more than half a million people signed 38 Degrees' petition and many hundreds more in local groups across the country stood up to protect their local patch of forest, with stunning results.

"We look forward to greater certainty about the future management of our forests.

"Whatever detail emerges from the independent panel, it's especially important that future plans retain Forest Stewardship Council certification and measures that guarantee good management, specifically for protecting habitats and biodiversity."

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