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Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear and Ohio Governor John Kasich today signed an agreement that describes in broad terms how their two states will cooperatively build a new bridge over the Ohio River between Cincinnati and Covington. December 12, 2012.
Careful, there, Kasich. You're letting your sanity show.
Goal Thermometer
Republican Gov. John Kasich got a lot of attention on Monday for acknowledging reality when he said that Obamacare repeal is "not gonna happen." Then he went even deeper, saying that the "political or ideological" opposition to Obamacare—and, in particular, Medicaid expansion—doesn't "hold water against real flesh and blood, and real improvements in people's lives." Two thoughts spring to mind reading that. Either John Kasich has given up any presidential aspirations or Kasich is seeing a shift in his party away from Obamacare insanity.

As it turns out, it's neither of those things, because Kasich immediately "clarified" his position.

"I don't back Obamacare. I never have. I want it to be repealed," he told The Washington Post in a telephone interview. "If the House and the Senate [are Republican-controlled] and we have a Republican president, Obamacare will be repealed flat out. Flat out. And it will be replaced."
So much for "real improvements in people's lives." But that's not the best part. He goes full McConnell in his backtracking talk with Politico.
"I have favored expanding Medicaid, but I don't really see expanding Medicaid as really connected to Obamacare,” he said.

If Republicans take the Senate, Kasich said, "you better believe they’re gonna repeal Obamacare and I agree with that.” But, he added, “there’s got to be an accommodation” for Medicaid expansion.

Just like if Obamacare is completely repealed Kentucky can still have Kynect. Maybe he figures of Mitch McConnell can try to get away with pretending like all the good stuff sticks around when the law that created it is destroyed, he can do it, too. Especially if he wants to be president someday.
Enough of the bullshit. Help elect some good Democrats to end it once and for all.

Defeat Mitch McConnell in just two hours. Sign up to make GOTV calls to Democrats.
Why Republicans—even Kasich, who clearly knows better—are still trying to keep one foot in repeal-land with the other foot in reality is all about the base. According to the latest Kaiser poll, 62 percent of the rabid, dead-ender Republican base cannot let go of repeal. Never mind that it's a shrinking subset of the voting population. It's the people who will turn out in a Republican primary. They're the only ones who matter, ultimately.

Originally posted to Joan McCarter on Tue Oct 21, 2014 at 12:58 PM PDT.

Also republished by Daily Kos, Central Ohio Kossacks, and KasichWatch.

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